A new system that scans customers’ fingerprints and deducts (扣除) the grocery bil

A new system that scans customers’ fingerprints and deducts (扣除) the grocery bil


A new system that scans customers’ fingerprints and deducts (扣除) the grocery bill from their bank accounts has taken supermarkets in southwestern Germany by storm and is being picked up by hardware stores, school restaurants and even bars are picking it up.
The Edeka supermarket chain is the first retail (零售) business in Germany to use the new system. “Almost a quarter of our customers pay with their fingers,” said an employee at the headquarters. Edeka has tried the system at 70 of its supermarkets and customers like it.
“At first we thought that only the young who really keep up with the latest technology would be interested, but we were wrong,” said Stefan Sewoester from IT Werke. “Almost two-thirds of the people who use the system are 40 and older,” he said.
IT Werke, a computer company, is one of the pioneers of fingerprint payment software in Germany. It has helped about 150 shops, restaurants and bars to put in the fingerprint scanning machines.
To sign up for the service, customers must have their fingerprints taken and leave their addresses and banking details with the shop. The shop then takes the cost of goods directly out of the customer’s bank account.
“It is a godsend for elderly people because they do not have to remember their pin-code to pay with their bank cards, or to look around for their glasses or cash.” Sewoester said.
The stores benefit from the system, too. It saves more than time in the check-out line. It also cuts out the hidden costs of accepting electronic card payments.
Fingerprint date profiling has long been used to control access and for other security purposes in Germany’s airports, laboratories and nuclear power plants. IT Werke plans to keep refining the retail use of the system. It wants to introduce fingerprint payment in school restaurants with an additional feature that might appeal to parents-they could disable their children’s access to junk food.
1. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A. Pay with Fingers.                                                B. New Development in Technology.
C. Supermarket Revolution.                                 D. Change in Computer Software.
2. Most of the people who use the fingerprint system are ______.
A. youngsters                B. housewives               C. IT fans              D. the elderly
3. The underlined word “godsend” probably means ______.
A. great fortune    sent by God                          B. good luck sent by God
C. good things that happen unexpectedly                    D. gift sent by God
4. What do we know by inference from the passage?
A. Fewer shops will try the new software because of the cost.
B. The new service requires certain personal information.
C. IT Werke should be the largest computer company in Germany.
D. The new change in payment only benefits elderly people.



第三部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分 40分)
For most Chinese university students, the US is a favorite destination for further education. But apart from obstacles such as the GRE and TOEFL exams, choosing a good graduate school is no easy task.
Admission is very competitive for international students, so it is important to apply for a number of institutions to have a reasonable chance of acceptance.
Since the application to most universities requires a certain fee, Chinese students usually choose seven to 17 universities according to their own financial circumstances.
Wang Yuwei, a Zhejiang University graduate, sent applications to 15 US universities.
When the 24-year-old girl began looking for a US graduate school in her senior year, she took time to compare the various schools and find the ones most suiting her needs. Now, studying at the University of Washington, she knows that her hard work paid off.
“To broaden your chances, at least one third of the applications should be to less selective schools,” said Wang. “Applicants shouldn’t limit their choices to the most famous institutions.”
Furthermore, one shouldn’t rely on too much on college rankings such as the Gorman Report or US News & World Report’s annual league tables.
The right school is the one that best meets your own personal needs and interests, rather than someone else’s assessment of an institution’s prestige(声望).
“Usually choices are based on one’s personal interests and academic background, but it is important to make sure that your chosen subject is satisfying,” said Wang.  
1. The author believes that the right school is the one that _____.
A. has the best location
B. offers good living conditions
C. best meets one’s assessment of an institution’s prestige
D. best meets one’s own personal needs and interests
2. According to this passage, what can we judge?
A. To go abroad for further education, you must pass the GRE or TOTEL.
B. Choosing a good graduate school is a piece of cake.
C. More and more students will go abroad for their further education.
D. To get a better chance to go abroad, you’d better apply for a less selective school.
3. In the passage the writer uses the example of Wang Yuwei to show ______.
A. you must spend a lot of time comparing the various schools
B. it is necessary to find the suitable university that meets your personal interests
C. it isn’t worthwhile to spend time looking for the right university
D. one’s own financial circumstances is worth considering
4. What will be continued after this passage?
A. How hard Chinese students studied in America.
B. Some advice on how to take care of yourself in America.
C. Some other things to consider to choose the right school.
D. The difficulties you will meet with while living in America
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How did a high school football coach build a championship dynasty by never playing to win? In Smith Center, Kansas, Roger Barta, 64, a longtime coach and former math teacher at Smith Center High School, wearing a red shirt, stood before his players.“…Guys.We don"t talk about winning and losing.We talk about getting a little better every day, about being a team.” Over the next four months, his team went on to beat other teams, winning another perfect season.
Barta grew up in Plainville, and when a back injury ended Barta"s playing career, he wasn"t sure whether he wanted to be a college student.One summer, he took a job in the Kansas oil fields.It took him a single rainy day of working in the field to realize that university was for him.“I almost froze to death,” he says.He looked around at his co-workers, who were aged beyond their years."They were all missing fingers and teeth.I didn"t want to do that for the rest of my life."
He returned to Fort Hays State to earn a mathematics degree and went on to get a master"s in math education at the University of Georgia.Today, Barta spends as much time helping players figure out what they want to do with their lives as he does coaching.
To most kids here, Barta is not just a winning coach but also a mentor(导师,顾问).Barta insists that the members of his team be well-rounded.During last year"s playoffs(附加赛), for instance, Joe Osburn was struggling with Macbeth in English class.Barta told him that either he mastered Shakespeare or his season was finished.Barta got the captains involved, and they took turns quizzing Osburn on his lines of Shakespeare.He pulled his grades up and kept playing.
“Roger likes everything about football,” says Barta"s wife, Pam.“But what he loves most is watching the boys learn a little more.”
1.What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?
A.How Barta built a championship dynasty?
B.Barta’s career as a coach.
C.How Barta taught his students football skills.
D.Barta’s attitude towards winning and losing.
2.From the the passage we know Barta       .
A.hurt his back in an oil field
B.didn’t want to be a college student
C.wasn’t satisfied with being an oil worker
D.began his playing career at high school
3.Which of the following statements about Barta is TRUE??
A.He earned his master’s degree from Fort Hays State.
B.He helps his players deal with life.
C.He likes Shakespeare very much.
D.He loves football more than anything else.
4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.How to Be a Good Football Coach
B.A Brief Introduction to Roger Barta
C.Coach and Math Teacher—Roger Barta
D.Life Coach—Roger Barta
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When students think of learning a foreign language, the first thought is of books, exercises, and audio cassettes.Those are important to learning but sometimes a little bit boring.Therefore, it is time for us to spice things up a bit.
Things like a cellphone can keep your interest level high.It’s a perfect study material.You have it with you day after day, you are familiar with how it works and you can use it to practice whenever you have time.You don’t need to have your books by your side or stay in your room to listen to tapes.
Let’s take a look at how to add your cellphone to your study tools.
Set up your cellphone to use the language you want to study.Go to the menu, find settings, locate language and change it to English or Spanish, which benefits your language learning.
Look at the buttons and connect those items with the new vocabulary.This enables you to master simple words and phrases with little effort.For example, each time you open up your cellphone you’ll see “messages”, “games” and “calls made”.These words begin to take root if you see them again and again.
When you have time, take out your cellphone and start hitting buttons.You’ll be surprised at all the vocabulary you can learn by playing with the different menu items.Some things you’ll recognize immediately and others you can guess just by where you find them.
It can keep your learning fresh and interesting.And that’s important because boredom is a big problem with language learners.You need variety and a cellphone is one way to get it.
1.The underlined part “spice things up” in the first paragraph means “______”.
A.make things interesting       B.make things realistic
C.make things helpful          D.make things obvious
2.Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using a cellphone as a study material?
A.We can study with it at any moment.
B.It keeps our learning interest high.
C.We can use it to practice freely.
D.It offers the chance to practice learning.
3.By playing with a cellphone, you can ______.
A.learn the words in the menu
B.remember the messages sent by others
C.improve the techniques of playing games
D.become familiar with different kinds of languages
4.Why did the author write the passage?
A.To stress the importance of language learning.
B.To introduce the latest ways of language learning.
C.To inform how to keep your learning fresh.
D.To explain how to use cellphones to learn language.
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We’ve used the wind as an energy source for a long time.
The Babylonians and Chinese were using wind power to
pump water for irrigating crops 4,000 years ago, and sailing
boats were around long before that.Wind power was used in the
Middle Ages, in Europe, to grind(磨碎) corn, which is where
the term “windmill” comes from.
We can use the energy in the wind by building a tall tower, with a large propellor(螺旋桨) on the top.The wind blows the propellor round, which turns a generator to produce electricity.We tend to build many of these towers together, to make a “wind farm” and produce more electricity.The more towers, the more wind, and the larger the propellors, the more electricity we can make.It"s only worth building wind farms in places that have strong, steady winds, although boats and caravans(大篷车)increasingly have small wind generators to help keep their batteries charged.
The best places for wind farms are in coastal areas, at the tops of rounded hills, open plains and gaps in mountains — places where the wind is strong and reliable.Some are offshore.To be worthwhile, you need an average wind speed of around 25 km/h.Most wind farms in the UK are in Cornwall or Wales.Isolated places such as farms may have their own wind generators.In California, several “wind farms” supply electricity to homes around Los Angeles.
The propellors are large, to obtain energy from the largest possible volume of air.The blades can be angled to cope with varying wind speeds.Some designs use vertical turbines (垂直涡轮机), which don’t need to be turned to face the wind.The towers are tall, to get the propellors as high as possible, up to where the wind is stronger.This means that the land beneath can still be used for farming.
1.The first paragraph aims to introduce to us _______.
A.the function of wind power           B.the source of wind power
C.the nations using wind power        D.the history of using wind power
2.The best places for building the wind farm are places where _______.
A.boats and caravans can often be seen     B.isolated farms don’t have enough electricity
C.there are less human activities         D.the wind is strong and reliable
3.We can infer from the passage that _______.
A.wind farms will not take up too much farming land
B.wind farms need no fuel because wind is free
C.the blades can be angled to turn to face the wind wherever it comes from
D.the higher and larger the towers are, the stronger the wind is
4.What can be a suitable title for the passage?
A.Where to build a wind farm.     B.ABC of the using of wind energy.
C.How to make best use of wind.    D.Wind energy is the best energy.
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Increasing affluence(富裕)and currency appreciation are behind the spike in Chinese students traveling abroad for their undergraduate studies, industry insiders said.
The Ministry of Education last month reported that a record 840,000 high school graduates did not register for the gaokao (university entrance exam) this year. Those numbers are fueling speculation that this was due to the increasing number of Chinese students wanting to study abroad.
The total number of students traveling abroad to study increased from 144,000 in 2007 to 170,000 last year. This figure will probably top 200,000 this year, said Feng Jishang, marketing manager of Wiseway, a consulting firm that advises students and their parents about overseas schools.
Years ago, most Chinese students who went abroad would first complete their undergraduate studies in China before applying to an overseas graduate school. But this traned is changing. According to industry estimates, the proportion of students seeking their first degree abroad has risen to 30 to 50 percent of all overseas-bound students. That means there could be as many as 60,000 to 100,000 such students this year—— triple the number in 2003.
Foreign college campuses are beginning to notice the trend. A source tat the University of San Francisco told China Business Weekly that the campus used to accept three or four Chinese undergraduate students every year. Today, the number has hit 80, the university source said.
Rapid economic growth, coupled with a currency that has risen by more than 20 percent against the US dollar over the last four years, is making an overseas education more affordable for Chinese students. That’s making US campuses such as the University of San Francisco, or USF, more of a bargain. “ Students used to tell me that they did not have the money to go to USF, and they needed full scholarships. That is not the case now,” said Stanley Nel, vice-president of international relations at the San Francisco campus.
Another reason is that there simply aren’t enough places in Chinese colleges, especially the higher-rated ones, to satisfy the demand for a university education. “ Four in ten students taking the gaokao won’t get university places. Furthermore, of those that do many don’t get into the schools of their choice. That is why more are going abroad,” Feng of Wiseway said.
A widespread perception among students is that going overseas for college improves their career prospects, sources said. “ For Chinese students, capability is not a problem, but they need work experience and communication skills,” said Alan McNeilly, assistant dean at Teeside University in the United Kingdom. “ If they get a degree overseas, they can expect higher salaries and better positions when they return,” McNeilly said. His university will set up an office in China next month to attract more students, Mc Neilly added.
1.More and more Chinese students have recently traveled abroad for studines because______.
A.they don’t want to take part in the gaokao
B.most Chinese students want to study abroad
C.many Chinese people become richer and US dollar has been devalued
D.it is easy to complete their undergraduate studies
2.Which of the following statistics-related statements is NOT true?
A.The number of students seeking their first degree abroad is around 20,000 to 33,000 in 2003.
B.The increment of the total number of students traveling abroad to study is probably bigger from 2008 to 2009 than that from 2007to 2008.
C.The number of Chinese undergraduate students accepted at USF is about 20 to 26 times of that in the past.
D.200,000 out of the 840,000 high school graduates who did not take the gaokao this year started their undergraduate study abroad.
3.Students interested in studying abroad take the following factors into account EXCEPT_____.
A.financial affordability    
B.work opportunities after graduation
C.accommodation standard
D.the chance of getting into a more desirable university
4.What can be inferred from this passage?
A.If the Chinese RMB decreases 20 percent against the US dollar, the number of Chinese students traveling abroad to study will decrease 20 percent.
B.If more universities are established in China, fewer students will choose to study abroad.
C.Teeside University will set up an office in China to attract those students who have been admitted to USF but have not been offered full scholarships.
D.Without a degree overseas higher salaries and better positions are not impossible if you are experienced and have outstanding communication skills.
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