This was no ordinary class. The students who came together were all science or e

This was no ordinary class. The students who came together were all science or e


This was no ordinary class. The students who came together were all science or engineering professors at Cornell University. They had interrupted their research to accept an invitation to take part in an unusual experiment: “an interesting week of poetry.” This class was part of a study to answer the questions: Why is science difficult for many nonscience students? What can teachers learn about teaching if they take a class that is not in their field?
The students in the poetry class listened to lectures and took notes. They had reading tasks and had to write three short papers. All students noticed one thing – the importance of spoken words. In science and engineering classes, the instructors put tables and drawings on the blackboard. But in this poetry class, the instructors just talked. They didn’t write anything on the board.
The scientists and engineers noticed one similarity between science and poetry. In both subjects, students need to find layers (层次) of meaning . Some layers are simple, clean, and on the surface; other layers are deeper and more difficult. This search for different levels of meaning doesn’t happen much in undergraduate(本科) science classes, but it is important later, in graduate school. And it is always important in humanities(人文科学).
Both the poetry instructors and their students learned something about teaching from this experience. One poetry instructor, for example, now sees the importance of using informative as he teaches. Most of the scientists agreed on several points. First, humanities classes might help science students to see patterns and decide which information is important. Second, the poetry class was fun. One engineer decided, “We need to change the way we teach engineering to make to make it an enjoyable experience for students.”
But perhaps the most important result of the experience was this; All of the professors began to think about how they teach and how they cam teach better.
小题1:What do we know about this unusual class?
A.The teachers did lots of writing on the board
B.The teacher were invited to attend several lectures.
C.The student were professors from a university
D.The students were studying science and humanities.
小题2:The experiment was designed to find out     to teach the students in the science class
B.whether poetry is difficult for science students
C.what to be taught in the humanities class
D.why many humanities students find science hard.
小题3:Finding levels of meaning is            .
A.important for graduate students in humanities
B.difficult for graduate students in humanities
C.common for undergraduate students in science
D.easy for undergraduate students in science.
小题4:What did the science professors learn after the experiment?
A.They should change the way they teach
B.A poem could be explained in clear definitions.
C.A poetry class could be more informative.
D.Their teaching was an enjoyable experience.



小题2:判断推论由第一段倒数第二句“Why is science difficult for many nonscience students?”推出。
小题3:细节理解由第三段最后一句可知”This search for different levels of meaning doesn’t happen much in undergraduate(本科)science classes, but it is important later, in graduate school. And it is always important in humanities.(人文科学)”。找出不同意层在理工本科并不明显,然而对于以后研究生来说却是重要的,对文科学生来说将永远是重要的。文章中只谈到浅层容易找到,深层的难找,并没有谈到什么样的学生感到难或易。可排除B、D,文章中谈到。
My dream ended when I was born. Although I never knew it then, I just held on to something that would never come to pass. Dreams really do exist. But in the morning when you wake up, they are remembered just as a dream. That is what happened to me.
I always had the dream to dance like a beautiful ballerina(芭蕾舞女演员)turning around and around and hearing people applaud for me. When I was young, I would turn around and around in the fields of wildflowers that grew in my backyard. 
Reality woke me up when I heard someone saying, "I don"t know why you bother trying to dance. Ballerinas are pretty and slender(苗条) girls. Besides, you don"t have the talent to even be a ballerina." I remember how those words hurt every feeling in my body. I fell to the ground and wept for hours. 
I enjoyed hanging out by the water. I would sit there for hours and stare at my reflection(倒影). There I was, looking nothing like a pretty ballerina dancer. Reflections don"t lie. Once the waves would come, my reflection was washed away just like my dream to dance.
As I grew older, I began to realize that the reason my dream was even born was because it was something that was inside of me. The dream I had was never nurtured(培育) and cared for, so it slowly died. It"s not that I wanted it to die, but I allowed it to die the day I started listening to the words, "You can"t do it." When I finally woke up from many years of dreaming, I realized that you can"t only settle for dancing in the wildflowers, you have to move on to the platform.
小题1: Which of the following can serve as the best title for the passage?
A.Care for your dream
B.Dream and reality
C.Nothing is impossible
D.Efforts to be a ballerina will pay
小题2:The author didn’t realize her dream of being a ballerina mainly because_______.
A.she was bored of dancing and performing
B.she had lack of self-respect
C.her health conditions allowed her dream to die
D.she was deeply affected by others easily
小题3:From the passage, it can be inferred that _________.
A.the author was once a pretty and slender girl with wonderful dream.
B.we should dare to give up our dream facing much pressure and difficulty
C.if you stick to your dream and never say die, you will enjoy a bright life
D.You should necer give up.
小题4:What is the main purpose of writing the passage? criticize
小题5:The underlined expression “settle for” in the last paragraph means_________.
A.turn downB.take upC.give upD.settle down

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
It is common to consider learning as something that takes place in school, but much of human learning occurs outside the classroom, even from birth and people continue to learn throughout their lives.
Even before they enter school, young children learn to walk, to talk, and to use their hands to use toys, food, and other objects. They use all of their senses to learn about the sights, sounds, tastes, and smells in their environments. They learn how to communicate with their parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, and other people important to their world. When they enter school, children learn basic academic subjects such as reading, writing, and mathematics. They also continue to learn a great deal outside the classroom. They learn which behaviors are likely to be rewarded and which are likely to be punished. They learn social skills for communicating with other children. After they finish school, people must learn to deal with the many major changes that affect their lives, such as getting married, raising children, and finding and keeping a job.
Because learning continues throughout our lives and affects almost everything we do, the study of learning is important in many different fields. Teachers need to understand the best ways to educate children. Psychologists, social workers, criminologists, and other human-service workers need to understand how certain experiences change people’s behaviors. Employers, politicians, and advertisers make use of the principles of learning to affect the behavior of workers, voters, and consumers.
Learning is closely related to memory, which is the storage of information in the brain. Psychologists who study memory are interested in how the brain stores knowledge, where this storage takes place, and how the brain later outputs knowledge when we need it. In contrast, psychologists who study learning are more interested in behavior and how behavior changes as a result of a person’s experiences.
小题1:The author thinks “Learning”in the passage most refers to_________. learning
C.learning after graduationD.behavior learning
小题2:The underlined siblings in the second paragraph probably means______.
A.teachersB.classmatesC.doctorsD.brothers or sisters
小题3: Which period of children’ life does they begin to how to behave well according to the passage?
A.After they go int society
B.Before they enter school
C.When they are at school
D.Before they are born
小题4:Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?
A.As a matter of fact, learning begins with formal school education
B.Teachers need to understand the best ways to educate their students.
C.People need to understand how certain experiences change their behaviors.
D.Employers should study the principles of learning to manage their workers well.
小题5:The author tries to tell us ______in the last paragraph
A.learning is closely related to memory and experience
B.psychologists are interested in the wat the brain stores knowledge
C.psychologists are more interested in a person’s behavior
D.the relationship between learning, brain and behavior

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
American schools do not have separate classes for boys and girls. If boys want to cook or to sew, they can learn these things in classes that are no longer just for girls. If girls want to repair cars, they can now learn this in school. Most students like to have boys and girls on the same baseball team.
Many boys and girls dress alike in school. They were blue jeans and sport shirts. Some have long hair and some have short hair. Sometimes a boy has longer hair than a girl.
Even the language is different. Students learn to say fire fighter instead of fireman, police officer instead of policeman, and letter carrier instead of mailman. A person does not need to be a man to fight a fire or to deliver the mail.
Most people think that these changes are good. They give all people an equal chance to be happy and to do what they want to do with their lives. Fathers like to tell their sons that they can grow up to be president. Today, mothers can tell the same things to there daughters.
小题1:Students in American schools learn to say police officer instead of policeman because____.
A.boys don’t like to be a policeman
B.girls don’t like to be a policeman
C.police officer sounds better than policeman
D.a police officer can be a policeman or policwoman
小题2: We may infer from the text that in the past in American schools____.
A.there were many differences between boys and girls
B.boys could do everything but girls couldn’t
C.boys and girls were the same in everything
D.girls only learned how to sew and cook
小题3:The underlined word “ They” in the last paragraph refers to ____.
A.American schoolsB.these changesC.most peopleD.American students
小题4:What does “mailman” mean?
小题5:What do most people think of the changes in American schools?

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Last week my youngest son and I visited my father at his new home in Tucson, Arizona. He moved there a few years ago, and I was eager to see his new place and meet his friends.
My earliest memories of my father are of a tall, handsome, successful man devoted to his work and family, but uncomfortable with his children. As a child I loved him; as a school girl and young adult I feared him and felt bitter about him. He seemed unhappy with me unless I got straight A’s and unhappy with my boyfriends if their fathers were not as “successful” as he was. Whenever I went out with him on weekends, I used to struggle to think up things to say, feeling on guard.
On the first day of my visit, we went out with one of my father’s friends for lunch at an outdoor café. We walked along that afternoon, did some shopping, ate on the street table, and laughed over my son’s funny facial expressions. Gone was my father’s critical(挑剔的) air and strict rules. Who was this person I knew as my father, who seemed so friendly and interesting to be around? What had held him back before?
The next day my dad pulled out his childhood pictures and told me quite a few stories about his own childhood. Although our times together became easier over the years, I never felt closer to him at that moment. After so many years, I’m at last seeing another side of my father. And in so doing, I’m delighted with my new friend. My dad, in his new home in Arizona, is back to me from where he was.
小题1:Why did the author feel bitter about her father when she was a young adult?
A.He was silent most of the time.B.He was too proud of himself.
C.He did not love his children.D.He expected too much of her.
小题2:When the author went out with her father on weekends, she would feel ______.
小题3:What does the author think of her father after her visit to Tucson?
A.More critical.B.More talkative.C.Gentle and friendly.D.Strict and hard-working.
小题4:The underlined words “my new friend” in the last paragraph refer to ______.
A. the author’s son                                      B. the author’s father
B. the friend of the author’s father                D. the café owner
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Do’s and Don’ts in Whale(鲸) Watching
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has developed guidelines for whale watching in Johnstone Strait, where killer whales are found on a daily basis each summer. It is strongly recommended that vessel(船只) operators follow these guidelines for all kinds of whales.
· Approach whales from the side, not from the front or the back.
· Approach no closer than 100 metres, then stop the boat but keep the engine on.
· Keep noise levels down — no horns, whistles or racing of engines.
· Start your boat only after the whales are more than 100 metres from your vessel.
· Leave the area slowly, gradually moving faster when you are more than 300 metres from the whales.
· Approach and leave slowly, avoiding sudden changes in speed or direction.
· Avoid disturbing groups of resting whales.
· Keep at low speeds and remain in the same direction if traveling side by side with whales.
· When whales are traveling close to shore, avoid crowding them near the shore or coming between the whales and the shore.
· Limit the time spent with any group of whales to less than 30 minutes at a time when within 100 to 200 metres of whales.
· If there is more than one vessel at the same observation spot, be sure to avoid any boat position that would result in surrounding the whales.
· Work together by communicating with other vessels, and make sure that all operators are aware of the whale watching guidelines.
小题1:64. For whom is this text written?
A.Tour guides.B.Whale watchers.
C.Vessel operators.D.Government officials.
小题2:65. When leaving the observation areas, the vessel should ______.
A.move close to the beachB.increase speed gradually
C.keep its engine running slowlyD.remain at the back of the whales
小题3:66. When going side by side with whales, the vessel should ______.
A.keep moving in the same directionB.surround the whales with other boats closer and closer to the shoreD.take a good viewing position
小题4:67. What is the shortest safe distance from the whales?
A.400 metres.B.300 metres.C.200 metres.D.100 metres.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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