阅读理解。     A pioneering headteacher is calling for all high schools to follow his

阅读理解。     A pioneering headteacher is calling for all high schools to follow his

阅读理解。     A pioneering headteacher is calling for all high schools to follow his lead and start classes at 11 am,
allowing teenagers two hours extra in bed.
     Dr Paul Kelley, head of Monkseaton Community High School in North Tyneside, said it would mean
the end of sleeping in lessons before lunch, after experiments showed teenagers could have different body
clocks from adults and younger children.
     Russell Foster, an Oxford professor of neuroscience (神经学), tested the memory of 200 Monkseaton
pupils at 9 am and 2 pm using pairs of words, and discovered a 9% improvement in the afternoon. Students
correctly identified 51% of word pairs in the later session, compared with 42 % in the morning. Tayler
MeCullough, 15, one of the test subjects, said the majority of students would welcome the extra hours in
bed. "I"m extremely hard to get up in the morning. One or two people like to get to school early, but most
of us would be up for going in later. I"m sure it would make a big difference to our learning ability."
     Kelley is adamant that a change of school timetable will have a meaningful effect on exam performance.
He wants his school"s governors to approve his plan and put the new timetable in place before the opening
of Monkseaton"s new school building, the most technologically advanced in the country, in September.
     Kelley hopes his latest idea will be just as successful. "We have to be practical. But this proves that, by
starting later, children"s learning improves, as does their health." Foster said, "This is preliminary (初步的)
data, but what"s exciting is that it matches more detailed studies carried out in Canada and the US. Teenagers
get up late not because they are lazy but because they are biologically programmed to do so." 1. How many professors are mentioned in the passage? A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
D. Four. 2. According to Russell Foster"s research, _____. A. the students tested had very good memories
B. the students tested did better jobs in the afternoon
C. 42% of the students tested could do very good jobs
D. 51% of the students tested could master 9% of words 3. What does the underlined word "adamant" in the fourth paragraph mean? A. Angry.
B. Absorbed.
C. Adaptable.
D. Determined. 4. Foster"s opinion on teenagers" getting up late is that _____. A. teenagers are practical
B. teenagers are lazy-bones
C. it"s based on their body development
D. it"s good for their learning and health
1-4 ABDC
阅读理解。     Last weekend, 20 000 people gathered in the state of Georgia to watch students from 28 countries
compete with robots they built. More than ten thousand students and more than five hundred robots took
part in the competition.
     The students and their robots competed at the FIRST Championship at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta.
FIRST is the short way of saying the organization"s complete name: For Inspiration and Recognition of
Science and Technology.
     Almost 1 700 high school teams entered a level of competition called LUNACY.
     In January, the organization sent supplies for robots to each team. The teams had six weeks to build
robots that could compete in the LUNACY game. The playing area had six robots, three on each team.
Each robot had another vehicle, or trailer (拖车), connected to it. The robots had to pick up large balls
and throw them into the trailers of opposing robots. The robots were moving on a surface where they
could slide. An alliance (联盟) of teams from California, Illinois and Michigan won the LUNACY
     A second competition involved building a robot that could travel on uneven surfaces, move objects
with unusual shapes and resist physical stress. Another competition was for younger students, aged 9
to 14. They had to design, build and program robots to explore the Earth"s climate.
     American inventor Dean Kamen started FIRST in 1989. The organization holds robotics competitions
around the world. It offers programs that help young people learn more about science, technology,
engineering and mathematics, while building life skills. Many companies provide support to the organization.
     Mister Kamen says the goal is about more than building robots. He says the student competitors showed
they could deal with difficult technological problems. And, he says that is good news because the world
needs creative thinkers to help with increasingly complex (复杂) problems in the future. 1. The Robot Competition was organized by _____. A. the State of Georgia
B. an organization named FIRST
C. American inventor Dean Kamen
D. some companies from California 2. The robots in the LUNACY game are able to _____. A. travel on uneven surfaces
B. explore the Earth"s climate
C. throw balls into the trailers
D. move objects with different shapes 3. The main purpose of FIRST is to _____. A. attract more companies to support them
B. help students under 8 to be interested in science
C. teach students how to build the robots on the spot
D. help young people learn science as well as life skills 4. The underlined word "that" in the last paragraph refers to _____. A. the goal of building robots
B. the students" ability to deal with problems
C. the goal of the student competitors
D. something about technological problems
题型:模拟题难度:| 查看答案
Reading comprehension.     When learning a second language it is important to study the culture of the language you"re learning.
Anyone can learn another language"s grammar from a textbook, but what good is this learning if you don"t
understand the culture of the person you"re speaking to? Only in learning another language and its culture
will you be able to proficiently communicate with a person in that language. There are many ways to enhance
your language studies by studying the country"s culture; this can include reading literature, watching movies,
or listening to popular music.
     Many schools in the United States emphasize the importance of cultural understanding in language classes.
Instead of memorizing only vocabulary words and grammar patterns, classes from elementary schools to
universities are teaching literature, pop songs, and films in their classes. From these various mediums students
can learn a great deal about the culture of a language they study, These different forms of media can teach
various characteristics about the language, culture, and history of a society.
     Literature can allow you to understand the history and current debates confronting a culture. For example,
if you read John Steinbeck"s Grapes of Wrath you can understand the history and problems of ordinary
American farmers in the Great Depression. In watching films one can learn about what is popular in a society,
and also slang phrases one definitely won"t find in a textbook. In pop songs one can understand what the
current fad in a culture is; what kind of music people like to listen to, what that culture finds romantic, and
even what the contemporary "cool" viewpoint in that society is.
     If you truly are interested in learning a language, don"t underestimate the importance of learning about the
language"s home culture. Of course one must learn a language"s grammar and vocabulary, but this will only
get you so far in actually being able to communicate effectively. So if you are learning a language, take the
time to also study the culture. 1. The best title for this passage would be _____. A. Important Factors in Learning a Second Language
B. The Importance of Culture in Learning a Language
C. Effectively Communicating in a Second Language
D. Why You Should Watch Films and Listen to Music When Learning a Foreign Language 2. In the above passage literature is described as an important way to learn _____ about a culture. A. history
B. history and political issues
C. history and social issues
D. all of the above 3. According to this passage, if one wanted to learn about what is popular in a society where should they look?A. Pop songs and movies.
B. Pop songs.
C. Movies.
D. Literature. 4. What is the definition for "mediums" according to the passage? A. The methods of conveying information.
B. Different genres of culture.
C. Books, songs, and films.
D. All of the above. 5. Which of the following opinions was NOT expressed in the passage above? A. That language learning needs to be supplemented by cultural learning.
B. That cultural learning can give key insights into a society"s history, language, and current trends.
C. That a majority of time should be given to cultural learning while learning a second language.
D. The key to effective communication is language and cultural proficiency.
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Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the in formation given in the
passage and the required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet.      When students all over the world finish high school, it is a very important time in their lives. After years
of full-time schooling they must decide what next step to take as they enter adulthood, and young people
from different countries often face different options for what that next step will be.
     For many students, the obvious choice is to enter college or university to continue their education. Some
know what they want to study, and enter specialized programs like law school or medical school. Other
students choose to study something more general, like English or history, and spend many more years in
school before entering the job market. Going to graduate school can be very expensive, but for many people
education is an essential step to earning a high-paying job.
     Another option is to begin working right away. After high school, many students in America choose to
find a job or enter a "trade school" to learn special skills to help them find work. This way, young people can
learn skills that can help them make a career, and they can even start their own business to make more money.
     Many young people from European countries choose to take a "gap year," meaning they travel around the
world before going to university or getting a job. During this time they can get life experience and think about
what career or education to pursue, but it may be very expensive to travel for such a long time.
     Finally, another option for students is to serve their country or community through military or volunteer
service. In some countries, like Israel, most young people spend time in the military after finishing high school.
Sometimes students can get money for university by spending time in the military or by serving their
communities through volunteer work. 1. Why do some people choose to work instead of going to university? (No more than 12 words)
2. What is a benefit of traveling during a "gap year" after finishing high school? (No more than 15 words) 
3. How do some young people earn their own money for university? (No more than 7 words)
4. Why do some people choose to go to university right away? (No more than 12 words) 
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Reading comprehension.     The old belief that the universe never changes is quite wrong. Even before the invention of the telescope,
astronomers noticed that bright stars suddenly appeared in the sky and then later disappeared. These stars
were called "novae" because they were thought to be new. In fact we now know that they are really old stars
which are slowly dying.
     Novae are old stars which are slowly dying. As they do so they let out huge clouds of material, sometimes
as large as the earth, and these explode into space at a speed of about 8 000 000 kilometers per hour. When
this happens, the hotter parts of the star become visible, and this is why novae are so bright. Although the
explosions are so huge on a human scale, they only consume a small part of the dying star"s energy. The death
is a slow one and the star may continue to explode for thousands of years. Indeed, there are even some stars
which explode once every two weeks.
     There are other old stars which do not die slowly, but are completely destroyed by one great explosion.
These are known as "supernovae". The explosion of a supernovae is equivalent to about a million, million,
million, million hydrogen bombs going off at the same time. Just before the explosion the star"s density becomes
very great and it spins at a very high speed. A matchbox of materials taken from the star at that time would
weigh about 1 000 tons and the star would be turning at about 16 000 000 kilometers per hour. The explosion
itself occurs suddenly, in the interval of a minute, but the supernovae continues to shine long after the event.
One supernovae which Chinese astronomers observed in 1054 can still be seen by us today. It has been shining
for at least nine hundred years. 1. Novae were originally thought to be _____. A. stars that disappear suddenly
B. stars that explode
C. new stars
D. dying stars 2. Supernovae are different from novae because _____. A. they are dying stars
B. they die gradually
C. they can be seen from the earth
D. they explode suddenly 3. "As they do so" (line 1, Paragraph 2) means _____. A. as they let out clouds of material
B. as they are slowing dying
C. as they explode into energy
D. as they consume the star"s energy 4. The death of a novae is slow because _____. A. each novae only explodes once every two weeks
B. the explosion may continue for thousands of years
C. each explosion only consumes a little energy of the star
D. the novae may continue to shine long after the explosion 5. A matchbox of material taken from a supernovae weigh 1 000 tons because _____. A. the star spins at a very high speed
B. the density of the star is very great
C. the star explodes all of a sudden
D. the star gives off a lot of material
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阅读理解。     A seventeen-year-old boy from the northeastern state of Massachusetts has won the top prize in the Intel
Science Talent Search. The competition is the oldest program in the United States that honors the science
projects of high school students. The Intel Science Talent Search is 63 years old this year.
     The winners receive a new computer and money for a college education. This year 1 652 students from
46 states entered projects for the competition. Their research involved nearly every area of science, including
chemistry, medicine, physics, mathematics, engineering, computer science and social science.
     Forty students were invited to Washington, D. C. for the final judging. A group of well-known scientists
judged them on their research abilities, critical thinking skills and creativity. The judges also questioned the
students about scientific problems before deciding on the winners.
     The top winner is Herbert Mason Hedberg of North Attleboro, Massachusetts. The second place winner
is Boris Alexeev of Athens, Georgia and the third place winner is Ryna Karnik of Aloha, Oregon. Herbert
received 100 000 dollars for his college education. He developed a faster, more effective method to tell if a
person has cancer. He explored a way to separate telomerase, an enzyme (酶) found in most cancer cells. His
findings have helped advance research into ways of stopping cancer cells from growing. Herbert said he started
the project after watching his grandmother struggle against cancer. He plans to be a doctor and continue doing,
medical research.
     Andrew Yeager of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center was chairman of the judges for the Intel
Science Talent Search this year. He said the competition was an excellent way to discover future leaders in
science and technology. Past competition winners have gone on to receive many of the world"s highest honors
for science and mathematics. 1. Herbert"s way is more effective because _____. A. it can kill cancer cells faster
B. it helps to free humans from cancer
C. it can stop cancer cells from growing
D. it can tell faster if a person is a cancer sufferer 2. We can learn from the passage that _____. A. the final judging of the competition took place in the state of Massachusetts
B. less than three percent of the competitors entered the final part of the competition
C. critical thinking and creativity are more important than research abilities
D. the scientists judging this year"s competition all work for Intel Corporation 3. What would be the best title for the passage? A. Intel Science Talent Search
B. How to Discover Future Scientists
C. Intel Science Talent Search Winners
D. A Very Famous Competition
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