阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。以下是一些电子产品的介绍:      A. Microsoft Office: This computer sof

阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。以下是一些电子产品的介绍:      A. Microsoft Office: This computer sof

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     A. Microsoft Office: This computer software
package provides you with everything for your
business or study needs. Whether you need to write          
a report, do your business accounts, design a web
page or stay in touch through email, Office can do
it "all and much more. Cost $740
     B. Motorola L7i mobile phone: Web
enabled phone that allows you to surf the
net anywhere at anytime, with 2 mega pixel
camera built in for photo and video. 1 GB
memory to store large music and movie files.
Cost $530
     C. Lenovo laptop computer X61: This ultra-
portable notebook is ideal for mobile users such as
travellers and businessmen because it is lightweight
(only 1 kilo) and offers extremely long battery life
(up to 8 hours before recharging is necessary).
Cost $1,200
     D. Supersonic MP4 Player: Multimedia
player is just what you need to stay entertained
wherever you go. Use the 1.5-inch screen as
a video player or to play games. With 15GB of
storage you can also store and listen to thousands
of your favourite songs with just tile click of a
button. Cost $140
     E. Nintendo Game Boy: This portable video
game system allows you to have fun wherever
you are. With thousands of different games
available to play on this system you are sure to
never get bored. Cost $240
     F. Sony Thinline Digital TV: This TV provides
the crystal clear picture you expect from Sony and
is only 2 cm thick. Has 120GB built in memory
allowing you to record and store hundreds of hours
of your favourite programmes with just the touch of
a button. Cost: $3,500
1-5: ADEFC
     To wash yourself, you take a bath (洗澡) or a shower. Animals need to keep clean, too. How do animals
clean themselves?
     Cats lick (舔) themselves to keep their fur clean. Have you ever watched a pet cat clean itself? Elephants
take baths much as you do. But instead of jumping into the tub (浴缸), they walk into a river or lake.
     Pigs also like to roll around in water. This keeps them clean and cool. If there is no clean water, they will
roll in mud (泥) on a hot day. They do this to cool off. Pigs do not really like mud. They are happier in a nice,
clean pond (水池).
     Bats have a funny way to keep clean. They lick their thumbs to clean their ears!
     Guess how polar bears clean themselves. They use snow, of course!
     Some animals take baths in dust instead of water! The wombat (毛鼻袋熊) is an Australian animal with
lots of fur. To get clean, it lies down. Then it covers itself with sand! Birds clean themselves in many ways.
Sometimes they wash in water. That"s why some people put birdbaths in their yard. At other times birds take
dust baths, just like wombats.
     Birds also use their beaks (喙) to keep their feathers clean. They use their beaks the way you use a comb.
     Sometimes a bird has itchy bugs (发痒的虫子) in its feathers. Birds may use ants to help them clean off
the bugs. A bird will lie down on an ant nest. Then the ants will crawl on the bird. The ants make a kind of
bug spray (喷雾) on the feathers;. Then the itchy bugs die!
     Birds take baths in something else besides dust and ants! Some birds take "smoke baths" They sit on
chimneys. They wave their wings in the smoke!
1. This passage mainly tells us _____.
[     ]
A. why some people put birdbaths in their yard
B. why birds allow ants to crawl on their body
C. how animals cool off on hot days
D. how some animals keep clean
2. What is a pig"s favorite way to get clean?
[     ]
A. Licking itself.
B. Lying down on ants.
C. Rolling in nice, thick mud.
D. Taking a bath in clean water.
3. Which of the following animals use dust to clean themselves?
[     ]
A. Cats.
B. Bats.
C. Wombats.
D. Ants.
     Honeybees are disappearing for unknown reasons around the United States. Last winter, bees disappeared
from 23 percent of American beekeeping businesses. Causes of the occurrence, however, have remained a
     Now, scientists from several universities and the United States Department of Agriculture say they have a
possible explanation for the bee decline (数量下降). It is a little known virus called Israeli acute-paralysis virus
(IAPV).The virus kills bees. Researchers in Israel first described it in 2004, but until now, bee experts haven"t
paid much attention to it.   
     When trying to find out why the bees were disappearing, a research team at Columbia University studied
bee communities, some with and others without decline. The research turned up large numbers of two types
of fungi (真菌) once believed of causing the bee decline. The research results, however, showed that the
fungi were almost as common in communities without a decline as they were in communities with a decline.
The research concluded that the two fungi probably weren"t the cause.   
     Studies of the presence of IAPV, however, showed more interesting information. In those studies, done
by a team at Pennsylvania State University in University Park, the virus showed up in 83 percent of samples
from communities with symptoms. Only five percent of samples from symptomless communities had it.   
     Scientists still don"t know whether IAPV can single-handedly cause the bee decline. They believe that even
if the virus is making communities sick, it could have a partner in crime. It"s possible, for instance, that insects
or chemicals in the environment weaken bees, making them more likely to catch IAPV.   
     Scientists are still trying to figure out how IAPV came to the United States. The United States now allows
bee products to be imported from Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. If it turns out that this trade is
spreading disease, the rules might eventually change.
1. According to the passage, IAPV is a virus that _____.   
[     ]
A. is difficult to be killed   
B. is spread by a kind of fungi   
C. is still not fully understood   
D. is caused by the imported bee products
2. From the third and fourth paragraphs, we know researchers draw their conclusion through _____.   
[     ]
A. calculating     
B. comparing   
C. examining     
D. investigating
3. The underlined sentence in the fifth paragraph probably means _____.   
[     ]
A. the virus is not only among insects   
B. the virus could also cause other damages   
C. the virus is not the only cause for the bee decline   
D. the virus may be caused by the polluted environment
4. What is the best title for the passage?   
[     ]
A. Symptoms of LAPV   
B. A Virus-IAPV  
C. Fungi and Virus   
D. Disappearing Bees
     Fruit powered digital clock
     Fruit"s not only good to eat, but it can also power this Fruit Digital Clock. This clock uses the scientific
principles on which modern electrical storage batteries are based. The acid from the fruit helps transmit an
electrical flow between two metal poles. The clock is priced at US $ 15 commencing any fresh fruit or
vegetable to the clock will make it work. The fruit is a clean, renewable source of electrical power.
     USB vacuum
     Do you know the dirtiest parts of your desk are probably your keyboard and mouse? Get a USB Mini
Vacuum with retractable (可伸缩的) cable and suck away all that junk. The US-made product is priced at
US $ 14.
     SIM card reader
     Making useful USB 2.0 multi-card reader even handier, this card can also read and write data to phone
SIM cards. It comes with SIM editing software. Download your phonebook to your computer. If you lose
your cell phone, you can store missing phone numbers in your new one the US-made IMOMO SIM card
+ Multi-Card Reader is priced at US $ 19 (152 yuan).
     Beer in your ear
     The beer barrel (桶)-shaped Naf Naf Hyp MP3 is a musical box that"s capable of playing radio, CDs and
cassettes. It"s got all the standard features of the typical clock-radio, but with the relaxing look of a big beer
barrel. The Danish product is priced at about US $ 130 (1040 yuan).
1. If you have 115 yuan, which product can you buy according to the passage?
[     ]
A. Fruit powered digital clock
B. USB vacuum
C. SIM card reader
D. Naf Naf Hyp MP3
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
[     ]
A. Fruit and vegetables cannot be used as batteries to make a clock work.
B. USB vacuum can be used to clean your house and yard.
C. With SIM card reader you won"t lose phone numbers.
D. Naf Naf Hyp MP3 can play radio, DVD and cassettes.
3. What does "junk" mean in the second item?
[     ]
A. dirt
B. desk
C. keyboard
D. mouse
4. The passage is most likely a(n) _____.
[     ]
A. entertainment information
B. science reports on new high-technology
C. introduction of some kinds of musical boxes
D. advertisement for new products
5. SIM card reader can be used to _____.
[     ]
A. edit all the data in your computer
B. remove data in phone SIM cards specially
C. help restore yur phone book in a new cell phone
D. transfer any file between a computer and a cell phone
     While all my classmates seem to be crazy about a one-way ticket to Mars (火星), I"d rather say Mars is
totally unsuitable for human existence. People won"t have enough food supplies there, and the terrible
environment would make it impossible for them to live a long life. Besides, the journey won"t be safe. Can
anybody explain to me just why people would go to Mars, never to return?
     Steve Minear, UK
     Here are the things you can think of: the desire to explore a foreign and unique environment, the excitement
of being the first humans to open up a new world, the expectation of fame and glory…For scientists there is
another reason. Their observations and research will probably lead to great scientific achievements.
     Donal Trollop, Canada
     There are already too many people on the Earth. I think that sometime before the end of the century, there
will be a human colony (殖民地) on Mars. It will happen when people finally realize that two-way trips to the
red planet Mars are unnecessary. Most of the danger of space Flight is in the launches (发射) and landings.
Cutting the trip home would therefore reduce the danger of accidents, save a lot of money, and open the way
to building an everlasting human settlement on another world.
     Enough supplies can be sent on ahead. And every two years more supplies and more people will be needed,
and Mars is far more pleasant than the other planets in the outer space.
     Paul Davies. USA
1. The main purpose of Steve Minear"s writing is _____.
[     ]
A. to report his classmates" discussion
B. to invite an answer to his question
C. to explain the natural state of Mars
D. to show his agreement on going to Mars
2. Which of the following best states Donal Trollop"s idea?
[     ]
A. There is a plan to send humans to Mars.
B. There are many reasons for going to Mars.
C. Scientists become famous by doing research on Mars.
D. It is possible to build an Earth-like environment on Mars.
3. Paul Davies points out that _____.
[     ]
A. humans need only a one-way ticket to Mars
B. two-way trips to Mars will be made safe soon
C. it is easy to reduce the danger and cost of flights to Mars
D. it is cheap to build an everlasting human settlement on Mars
4. What does Paul Davies think of human existence on Mars?
[     ]
A. Humans will have to bring all they need from the Earth.
B. Humans will find Mars totally unsuitable for living.
C. Humans can produce everything they need.
D. Humans can live longer in the colony on Mars.
     Like many other high school seniors, I eagerly anticipate life after graduation. In less than three months,
my belongings will be packed up and shipped to the other side of the country.
     I had never imagined, in my wildest dreams, that I would attend college in Ithaca, New York. I had had
my heart set on a university in California and of majoring in English.
     Nearly all of my friends are staying in state, and I remember thinking to myself, when one friend said she
would be going to college in Virginia: Why would someone ever choose to move away from California?
     But by a twist of fate, I received a letter from Ithaca College, inviting me to apply for a program in
communications. On a while, I decided to apply. What were the chances that I would be selected as a finalist?
If I hadn"t applied, I would have always regretted not trying. Yet secretly, I hoped that I wouldn"t be chosen. 
     But, as things turned out, I was offered one of the scholarships. I also received admission letters from the
other colleges I had applied to, all of which were California schools.
     As I began to weigh my options, I wrote out a pro/con (利弊) list for each of my schools. I began to realize
that my reasons for wanting to go to certain schools in California were based on considerations of comfort.
It would be so reassuring to be close to my family and my home.
     Then I began to think about the expensive tuitions (学费) and class shortages in the California public school
system. These issues were not likely to greatly improve in the next four years. Slowly, I came to the conclusion
that Ithaca was the ideal choice for me-culturally, academically and financially.
     Fear of the unknown should not be a reason for shying away from opportunities. It might be difficult to
adapt to my new situation, but I am confident I have made the right decision
1. What is the point of the article?
[     ]
 A. To introduce the advantages of studying at Ithaca College.
B. To tell readers what matters when applying to a college.
C. To share the author"s experience of choosing a college.
D. To compare the differences between Ithaca College and California schools.
2. The author decided to go to Ithaca College because _____.
[     ]
A. she wasn"t accepted by any of her dream schools in California
B. she has a great interest in Ithaca College"s communications program
C. she was offered a scholarship by Ithaca College but not by colleges in California
D. she thinks that teaching and classes are better at Ithaca College than at California schools
3. Judging from the article, which of the following statements is TRUE?
[     ]
A. The author had never thought of going to college in New York.
B. The author is independent and likes adventure.
C. The author believes it will be easy to adapt to college life.
D. The author applied to Ithaca College because Ithaca College is much cheaper than California schools.
4. Judging from the article, what has the author learned from her experience?
[     ]
A. That she must make good use of her time in college.
B. Not to let fear put her off something she wants.
C. That nothing we want in life can be achieved without effort.
D. Not to take any risks.