Have you got a Facebook account? Are you thinking of getting one? Jamie Simmonds

Have you got a Facebook account? Are you thinking of getting one? Jamie Simmonds

Have you got a Facebook account? Are you thinking of getting one? Jamie Simmonds has just signed up. Let’s see how she’s getting along.
My Diary
MONDAY: I’m officially a Facebooker. I find a few people I used to know and I’ve soon got seven friends. I’ve never felt so popular! I wonder if my old university flatmate Steve is on here…What do you know! He is! Maybe Facebook has its uses.
TUESDAY: I’ve received lots of nice welcoming messages on my wall. Later, I meet up with Steve for a drink after not seeing him for five years. We get on really well! Then, he uses his Facebook app for iPhone to suggest me as a friend to some other former classmates. Some of them even come to the pub and it’s just like old times – possibly a bit too much like old times. During the night, photos are uploaded to Facebook.
WEDNESDAY: Disaster! My mum’s on Facebook! Has she seen the photos of me dancing on the table from last night? Has she shown them to dad? Oh. And I have a friend request – mum again!
THURSDAY: There’s a message from my boyfriend, “so, it’s over then, ;is it?” Evidently I haven’t changed my settings to show I’m “in a relationship”, and I haven’t even added him as a friend. Ah, well, I wonder what my ex-boyfriend is doing… Whoops! I accidentally type his name into my status box instead of the search ‘ and now every one can see it on their news feed.’
FRIDAY: Time to update my status:“Work is boring. Can’t wait for the weekend!” Yeah, that about sums it up. Oh, look, I’ve received a comment! Someone must feel the same way. Lots of my friends now“like” this status.
SATURDAY: Good news! I’ve got 100 friends But wait! Someone’s “un-friended” me! I look through my “friend list” to try to work out who it was. Why did they do that? Am I really such a terrible person? I never knew Facebook could be this cruel.
SUNDAY: Wake up. Check my Facebook page. Make coffee. Check my Facebook page again. Get ready to leave. Change my mind and check my Facebook page … again. I am becoming addicted to it! I think it’s time to end it all before it takes over my life. I delete my account. Back to good, old, simple e-mails. Oh, look, I’ve got a message: A friend invited you to join Twitter. . .
In July 2010, Facebook had more than 500 million active users. The average Facebook user has 130 friends. Facebook is translated into more than 70 different languages. The world spends 700 billion minutes a month on Facebook. Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook page says he’s a Harvard graduate, even though he actually dropped out to focus on Facebook. The site is valued at between $7.9 and $11 billion.
小题1: Why did Jamie’s boyfriend ask her whether she had broken up with him?
A.He had seen photos of Jamie dancing on the table.
B.She showed in her facebook that she was still not dating anyone.
C.Her boyfriend was angry that she refused to add him as her friend.
D.He saw the name of her ex-boyfriend on his news feed.
小题2:Which of the following is conveyed in this article?
A.Visiting Facebook website took up a large part of Jamie’s time and energy.
B.Jamie is enthusiastic about her present job.
C.Facebook was created by a Harvard graduate, Mark Zuckerberg.
D.Compared with Facebook, Twitter is a better choice for Jamie.
小题3:What does the word“un-friend” mean in“Someone’s ‘un-friended’ me!”?
A. Being unfriendly to others.
B. Having a quarrel with somebody.
C. Removing a name from the friend list.
D. Ending friendship with somebody.
小题4:Which of the following is true according to the passage ?
A.Steve was Jamie’s boyfriend in the university.
B.People all over the world spend 700 billion minutes a week on Facebook.
C.Jamie’s mother has seen the photos of her dancing on the table.
D.Jamie felt enthusiastic about Facebook at first.
小题5:It can be learned from the passage that the writer’s attitude towards Facebook is ______ .



小题1:B 细节题。根据THURSDAY Evidently I haven’t changed my settings to show I’m “in a relationship”, and I haven’t even added him as a friend.说明B正确。
小题2:A 推理题。根据文章最后一段The average Facebook user has 130 friends. Facebook is translated into more than 70 different languages. The world spends 700 billion minutes a month on Facebook说明人们在facebook中花费了很多的时间内和精力,故A正确。
小题3:C 推理题。根据本句Good news! I’ve got 100 friends But wait! Someone’s “un-friended” me!说明我有了100个好友,但是有人把我从他的好友中删除了,本题的关键词是but。故C正确。
小题4:D 推理题。根据TUESDAY:部分的I’ve received lots of nice welcoming messages on my wall. Later, I meet up with Steve for a drink after not seeing him for five years. We get on really well!说明她在刚刚使用的时候很兴奋很有激情,故D正确。
小题5:C 推理题。作者举Jamie Simmonds为例说明使用facebook的问题,在SUNDAY部分. I am becoming addicted to it! I think it’s time to end it all before it takes over my life. I delete my account. Back to good, old, simple e-mails.说明很多人都上瘾了,影响了正常的生活,故他对facebook持否定的态度。故C正确。
点评:文章介绍了facebook对人的影响,会让人在它身上花费了太多的时间和精力而影响了正常的生活。同样也是对推理题的考查较多, 解推断题最主要的方法是根据词义关系推断具体细节。
Diao Weihao, a student who studies business English at the Chengdu campus of Sichuan International Studies University, was in his dormitory when the earthquake struck at 2:30 pm on Monday.
The 22-year-old felt that his chair was shaking. All of a sudden, the textbooks on the bookshelf began to fall to the floor. The glass in the window broke.
“It felt like our dormitory building was being hit by a tractor,” recalled Diao. “I wasn’t afraid.. I was even excited and curious. Now, looking back, it was a scary experience.”
Diao and his roommates kept their calm. They didn’t try to get out of the building until the shaking stopped. They were on the fifth floor and they feared there might be trouble if they didn’t remain calm.
“We’ve watched lots of disaster films, and that helped us keep cool,” he said. “Only one student sprained(扭伤) his ankle. He was escaping in a hurry. Most of us got outside quickly and safely.”
They were surprised to see so many students outside.
“I began to realize then what had happened,” he said. The college had warned them that in the event of an earthquake, they should leave the dormitory immediately. A few did rush in when it was safe to grab some clothes to keep warm.
Without any tents or bedding, the students stayed on the football field for the whole night. Rain started falling in the morning, but the students all kept in good order. They simply chatted and shared their feelings and comforted each other.
“Our students seemed to have self-control,” he said. “I heard that hospitals in Chengdu have lots of injured people who jumped out of buildings.”
Now, Diao is mostly worried about the people in Wenchuan County.
“It seems we won’t be able to have classes in one or two day’s time,” said Diao. “I want to become a volunteer at the damage-hit area, or donate my blood to the injured people in hospital. Also, I will write on my blog to keep people calm and encourage them to protect themselves during emergencies.”
Since the university is close to Dujiangyan, Diao and his classmates are still forbidden to return to their dorms or classrooms. However, they can eat in the canteen and get information about other parts of Sichuan by reading the newspapers.
小题1:Where was Diao Weihao when the earthquake happened?
A.He was in the campus.B.He was in the football field.
C.He was in his dormitoryD.He was in his classroom.
小题2:What did Diao Weihao feel when he realized what was happening?
小题3:When did Diao Weihao and his classmates rushed outside?
A.During the quake
B.The moment they realized what was happening
C.After the quake
D.When they got warnings.
小题4:Rearrange the following events in the proper order according to the passage.
a. They got out of buildings safely.
b. Diao Weihao was in his dormitory.
c. Diao Weihao wanted to be a volunteer.
d. Many classmates went out of the building.
e. An earthquake happened.
f. They stayed on the football field for the whole night.
小题5:From this passage, we know that Diao Weihao and his classmates are _________.
A.energetic and strong in willB.wise and caring
C.hardworking and learnedD.helpful and honest

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Recently, a couple in New Zealand were forbidden from naming their baby son 4Real. Even   36  New Zealand has quite free rules about   37  children, names beginning with a   38  are not allowed. They decided to call him Superman   39 .
In many countries around the world,   40  names for children are becoming more popular. In Britain, you can call a child almost   41  you like. The only restrictions(限制) on parents   42  to offensive(冒犯的) words such as swear words.
  43 parents choose names which come from  44 culture. For example, there have been six boys named Gandalf  45 the character in the Lord of the Rings(指环王) novels and films.   46 , names related to sport are fairly common –   47 1984, 36 children have been called Arsenal(阿森纳) after the football team. Other parents like to 48 names, or combine names to make their own  49 names, a method demonstrated (证实的) by Jordan, the British model,  50  recently invented the name Tiaamii for her daughter by 51 names Thea and Amy (the two grandmothers).
Some names which were previously   52  as old-fashioned have   53  popular again, but the most popular names are not the strange   54 . The top names are fairly   55 , for example, Jack, Charlie and Thomas for boys and Grace, Ruby and Jessica for girls.
A.to relateB.relateC.relatingD.related
A.Many ofB.MuchC.A great many ofD.Some
A.make outB.make forC.make use ofD.make up
A.well-known B.doubleC.uniqueD.fantastic
A.whichB.whoC.thatD.who that
A.thoughtB.thought aboutC.thought ofD.thought over

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The Homeless World Cup is an international football event, where teams made up entirely of people who are homeless compete. The event has been held annually since 2003.
It was at the end of 2001 that Mel Young, a famous expert in the media inDustry, came up with the idea of the Homeless World Cup. 18 months later the first event took place in Austria. It was such a success that people decided to do more.
There are some interesting and special rules of the event. For example, players(male or female at least 16 years old) must have been homeless at some time after the previous year’s World Cup or make their main living income by selling newspapers in the street or be asylum(政治避难) seekers . Anyone can take part, regardless of his or her abilities. There are at most 4 players per team to compete in the field. Games are 14 minutes long.
In 2007, 48 nations, 500 players took a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to represent their countries for true spirit and glory in Copenhagen, Denmark. The winner in 2007 was Scotland. The 2008 Homeless World Cup took place in Melbourne, Australia. And in 2009 it was held in Milan. The latest Homeless World Cup was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in September 2010. Paris 2011 Homeless World Cup takes place August followed by the México City 2012 Homeless World Cup.
The success of the competition has been in two aspects—to attract the world’s attention to the problems of homelessness and also to help participants live a better life.
According to a survey by the Homeless World Cup Organization after 2006 Homeless World Cup, 92% of the players had a new motivation for life, 93 players successfully got rid of their dependency on drugs and alcohol, 44% improved their housing situation and 72% continued to play football.
小题1:According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.The first Homeless World Cup took place in 2003.
B.The Homeless World Cup was held every other year.
C.The host country of the 9th Homeless World Cup was Australia.
D.Anyone who is homeless can take part in the Homeless World Cup.
小题2:The aim of the Homeless World Cup is to _____.
A.promote the cause of football
B.help the homeless live a better life
C.draw attention to those living in poverty
D.call on homeless people to unite and compete for honor
小题3:What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Most players moved out of poverty.
B.Homeless players became professional footballers.
C.93% of the players were independent of drugs and alcohol.
D.The Homeless World Cup helped homeless people change their lives.
小题4:What would be the best title for this passage?
A.To End Homelessness.B.Football For Everyone.
C.Hope For The Homeless.D.Beating Homelessness Through Football.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
In the early 1990s,the word” Internet” was strange to most people. But today, Internet has become a useful tool for people all over the world. Maybe Internet has been the greatest invention in the field of communication in the history of mankind(人类).
Communicating with others on the Internet is much faster. We can chat with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world. We can e-mail our friends and they can read the e-mails within a minute. Giving all kinds of information is probably the biggest advantage of the Internet. We can use search engines to find the information we need. Just type in a keyword or keywords and the search engine will give us a list of suitable websites to look at.
We can enjoy a lot on the Internet by downloading games, visiting chat rooms or surfing (浏览)websites. There are some games for free. We can meet new and interesting people in the chat now. We can also listen to music and see films.
Now ,there is a lot of service on the Internet such as online banking ,job finding and ticket buying. We can also do shopping and find nearly all kinds of goods. Sometimes we can find something that is quite good but very cheap.
小题1:How many main advantages of the Internet are talked about in the        passage?
小题2:What fact doesn’t the passage provide?
A.We can find almost anything we want to know on the Internet.
B.Some games on the Internet are free.
C.We can buy most things we need on the Internet.
D.Goods on the Internet are more expensive than those in real shops.
小题3:Which title best gives the main idea of the passage?
A.Online Shopping
B.Exchanging Information on the Internet
C.The Advantages of the Internet
D.Surfing the Websites on the Internet

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Thanks to the Internet, a whole new online world has been opened up for us to meet, chat and go where we’ve never been before.
But just as in face to face communication, there are some rules of behavior that should be followed when on line.  The basic rule is simple: treat others in the same way you would want to be treated.   Imagine how you’d feel if you were in the other person’s shoes.
For anything you’re about to send: ask yourself, “Would I say this to the person’s face?” if the answer is no, rewrite and reread.  Repeat the process till you feel sure that you’d feel comfortable saying words to a person’s  face.
If someone in the chat room is rude to you, your instinct (本能) is to fire back in the same manner. But try not to do so.  Just pay no attention to it, or block his message.  If it was caused by a disagreement with another member, try to fix the situation by politely discussing it. Remember to respect the beliefs and opinions of others in the chat room.
Everyone was new to the network once.  Offer advice when asked by newcomers, as they may not be sure what to do or how to communicate. When someone makes a mistake, whether it’s a stupid question or an unnecessarily long answer, be kind about it. If it’s a small mistake, you may not need to say anything. Even if you feel strongly about it, think twice before saying anything. Having good manners yourself doesn’t give you license to correct everyone else.
If you do decide to tell someone about a mistake, point it out politely At the same time, if you find you are wrong, be sure to correct yourself and apologize to those that you have offended.
It is not polite to ask others personal questions such as their age, sex and marital status. Unless you know the person very well, and you are both comfortable with sharing personal information, don’t ask such questions.
小题1:When you send short messages to a person, you must _______.
A.make sure they mean no harm
B.read them again and again
C.say something good to hear
D.repeat them later to his face
小题2:If you are hurt in the chat room by others, you should_____.
A.fight back in the same way
B.take it seriously
C.be angry at them
D.have none of them
小题3:If a newcomer who communicates online makes a mistake, you ___.
A.should point it out immediately
B.can say something about it
C.have the duty to correct it
D.shouldn’t give advice unless required
小题4:The passage mainly tells us _______.
A.rules of the chat room
B.some rules of Internet communication
C.ways of sending messages
D.ways of making online friends

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