“Have a nice day!” may be a pleasant gesture or a meaningless expression. When m

“Have a nice day!” may be a pleasant gesture or a meaningless expression. When m

“Have a nice day!” may be a pleasant gesture or a meaningless expression. When my friend Maxie says “have a nice day” with a smile, I know she sincerely cares about what happens to me. I feel loved and secure since another person cares about me and wishes me well.
“Have a nice day. Next!” this version of the expression is spoken by a salesgirl at the supermarket who is rushing me and my groceries out of the door. The words come out in the same tone (腔调)with a fixed procedure. They are spoken at me, not to me. Obviously, the concern for my day and everyone else’s is the management’s attempt to increase business.
The expression is one of those behaviors that help people get along with each other. Sometimes it indicates the end of a meeting. As soon as you hear it, you know the meeting is at an end. Sometimes the expression saves us when we don’t know what to say. “oh, you just had a tooth out? I’m terribly sorry, but have a nice day.”
The expression can be pleasant. If a stranger says “Have a nice day!” to you, you may find it heart-warming because someone you don’t know has tried to be nice to you.
Although the use of the expression is an insincere, meaningless social custom at times, there is nothing wrong with the sentence except that it is a little uninteresting. The salesgirl, the waitress, the teacher, and all the countless others who speak it without thinking may not really care about my day. But in a strange and comfortable way, it’s nice to know they care enough to pretend they care when they really don’t care all that much. While the expression may not often be sincere, it is always spoken. The point is that people say it all the time when they like.
小题1:How does the author understand Maxie’s word?
A.Maxie shows her anxiety to the author.
B.Maxie really wishes the author a good day.
C.Maxie encourages the author to stay happy.
D.Maxie really worries about the author’s security.
小题2:What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.The salesgirl is rude.B.The salesgirl is bored.
C.The salesgirl cares about me.D.The salesgirl says the words as a routine.
小题3:By saying “Have a nice day,” a stranger may______.
A.try to be polite to youB.express respects to you
C.give his blessing to youD.share his pleasure with you.
小题4:According to the last paragraph, people say “Have a good day” __________
A.sincerelyB.as thanksC.as a habitD.encouragingly
小题5:What is the best title of the passage?
A.Have a Nice Day---- a Social Custom
B.Have a Nice Day----- a pleasant Gesture
C.Have a Nice Day----- a heart-warming Greeting
D.Have a Nice Day----- a polite ending of a Conversation


位置谈论的主题是:Have a Nice Day这句话已经成为一个社会习惯,失去了它本身的意味了。
小题1:B 细节题。根据第一段2,3行I know she sincerely cares about what happens to me说明Maxie是真正的希望我过的开心。故B正确。
小题2:D 推理题。根据划线的前一句The words come out in the same tone (腔调)with a fixed procedure.说明服务员说这句话是程序化得,当成是一项日常事务,而非真心祝福。故D正确。
小题3:A 细节题。根据第四段2,3行you may find it heart-warming because someone you don’t know has tried to be nice to you说明这位陌生人对你是很有礼貌的,对你是非常友好的,故A正确。
小题4:C 细节题。根据位置最后一段第一行the use of the expression is an insincere, meaningless social custom at times说明C正确。
小题5:A 主旨大意题。位置谈论的主题是:Have a Nice Day这句话已经成为一个社会习惯,失去了它本身的意味了。
I have learnt a lot about Chinese life and culture while teaching in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province and found them very interesting.
First, family life is quite   36  in China. In the USA, many young people   37  home after they finish their education and start working. However, in China, it is   38  for people to live with their parents until they get married.   39 , many of my Chinese friends told me that their  40  lived with them and helped take care of them when they were children. It seems that Americans think independence is more important   41  the Chinese think family relationships are more important.
Bargaining is another   42  that I have tried to learn. In the USA, prices are   43  and you can’t ask for a lower price. However in some small Chinese stores and tourist places, you are   44  to bargain. My Chinese friends taught me to ask for 40 percent or 50 percent   45  the original price. If the salesperson doesn’t agree to my price, I should   46  to leave and he might let me come back and sell me the item. It is a skill that you have to   47  if you live in China.
Tipping hasn’t been easier to   48 . In the USA, many people in the service   49  want to get   50  money for serving customers. Tipping is not a part of Chinese culture.   51  I tried to tip a taxi driver. He looked a little   52  and refused to take the money.
In dinners, perhaps what surprises an American visitor most is that some of the Chinese hosts like to put food into the plates of their   53 . Actually, this is a   54  of true friendship and politeness. My Chinese friend told me if I didn’t want to eat it, I should just   55  the food in the plate.
A.adjust toB.turn toC.refer toD.stick to

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It’s high time someone spoke up for today’s college students.  They’re probably the most hardworking, ambitious people in America and their problems are not properly appreciated.
People like the Secretary of Education simply don’t know what they’re talking about when they knock students.  Nor do those who complain about falling academic standards.
The vast majority of the nation’s 12 million students are struggling to pay for their educations.  They are part of the invisible workforce.  Many hold down full-time jobs.  They’re frying hamburgers, photographing weddings, working in construction, and waiting on tables.  The fact that they even show up for classes is a wonderful event.
The financial situation of most students explains a lot about what is happening in schools.  Why are the traditional courses so unpopular?  Why are students flocking to accounting and computer science and any professional programs that seem to lead to careers?
Answer: Today’s working student has been forced into a kind of premature matter-of-fact way of viewing things.  Romance is gone.  The notion of transforming one’s self through study alone has disappeared.  Today’s students seek freedom from manual labor, and the status conferred by a good job.
There are other consequences.  Today’s students don’t have much time or energy to be devoted, and carry out independent research or even do serious homework.  That’s the secret behind falling academic standards.  Students have become consumers.  They want grades and certifications.  Their professors can’t be expected to give a grade of failure to students who are clearly tired from the effort to pay their bills.
There’s a lot wrong with this situation.  It’s twisting the definition of education out of shape.  Worse, it’s creating a generation that is totally unpleasant.  The brightest students turn out to be yuppies (雅皮士).  The vast majority are, at least, good-natured semi-literates.
The time has run out for philosophical debates about fixed courses of study.  What this country needs is someone to stand up and say that being a full-time student during one’s formative years is an honorable calling worthy of support.  If families can’t or won’t give it to their children, then the government should.
小题1:The author’s purpose in writing this article is to __________.
A.awaken the whole society to the problems today’s college students face
B.warn Americans that academic standards are falling
C.advise college students to study hard
D.provide a suggestion that only full-time students be enrolled
小题2:The most suitable word to describe the author’s feelings about today’s college students  is _________.
小题3:Which of the following cannot be learned from the passage?
A.Many students are often absent from classes.
B.Traditional courses are not popular.
C.Students commit crimes with computers.
D.Students don’t devote much time and energy to their homework.
小题4:By saying “Romance is gone” in paragraph 5, the author means ____________.
A.today’s students do not believe in love stories any more
B.today’s students become more practical in dealing with things
C.students think there is no affection any more and break up with their lovers
D.today’s students hold matter-of-fact opinions on love
小题5:Which of the following suggestions will the author not agree with?
A.We should encourage students to give up full-time jobs.
B.Families should offer their children more help financially.
C.We should stand up and say something for today’s college students.
D.We should make more strict regulations to force students to study hard.

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I once had a friend that was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and the news that he might only live up to six months was a great shock to him, his family, and his friends.However, in spite of the serious illness, he was initially(开始) determined to look into all available treatments that might cure or extend his life.I think that when you find yourself in such situations, you tend to look up every possible way for hope of saving your life.
As months went on and his health grew worse, I noticed an unexpected change in attitude that came over him.He had also been a happy person with a cheerful personality, but rather than give in to discouragement and self-pity, he took comfort in God and humanity(人性).His talks focused on others rather than himself, and he spoke of the afterlife as something he was prepared for, believing that his concerned ancestors, including his mother and father, were there waiting for him.
During the last few months, weeks, and days of his life, he was kindly cared for by family, friends, his loving wife, who looked after both his physical and emotional needs, and workers from a local hospice (安养院) came to the home to regulate(调节) his medication (药)and provide any other needed support.He didn"t complain about his fate, and he willingly allowed others to serve him.
Indeed, one might think why God allows death and suffering in our world, but for me, such experiences taught me to value family more and kindness for others.You often can"t learn these important attributes(属性)in the lap of luxury(处在优裕舒适的环境中), and perhaps, such an experience is the greatest and final gift the illness can give those left behind.
小题1:Which word can best describe the man"s initial reaction as soon as he was diagnosed with cancer?
小题2:What did the man do after he first learned of his illness?
A.He was operated on immediately.
B.He researched cancer treatments.
C.He retired from his job
D.He felt sad, doing nothing.
小题3:What was the man"s main source of comfort after several months with the disease? 
A.His family and friends.B.The care from others
C.His doctors’ encouragement.D.His belief in humanity.
小题4:What did the author learn from his friend’s story?
A.Getting comfort from God.
B.Extending life as possible.
C.Caring for yourself and enjoying luxury.
D.Giving more respect to friends

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A funny thing happened on the way to the communications revolutions: we stopped talking to one another.
I was walking in the park with a friend recently,and his cell phone rang, interrupting our conversation. There we were, walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and…I became invisible, absent from the conversation.   
The telephone used to connect you to the absent. Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent. Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel? Every advance in communications technology is a tragedy to the closeness of human interaction. With email and instant messaging over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another, With voice mail, you can conduct entire conversations without ever reaching anyone. If my mom has a question, I just leave the answer on her machine.
As almost every contact we can imagine between human beings gets automated, the alienation index goes up. You can"t even call a person to get the phone number of another person my more. Directory assistance is almost always fully automated.
I am not against modern technology. I own a cell phone, an ATM card a voice mail system, and an email account. Giving them up isn"t wise…they"re a great help to use. It"s some of their possible consequences that make me feel uneasy.  
More and more .I find myself hiding behind e-mail to do a job meant for conversation. Or being relieved that voice mail picked up because I didn"t really have time to talk, The industry devoted to helping me keep in touch is making me lonelier…or at least facilitating my antisocial instincts.
So I"ve put myself on technology restriction: no instant messaging. with people who live near me,no cell phoning in the presence of friends, no letting the voice mail pick up when I"m at home.
小题1:Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?   
A.The Advance of Communications Technology
B.The Consequences of Modern Technology
C.The Story of Communications Revolution
D.The Automation of Modern Communications
小题2:The sentence “Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent,”means that       .
A.the people sitting beside you have to go away to receive a phone call
B.you can hardly get in touch with the people sitting beside you
C.modem technology makes it hard for people to have a face-to-face talk
D.people can now go to work without going to the office
小题3:The writer feels that the use of modern communications is        
小题4:The passage implies that        .
A.modern technology is bridging the people.
B.modern technology is separating the people
C.modern technology is developing too fast
D.modern technology is interrupting our communications

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By 2012,the world may need to cope with as many as 50 million people who have fled their homeland,not for political or economic reasons but because the environment has been so badly changed that it cannot support life. The statement has been released by the United Nations to mark UN Disaster Reduction Day.
More people are made homeless by environmental disasters than by war,according to the research by the Red Cross. That reality is proved by the earthquake in Pakistan.
The widely publicized disaster has brought aid from the global community,according to Janos Bogardi,director of the United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security. “If we can move swiftly in and give them a new start where they are,then they may stay in the area. Otherwise,they become environmental refugees. Environmental­related migrations are most acute in Sub­Saharan Africa,but they also affect millions of people in Asia and India. Meanwhile,the United States is witnessing increased pressure from victims of mismanaged and worsening soil and water conditions in Mexico and Latin America.” he says. Janos Bogardi says these refugees suffer from the impact of gradual environmental change—global warming,sea level rise,air and water pollution and more intense storms,floods and droughts that degrade the land. This is a slow process,but unfortunately a process that is very difficult to go backwards once final damage is done.
Janos Bogardi says they are calling on the global community to recognize the serious situation of environmental refugees and to work together to lessen the impact of environmental disaster.
小题1:What may be the best title of the passage?
A.50 Million environmental refugees by 2010
B.Environmental refugees—an international problem
C.The cause of environmental disasters
D.Global aid pouring in
小题2:Janos Bogardi’s attitude towards solving the problem is that of being ________.
A.constructive       B.compromising
小题3:According to the passage,the following are the main reasons for migrations except ________.
A.earthquakeB.water conditions
C.global communityD.worsening soil
小题4:What is implied in the passage?
A.People all over the world have realized the impact of environmental disasters on refugees.
B.It is time for us to take some measures to solve the problem of environmental refugees.
C.The damaged soil can recover soon if people take care of it.
D.It is good for people to go elsewhere to make a living.

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