A recent Living Social survey showed that Americans may live up to their poor re

A recent Living Social survey showed that Americans may live up to their poor re

A recent Living Social survey showed that Americans may live up to their poor reputation while travelling abroad. But what’s more surprising is that many of those surveyed self-identified themselves as ‘ugly’ Americans and the world’s worst travelers.
Those in the U.S. ranked themselves as the worst travellers by a shocking 20 per cent, followed by 15 per cent saying the Chinese were the most substandard tourists.
Americans topped the list as being the worst-behaved travelers in a survey of 5,600 respondents, 4,000 of whom were Americans. Other respondents were in Australia, Canada, Ireland and the United Kingdom. But even American respondents considered their compatriots(同胞) as the worst travelers from a list of 16 nationalities.
Canadians and Australians also put Americans in the No. 1 spot. Irish respondents pointed to U.K. residents and U.K. respondents gave Germans the nod. On the other hand, 37% of Americans opted for "none of the above" in answer to the worst-tourists question, displaying more tolerance and open-mindedness than the other nationalities.
Other survey questions had respondents admitting pilfering from hotels. Four in ten U.S. survey-takers said they’d stolen something – mostly towels (28%) and bathrobes (8%). Other popular pinched items included pillows, remote controls, Bibles and sheets.
Not surprising is that Americans have less time off from work than other nationalities. Americans reported getting 16 days off, compared with 28 days for the Irish, 27 days for Australians, 23 days for U.K. workers; and 21 days for Canadians.
In the travel mishaps department, the most common travel disaster reported by Americans was lost luggage on an airline (21%); bad weather (21%); and getting very lost (16%).
As for places Americans most want to see, Disney World and Las Vegas made the top 10, but they weren"t at the top of the heap. And New York didn"t make the cut.
小题1:What percentage of American respondents is in the survey?
A.20 % B.15% C.71% D.37%
小题2:The underlined word “pilfering” in Para. 5 most probably means ________.
小题3:According to the survey, what kind of things are most taken away by Americans?
A.towels and pillows
B.bathrobes and remote controls.
C.towels and Bibles
D.bathrobes and towels.
小题4:What’s the best title of this passage?
A.Chinese were announced as the world’s worst travellers.
B.The global worst travellers were announced.
C.Disney World is the best destination to Americans.
D.European travellers were the best in the world


小题1:推理判断题,根据第三段Americans topped the list as being the worst-behaved travelers in a survey of 5,600 respondents, 4,000 of whom were Americans可知,美国人占总数的71%。
小题2:猜测词意题。根据后面的Four in ten U.S. survey-takers said they’d stolen something可知,此处讲的是偷窃问题。
小题3:实施细节题,根据第五段的Four in ten U.S. survey-takers said they’d stolen something – mostly towels (28%) and bathrobes (8%)可知
One family, which had emigrated from Japan and settled at the turn of the century near San Francisco, had established a business in which they grew roses and trucked them into San Francisco three mornings a week.
The other family was a naturalized(加入国籍的)family from Switzerland who also marketed roses, and   21   families became modestly successful,   22 their roses were known in the markets of San Francisco for their  23 vase-life.
For four decades the two families were neighbors, and the sons   24 the farms, but then on December 7, 1941, Japan   25   Pearl Harbor. Although the rest of the family members were American, the   26   of the Japanese family had never been naturalized. In the turmoil(动乱) and the questions about internment camps(拘留营), his neighbor made it clear that, if   27  , he would look after his friend’s nursery(花圃). It was   28 each family had learned in church—Love the neighbor as thyself. “You would do  29 for us, ” he told his Japanese friend.
It was not long before the Japanese   30   was transported to a poor landscape in Granada, Colorado. The relocation center consisted of tar-paper-roofed barracks (兵营)  31 by barbed wire and armed guards.
A full year went by. Then two. Then three. While the   32 neighbors were in internment, their friends worked in the greenhouses, the  33   before school and on Saturdays, and the father"s work often stretched to 16 and 17 hours. And then   34 , when the war in Europe had
  35 , the Japanese family packed up and   36  a train. They were going home.
What would they find? The family was   37 at the train station by their neighbors, and when they got to their home, the whole Japanese family stared.. There was the nursery, complete, clean and shining in the sunlight, neat, prosperous and healthy.
So was the balance of the bank passbook   38 to the Japanese father. And the house was  39 as clean and welcoming as the nursery.
And there on the dining room   40  was one perfect red rosebud, just waiting to unfold- the gift of one neighbor to another.
A.asB.if C.unlessD.though
A.took overB.dealt withC.watched outD.handed over
A.the sameB.similarlyC.familiarD.the similar
A.sometimeB.some dayC.one timeD.one day
A.right B.quiteC.justD.rather

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The Winter Olympics proved no match for television"s gold-medal winner, "American Idol". Fox"s unbelievable successful contest crashed the Olympics in head-to-head competition on Tuesday night, 27 million viewers to 16.1 million, according to Nielsen Media Research.
The Olympics recovered a bit after "Idol" went off the air, but its overall audience of 18.6 million was the least-watched winter Olympics telecast since Nagano"s closing ceremonies in 1998, Nielsen said.
Since its opening on Friday, the Turin games have been running well below the 2002 Salt Lake City games in viewership interest. Much of that was expected, but Tuesday"s rating was the first alarming sign for NBC that increased TV competition has taken a toll.
"The competition from "Idol" is heavier than the Olympics has ever seen," said NBC Sports spokeswoman Alana Russo.
It doesn"t figure to get any easier, with "Idol" and ABC"s "Lost" on the air Wednesday. CBS" "Survivor" and "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" offer more competition on Thursday.
Even figure skating, the most popular winter Olympics sport for viewers, didn"t help much on Tuesday. NBC filled about two-thirds of the hour during which it competed with "American Idol" with tape of the men"s figure-skating competition.
Through five nights of Olympics coverage, NBC"s average prime time rating is 12.7 ( a rating point represents 1,102, 000 households, or 1 percent of the nation"s estimated 110.2 million TV homes). NBC said before the games started that it had promised its advertisers a rating of between 12 and 14. If it slips below that, NBC will have to make it up to advertisers with free commercial time.
" ‘American Idol" is clearly a phenomenon," said Randy Falco, president of the NBC Universal Television Group. "But we expected it and are tracking fight where we planned to be at this point." Between NBC and its networks, about 65 percent of the nation"s television homes have tuned in at least some of the games.
小题1:How many viewers watched the Winter Olympics on Tuesday night?
A.110.2 millionB.12.7 million
小题2:What did NBC do on Tuesday night to attract more viewers?
A.To ask the "idol" to go off the air.
B.To play the tapes of men"s figure skating.
C.To add "Survivor" to its program.
D.To do more advertising.
小题3:If the rating slips below 12, NBC will          .
A.do more advertising for nothing
B.stop running normally
C.never cover the Olympics
D.pay extra money for advertisers
小题4:What does the underlined word "taken a toll" mean?
A.paid off.B.caused loss.C.broken out.D.picked up.

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I have nothing to say about whether or not "A Day Without Immigrants" had a positive or negative effect on the question of how the federal government should deal with the huge population of undocumented illegal immigrants in this country. I"ll leave that question to others.
Regardless of how you feel about the event, one conclusion is obvious. Using the theme of" A Day Without" as a way to focus national attention on a particular subject is a great idea, and could serve as a method for increasing public awareness about other issues that affect daily life in America. Here are my top three examples:
"A Day Without Speeding." How hard could this be? If all drivers would strictly obey every posted speed limit on highways, downtown, on neighborhood streets, and in parking lots for one 24-hour cycle, the benefits would be huge.
"A Day Without Losing Your Temper." A higher degree of difficulty here, and I know that from personal experience. When something goes wrong at home or on the job, there may be brief satisfaction in yelling or kicking the furniture, but erupting with anger usually doesn"t do anything to solve the problem, and in many cases it makes the situation more unpleasant.
"A Day Without Having All The Answers." I would like to get a break from hearing anyone speak the phrase, "Here"s what you"re doing wrong." Right now the US is jampacked with citizens who believe they can point out the cause of every single problem in existence and then solve it on the spot. I believe they need to be quiet sometimes and use their ears instead of their voices.
I wonder how would average Americans react to such a collective pause? Would it be a day of angry protests, or joyful celebrations?
小题1:The first paragraph suggests           .
A.the writer is against A Day Without Immigrants
B.immigrants are not equally treated by the US federal government
C.the writer cares little about the problems of the country.
D.some people move to America without the permission of the US government
小题2:"The event" in the second paragraph is related to          .
A."A Day Without Immigrants"
B."A Day Without Having All The Answers"
C."A Day Without Speeding"
D."A Day Without Losing Your Temper"
小题3:According to the writer, losing one"s temper is           .
A.personalB.satisfying C.pointlessD.unpleasant
小题4:The writer suggest a day without having all the answers because         .
A.he thinks the American are too proud
B.he doesn"t think what he is doing is wrong
C.he wants others to keep quiet
D.the writer is so tired that he needs a break

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Young people and older people do not always agree with each other. They sometimes have different ideas about living, working and playing. But in one special program in New York State, adults and teenagers live together in a friendly way.
Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group. Everyone works several hours each day. They do so not just to keep busy but to find meaning and enjoyment in work. Some teenagers work in the woods or on the farms near the village. Some learn to make things like tables and chairs and to build houses. The adults teach them these skills.
There are several free hours each day. Weekends are free, too. During the free hours some of the teenagers learn photo-taking or painting. Others sit around and talk to sing. Each teenager chooses his own way to spend his free time.
When people live together, rules are necessary. In this program the teenagers and the adults make the rules together. If someone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the whole group. They talk about it and ask, “Why did it happen? What should we do about it?”
One of the teenagers has this to say about the experience: “You stop thinking only about yourself. You learn how to think about the group.”
小题1:In one special program in New York State, young and older people_______.
A.are friendly to one another
B.teach one another new ways of building houses
C.live together but do not work together
D.spend 8 weeks together, working as farmers.
小题2:Living together, _________.
A.the teenagers have to obey the rules the adults made.
B.the members don’t have to obey the rules.
C.the members are not allowed to break the rules they make together.
D.the members have no free time except on weekends
小题3:The last paragraph shows that the teenager thinks his experience in the program is _________.
A.disappointing B.helpfulC.tiringD.unpleasant
小题4:The best title for the passage is ________.
A.Sadness of Living TogetherB.Different Ideas About Living
C.Teenagers and Adults TogetherD.Life in New York State

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Many teenagers feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends.They believe that their family members, especially their parents.Don’t know them as well as their friends do.In large families.it is often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they can only go to their friends for advice.
It is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or many friends.Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking among themselves on the phone.This communication is very important in children’s growing up, because friends can discuss something difficult to say to their family members.
However, parents often try to choose their children’s friends for them.Some parents may even stop their children from meeting their good friends. The question of “choice” is an interesting one.Have you ever thought of the following questions?
Who choose your friends?
Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you?
Have you got good friend your parents don’t like?
小题1:Many teenagers think their            know them better than their parents do.
A.friendsB.teachersC.brothers and sistersD.classmates
小题2:When teenagers stay alone,the usual way of communication is to              ,
A.go to their friends.
B.talk with their parents
C.have a d discussion with their family
D.talk with their friends on the phone
小题3:The passage suggests(暗示)that         
A.Parents cannot choose friends for their children successfully.
B.Perhaps some children’s friends are chosen by their parents.
C.Children won’t let their parents choose friends for them.
D.Parents often try to choose their children’s friends for them.

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