Around the world more and more people are ___1___ dangerous sports and activitie

Around the world more and more people are ___1___ dangerous sports and activitie

Around the world more and more people are ___1___ dangerous sports and activities. Of course there have always been people who have ___2___ adventure—those who have climbed the ___3___ mountains, explored unknown parts of the world or ___4___ in small boats across the greatest oceans. Now, however, there are people who look for an immediate pleasure from a ___5___ activity which may only last a few minutes or even ___6___.
I would consider bungee jumping to be a good example of such an activity. You ___7___ from a high place about 200 meters above the ground with an elastic rope ___8___ to your ankles. You ___9___ at up to 150 kilometers an hour until the rope stops you from ___10___ the ground. It is said that 2 million people around the world have now ___11___ bungee jumping. Other activities, ___12___ most people would say are as dangerous as bungee jumping, ___13___ jumping from tall buildings and ___14___ into the sea from the top of high rocks.
Why do people take part in such activities as these? Some psychologists(心理学家) suggest that it is because life in ___15___ societies has become safe and boring. Not very long ago, people’s lives were constantly under ___16___. They had to go out and hunt for ___17___, and life was a continuous battle for survival.
Nowadays, according to many people, life offers ___18___ excitement. They live and work in relatively safe condition; they buy food in shops; and there are doctors and hospitals to ___19___ them if they become ill. The answer for some of these people is to ___20___ danger in activities such as bungee jumping.
1. A. escaping from       B. taking part in     C. going in     D. taking in
2. A. looked up      B. looked into C. looked for  D. looked around
3. A. lowest    B. highest       C. beautiful    D. wild
4. A. sailed     B. swam  C. jumped      D. crossed
5. A. safe B. excited       C. funny  D. dangerous
6. A. years      B. seconds      C. hours  D. days
7. A. jump      B. run     C. walk   D. cross
8. A. followed B. tied     C. brought      D. took
9. A. go   B. run     C. fall     D. fly
10. A. falling  B. running      C. flying D. hitting
11. A. tried     B. looked for  C. found  D. studied
12. A. that      B. which C. it D. what
13. A. hold     B. include       C. find    D. contain
14. A. swimming    B. running      C. diving D. sailing
15. A. old       B. modern      C. past    D. formal
16. A. safety   B. imperfection      C. danger       D. perfection
17. A. animals B. food   C. water  D. dangers
18. A. few      B. little   C. much  D. many
19. A. look at  B. look into    C. look for     D. look after
20. A. look for       B. look after   C. explore      D. find
1-5BCBAD 6-10BABCD 11-15ABBCB 16-20CBBDA

1. B。从本段后面所举的例子来看,此处说的是越来越多的人正参加各种危险的运动。“从事”应说 go in for,故 C 不对。
2. C。上句说越来越多的人参加各种危险的运动,从 Of course 可推测此处说“也不乏有人参加冒险”。
3. B。从破折号来看,下文是通过例子来说明有人参加冒险活动。根据所举的几个例子来看,此处选 highest 才能与“冒险”这个主题相吻合,并与 explored unknown parts of the world 等语意一致。
4. A。从下面的 in small boats across the greatest oceans 看此处说的应是“乘船在大洋上航行”,故选用 sail。
5. D。此句中的however说明后面提到的运动与前面提到的不同,这里说的是有些人从持续时间很短的一项运动中得到瞬间快乐。从下文来看,作者认为 bungee 就属于这种运动,也是很危险的,故用 dangerous。
6. B。从前面的 …who look for an immediate pleasure 及 which may only last a few minutes or even… 等可推测,此处说的是这项运动持续时间短,显然 hours, days 和 years 不合语境。
7. A。从这一段开始介绍 bungee 运动。根据下文介绍的 from a high place about 200 meters above the ground 来看,该运动是从离地面大约 200米处望下跳。
8. B。在往下跳时,运动员的脚踝要系在绳子上,也就是要把绳子栓在脚踝上,所以用 tied。
9. C。从高处跳起,然后坠落下去,所以用 fall。
10. D。此处介绍的是系绳子的目的——不让你撞到地上。
11. A。根据下文看,世界上有很多人都已经尝试过蹦极这项运动。
12. B。此处应用 which 引导非限制性定语从句,which 指代前面提到的 other activities。
13. B。前面提到的 bungee 是从高处往地面跳,这里具体说从何处往下跳:一是从大楼往下跳,二是从高的岩石上往海面跳。故此处应用 include。
14. C。从下文的 into the sea 可看出是“跳水”,故用 diving。
15. B。从上下文来看,本文所介绍的活动是新兴的一项运动,也就是现代人所从事的活动,由此可推断此处选 modern,既说明“现代社会人们的生活很安全、枯燥”,故许多人从事这项运动来寻找刺激。
16. C。前面说现在人们生活舒适而乏味,与此相对照,此处说的是过去人们外出狩猎,生活就是持续的生存斗争,故此处应选 danger。
17. B。从 and life was a continuous battle for survival 等来看,此处说的是人们外出“猎取食物”,故用 food。
18. B。从后文可知“现在人们生活、工作在相对安全的环境下”,与狩猎相比,现代人的生活少了刺激,所以也就少了欢乐,故用 little。
19. D。从 if they become ill 知,此处说的是“当生病时有大夫等来照看他们”,故用 look after。
20. A。此句是总结全文的话。从整篇文章来看,此处说的是人们在刺激的运动中寻找危险。
The Eskimos believed that a human being is made up of a body, a soul, and a name, and it is not ___1___ unless it has all three. This ___2___ has a great ___3___ on the Eskimos daily life and runs like a golden ___4___ through the Eskimos culture.
As for the soul of man, the Eskimos do not claim to know exactly what it is… but, who does? They see it, however, as the beginning of life, and the energy ___5___ which life cannot continue.
An Eskimo’s name is ___6___ to give life of ___7___. It has in it all the good qualities of all the persons who have been called by it. Many Eskimos believe that a newborn baby ___8___ because it wants ___9___ name and will not complete until it gets it. 
Immediately after a birth, some wise elders ___10___ to ___11___ the child. The name that is ___12___ must be ___13___ of someone who has died ___14___. When my son was born, everyone realized that ___15___ was great-grandfather, Mequsaq(who had died a few months ___16___,) who had been reborn in him. The newborn baby had a slight squint(看一眼) in ___17___ eye that old Mequsaq had ___18___ to the enemy ride in the battle. This was taken as a ___19___ from the name spirit that the baby ___20___ be called Mequsaq.
1. A. separate  B. complete    C. serious       D scientific
2. A. thought  B. idea    C. belief  D. theory
3. A. result     B. effect  C. control       D. touch
4. A. thread    B. line     C. way    D. rope
5. A. with       B. without      C. by      D. along
6. A. believed B. taken  C. held    D. regarded
7. A. his own  B. its own       C. own    D. itself
8. A. sobs       B. laughs C. weeps D. cries
9. A. it    B. his      C. her     D. its
10. A. run       B. discuss       C. gather D. appear
11. A. name    B. call     C. hold    D. dress
12. A. decided B. selected      C. elected       D. demanded
13. A. this      B. these   C. those   D. that
14. A. recently       B. long ago     C. just now     D. meanwhile
15. A. this      B. that     C. it D. who
16. A. since    B. later    C. ago     D. before
17. A. the other      B. the same     C. the different      D. other
18. A. hurt      B. wounded    C. lost     D. injured
19. A. choice  B. decision     C. notice D. sign
20. A. could    B. might  C. would D. should
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Why do women earn less than men?
Women earn less than men. For example, in 1988 the hourly wages of women in the U.S. were 16% less than those of men. The gap between male and female incomes varies with age. The gap between the labor incomes of young women and young men is much smaller than that between middle-aged women and men. It is also clear that jobs in which women are concentrated pay less. The larger the number of workers in an industry who are women, the lower the average wages.
Why do women earn less than men? Are the differences explained by the fact that women are looked down upon? If so, the government has to intervene, to force the employers to pay equal wages to equal jobs. however, there is no agreement among economists about the causes of the gap. One view argues that women on the average have chosen low-paying jobs in which workers enjoy the freedom of entering and leaving the labor force, which reduces their years of experience relative to men. Other people say the gap can also be explained by the difference in educational background which is shown in the difference in the marginal product between men and women.
Much of the gap, however, has not been fully explained. It might be the result of some bias against women. It is this part that has produced calls for government action. What would happen if the government did intervene to increase the wages paid to women? One possibility is that incomes for women as a group might actually decline. An increase in wage decreases the quantity of labor input demanded, resulting in decreased employment as the rate of hiring new workers declines. The result will be a surplus of labor. Those who can find jobs might be better off while those who had jobs might find themselves out of work.
小题1:The difference in labor incomes is most obvious between _______.
A.young men and young women
B.young women in the same industry
C.middle-aged men and middle-aged women
D.middle-aged women in the same industry
小题2:Some economists believe women earn less than men partly because ______.
A.women are less experienced than men
B.women are only provided with low-paying jobs
C.women have much freedom in selecting their jobs
D.there is more than enough women in the labor force
小题3:Which of the following cannot be inferred from the second paragraph?
A.Women receive less education than men.
B.Women are not as productive as men.
C.Levels of education are closely related to productivity.
D.Goods produced by women are not as good as those by men.
小题4:What does the author suggest that the government should do for women workers?
A.To ensure equal pay for women.
B.To explain why women are paid less.
C.To force employers to hire more women.
D.No solution is clearly suggested.
小题5:What would happen if women’s wages were raised?
A.Input of capital would be increased.
B.The unemployment rate would go up.
C.Those that have jobs would become better off.
D.Women as a group would earn more than before.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Macao, also called Macau, is on the western side of the Pearl River entrance, at the head of which is the Chinese port of Guangdong and it stands opposite Hong Kong which is on the eastern side of the entrance. It is made of a small narrow peninsula(半岛) sticking out from Guangdong province. The total area of Macao is about 21.45 square kilometers, and it is made up of three parts: Macao Peninsula, Dingbat Isle and Lehman Isle.
Between Macao Peninsula and Dingbat Isle there are two bridges which join the two parts together, and there is also a highway between the Dingbat and Lehman Isles. Therefore, two bridges and one highway make the three parts of Macao into an integrated region(一个整体).
Macao faces to the vast sea and its back is the Pearl River Delta. The two big cities, Hong Kong and Guangzhou, and the two special economic zones Hula and Shenzhen are its neighbors. All of this offers much advantage for its economic development.
Macao has a population of about 450, 000. This is very large against the size of the area. The average population density(密度) reaches 20, 000 per square kilometer. It is one of the densest population regions in the world. The majority of its people are Chinese, who make up 96% of the whole population.
小题1:Which is the advantage for Macao’s economic development?
A.Macao is on the coast line.
B.Macao is near some big cities or special economic zones.
C.Macao’s back is a rich delta.
D.All of the above.
小题2:In Macao there are only about _______ people who are not Chinese.

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The deserts of the world are not all covered with sand. Many of them have surfaces of rock or clay or small stones. They are not flat, either. They often have high hills and deep valleys. There is some plants’ life in many parts of the desert. There is little rain in the desert, but it does fall often enough for most plants.
The deserts of the world are not uninhabited(not lived by people). People also live outside oases(绿洲), but these people are not farmers. They have camels, goats, donkeys, sheep, etc. These animals can live on the desert plants and do not need much water.
The people of the desert have to move constantly from place to place, they must always look for grass or desert plants for their animals. They usually live in tents. When there is no more food for their animals, they fold up their tents, pat them on their camels and donkeys, and move to another place. In good years, when there is enough food for their animals, they trade their skins and their goats and camel hairs with the people of oases for wheat and fruit. But in bad years, when there is not enough food for their animals, the people of the desert would attack the oases people. But they are also hospitable, no man in the desert would ever refuse to give a stranger food and water.
小题1:according to the passage, deserts are mostly made up of _______.
小题2:The underlined word “hospitable” has the meaning of being _______.
小题3:In the desert _______. rains in spring only rains for a short time every month
C.there is some rain, but far from enough
D.the rainfall is just enough for the plants
小题4:People live _______.
A.only inside the oasesB.only outside the oases
C.both inside and outside the places with regular rainfalls
小题5:From the passage we know that life _______. hard in happy in deserts impossible in deserts in much better now

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It is impossible not to make a mistake at some points in your life. We may as well accept that something will go wrong and we will be to blame. It is therefore sensible to work out some strategies for apologizing, and the best way to apologize is by letter. This way you can take care over every work you write— which you can’t do if you say sorry to someone in person.
We all say or do something that we wish we hadn’t said or done. You may say something that accidentally hurts someone, or you may provide a service which doesn’t come up to the standards that a client or customer expected.
You may feel that it was a genuine mistake which couldn’t be avoided. Rather than dwell on the mistake, you should quickly try to remedy(修补)the problem. An effective letter of apology is an important part of that process.
For the contents of the letter, just remember TABS—Timing, Action, Brevity, Sincerity.
The timing of a letter of apology is essential—it must be sent as soon as possible. Any delay in our sending the letter will only compound the problem. In this case “Better late than never” is not the best motto! The longer you wait before you wait before writing a letter of apology, the more it will seem that you have been coerced(被迫)into writing it.
Although it is important to recognize what has gone before, it is also essential to detail the action you plan to take to rectify whatever it was you did wrong. Research has shown that some indication that you have thought about what future action you plan to take is always well received.
A letter of apology should be brief and the word “sorry” should appear no more than twice. Indicate that you are aware using it a second time—“once again, I am so sorry for…” or “as I said earlier, I am really sorry about…”. Finally, the tone of the letter has to be sincere. In fact, the combination of all the above factors will help in this respect.
And don’t think that letters are out of date in the email—oriented 21st century. An apology email can be worse than no apology at all!
小题1:What kind of advice does the text suggest about apologizing?
A.It’s a good idea to write a letter of apology as soon as something has gone wrong.
B.It’s a good idea to send several emails to apologize.
C.Write a long letter apologizing several times to make your point.
D.Wait to see how they react to your letter before planning to do anything.
小题2:What kind of things do you NOT apologize for?
A.A service that is not as good as it should be.
B.Genuine mistakes.
C.Car accidents.
D.Causing offence or hurt.
小题3:The underlined expression “Rather than dwell on the mistake” in the third paragraph means you _____.
A.should not waste time worrying about what happened.
B.should consider the problem
C.should forget about what happened.
D.should analyse who was at fault.
小题4:How can timing compound problems?
A.If you write immediately, they will be suspicious.
B.If you leave it for a few days, they will know it is your idea to write.
C.Waiting for a few days before you write will show your sincerity.
D.Waiting too long will make it worse because they won’t believe you mean it.

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