阅读理解。     "In only six days I lost seven pounds of weight."     "Two full inches

阅读理解。     "In only six days I lost seven pounds of weight."     "Two full inches

阅读理解。     "In only six days I lost seven pounds of weight."
     "Two full inches in the first three days!"
      These are the kinds of statements used in magazine,newspaper,radio and television ads,
promising new shapes and new looks to those who buy the medicine or the device.The
promoters of products say they can shape the legs,slim the face,smooth wrinkles,or in some
other way to add to beauty or desirability.
      Often such products are nothing more than moneymaking things for their promoters.The
results they produce are questionable,and some are dangerous to health.
To understand how these products can be legally promoted to the public,it is necessary to
understand something of the laws covering their regulation.If the product is a drug,FDA
(Food and Drug Administration)can require proof under the Food,Drug,and Cosmetic Act
that is safe and effective before it is put on the market.But if the product is a device,FDA
has no authority to require premarketing proof of safety or effectiveness.If a product already
on the market is a danger to health,FDA can request the producer or distributor to remove it
from the market voluntarily,or it can take legal action,including seizure(查封)of the product.
     One notable case a few years ago involved an electrical device called the Relaxacisor,which
had been sold for reducing the waistline.The Relaxacisor produced electrical shocks to the body
through contact pads.FDA took legal action against the distributor to stop the sale of the device
on the grounds that it was dangerous to health and life.
     Obviously,most of the devices on the market have never been the subject of court proceedings
(法律诉讼),and new devices appear continually.Before buying,it is up to the consumer to judge
the safety or effectiveness of such items.1.It can be inferred that the ads mentioned in the text are________.A.objective  
D.illegal2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A.The court is in charge of removing dangerous products.
B.New products are more likely to be questionable.
C.The production of a device must be approved by FDA.
D.The promoters usually just care about profits.3.FDA can ask for the proof of safety and effectiveness of a product________.A.if it is a drug
B.if it is a device
C.if its consumers make complaints
D.if its distributors challenge FDA"s authority4.The Relaxacisor is mentioned as________.A.a product which was designed to produce electricity
B.a product whose distributor was involved in a legal case
C.a successful advertisement of a beauty product
D.an example of a quality beauty product5.The author intends to________.A.make consumers aware of the promoters" false promises
B.show the weakness of the law on product safety
C.give advice on how to keep young and beautiful
D.introduce the organization of FDA
阅读理解     Today, people all over the world are moving out of small villages in the country to go and live in big,
noisy cities. They are moving from the peaceful hills, mountains, fields, rivers and streams of the
countryside to the busy world of streets, buildings, traffic and crowds. This movement from rural(乡下的) areas to urban areas has been going on for over two hundred years.
     In many countries, the main reason people come to live in towns and cities is work. After one or two
large factories have been built in or near a town, people come to find work, and soon an industrial area
begins to grow. There is usually a_residential_area nearby, too. The families of these workers need
schools, hospitals and shops, so many people come to live in the area to provide these services and a city grows.
     In every major city in the world, there is a business district where the big companies have their main
offices. In the United States, this area is usually in the city center downtown. It is here that you can see
many huge skyscrapers(摩天大楼)and office blocks. The people who work here often travel a long way
to work each day. Many of them live in the suburbs of the city, far away from the industrial area and the
city center. Some suburbs are very pleasant, with nice houses and big gardens. There are usually parks for children to play in and large department stores where you can buy all you need.
     But what is the future of the big cities? Will they continue to get bigger and bigger? Perhaps not. Some major cities have actually become smaller in the last ten years, and it is quite possible that one day we will
see people moving out of the major cities and back into smaller towns and villages.1. The underlined phrase "a residential area" means an area________.A. where people can buy things
B. which is suitable for living in
C. where people can do business
D. which is near a city center2. Why do people move to live in cities or towns?A. Because they can live more comfortably there.
B. Because they like noisy life better than peaceful life.
C. Because they mainly want to find work there.
D. Because they are sure of having a better life there.3. Which of the following statement is NOT true about the business district?A. Big companies usually have their main offices in the business district.
B. People usually work and live in the business district.
C. A business district usually lies in the city center downtown.
D. Nearly every major city has its own business district.4. In the United States, many people work in the center of a big city________.A. and live there
B. but live in the suburbs of the city
C. and live in another city
D. but live in rural areas5. We can infer that this movement from rural to urban areas ________.A. has been going on for more than 2,000 years
B. will surely continue in the future
C. may not continue in the future
D. has now stopped already
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     When a rather dirty, poorly dressed person kneels at your feet and puts out his hands to beg for
a few coins, do you hurry on, not __1__ what to do, or do you feel sad and hurriedly __2__ some
money? What should our attitude towards beggars be? There can be no question that the world is
full of terribly sad stories. It must be terrible to have no idea where our next meal is going to come
from. It seems __3__ not to give some money to beggars.
     __4__, most of the world"s great religions order us to be openhearted and __5__what we have
with those less lucky than ourselves. But has the world changed? Maybe what was morally right in
the old days, when one knew exactly who in the village had suffered misfortune and needed help,
is no longer the best idea. Quite a few people will not give to beggars. Let us look at their __6__.
     Firstly, some believe that many city beggars dress up on purpose to look pitiable and actually
make a good __7__ from begging. Giving to beggars only encourages this sort of evil. __8__,
there is the worry that the money you give will be spent on beer, wine or drugs. Thirdly, there is
the opinion that there is no real excuse for begging. One might be poor, but that is no reason for
losing one"s sense of __9__ and selfdependence.
     Related to this is the opinion that the problem should be handled by the government rather
than ordinary people. Some people think beggars should go to the local government department
and __10__ help.
     It is hard to come to any final conclusion: there are various __11__and we must deal with them
differently. A few coins can save a life in some situations, and even if the money is wasted, that does
not take away the moral goodness of the __12__.(     )1.A.knowing        
(     )2.A.put away      
(     )3.A.warm-hearted  
(     )4.A.Strangely     
(     )5.A.give          
(     )6.A.arguments      
(     )7.A.money          
(     )8.A.Secondly      
(     )9.A.goodness      
(     )10.A.produce      
(     )11.A.cases        
(     )12.A.giver         B.expecting
B.hand over
B.receiver C.demanding
C.take in    
C.villager D.settling      
D.get out      
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解.      According to a recent survey on money and relationships,36% of people are keeping a
bank account from their partner.While this financial unfaithfulness may appear as distrust in
a relationship,in truth it may just be a form of financial protection.With almost half of all
marriages ending in divorce,men and women are realizing they need to be financially savvy,
regardless of whether they are in a relationship.
      The financial hardship on individuals after a divorce can be extremely difficult,even more
so when children are involved.The lack of permanency in relationships,job and family life
may be the cause of a growing trend to keep a secret bank account hidden from a partner,
in other words,an"escape fund".
      Margaret"s story is far from unique.She is a representative of a growing number of
women in long-term relationships who are becoming protective of their own earnings.Every
month on pay day,she banks hundreds of dollars into a savings account she keeps from her
husband.She has been doing this throughout their six-year marriage and has built a nest egg
worth an incredible$100,000.Margaret says if her husband found about her secret savings
he"d be hurt and would take this as a sign that she wasn"t sure of the marriage."He"d think it
was my escape fund so that financially I could afford to get out of the relationship if it went
wrong.I know you should approach marriage as being forever and I hope ours is,but you
can never be sure."
     Like many of her fellow secret savers,Margaret was hurt in a former relationship and has
since been very guarded about her own money.
     Coming clean to your partner about being a secret saver may not be all that bad.Take
Colleen for example,who had been saving secretly for a few years before she confessed to
her partner."I decided to open a savings account and start building a nest egg of my own.I
wanted to prove to myself that I could put money in the bank and leave it there for a rainy
day."1. The trend to keep a secret bank account is growing because________.A."escape fund" helps one through rainy days
B.days are getting harder and harder
C.women are money sensitive
D.financial conflicts often occur2.The underlined word "savvy" in Paragraph 1 probably means________.A.suspicious
D.simple3.Which inference can we make about Margaret?A.She is a unique woman.
B.She was once divorced.
C.She is going to retire.
D.She has many children.4. The author mentions Colleen"s example to show________.A.any couple can avoid marriage conflicts
B.privacy within marriage should be respected
C.everyone can save a fortune with a happy marriage
D.financial disclosure is not necessarily bad5. Which of the following is the best title of this passage?______.A.Secret savers
B.Love is what it"s worth
C.Banking honesty
D.Once bitten,twice shy
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     I heard many parents complaining that their teenage children are rebelling. I wish it were so.
At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents. You should be learning to stand
on your own two feet. But take a good look at the present rebellion. It seems that teenagers are
taking the same way of showing that they disagree with their parents. Instead of striking out boldly
on their own, most of them are clutching (紧握) at one another"s hands for reassurance.
     They claim they want to dress as they please. But they all wear the same clothes. They set off
in new directions in music. But somehow they all end up huddled (聚在一起) round listening to
the same record. Their reason for thinking or acting in thusandsuch a way is that the crowd is doing
it. They have come out of their cocoon (蚕茧) into a larger_cocoon.
     It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to
go his or her own way. Industry has firmly carved out a teenage market. These days every teenager
can learn from the advertisements what a teenager should have and be. And many of today"s parents
have come to award high marks for the popularity of their children. All this adds up to a great barrier
for the teenager who wants to find his or her own path.
     But the barrier is worth climbing over. The path is worth following. You may want to listen to
classical music instead of going to a party. You may want to collect rocks when everyone else is
collecting records. You may have some thoughts that you don"t care to share at once with your
classmates. Well, go to it. Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will come-with the people who
respect you for who you are. That is the only kind of popularity that really counts.1.In this passage, the author wants to tell ________.A.teenagers to try to pursue their real selves
B.readers to try to be popular with people around
C.parents to try to control and guide their children
D.people to try to understand and respect each other2.The author disapproves of rebelling teenagers ________.A.growing away from their parents
B.following the popularity trend
C.walking a new way on their own
D.turning to their friends for help3.The phrase "larger cocoon" at the end of the second paragraph refers to ________.A.the distractive and variable society
B.the dazzling music world
C.the parental care and love
D.the popularity wave in the society 4.What does the author think of advertisements?A.Convincing.  
D.Authoritative.45.According to the author, what might happen when a teenager stands up against the popularity wave
and follows his/her own path?A.He/She falls behind the time.
B.He/She loses good friends.
C.He/She faces all kinds of criticism.
D.He/She gains valuable popularity.
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     Many people have tried to simplify (简化) the spelling of English words.Unlike other languages,English sometimes spells the same sounds in very different ways.For example,there is "light" but "white","loan" but "phone",and there are at least seven different ways of pronouncing "ough":"though","through","bough","
cough","enough","ought" and "thorough".
     The American President Theodore Roosevelt almost succeeded in simplifying English spelling.In 1906,Andrew Carnegie started the Simplified Spelling Board.He was one of the richest men in the United States of America.The board"s plan was to make the spelling of words nearer to the way they sound.For
example,the word "though" would be spelt "tho" and "through" would become "thru".Other people on the board were Melvil Dewey,the head of the New York libraries,and Professor Brander Matthews of
Columbia University.They explained their idea to President Roosevelt,who thought that it was indeed
logical.He immediately asked the government printer to use simplified spelling in all government letters.
But people didn"t like the change,even if it made life easier.So the new simpler spelling was not popular.
More importantly,when the American politicians (政客) discussed the plan,they did not like it either.
Because Roosevelt did not want to have any problems with the politicians,he changed his mind and told the printer to go back to the old way of spelling.
     Since then no one in any government has dared to simplify English spelling.However,people do simplify some words,mainly in advertisements.For example,we often see "tonite" instead of "tonight" and "thru"
instead of "through".1. Many people have tried to simplify English spelling because________.A. English words are too long to remember
B. there are many mistakes in English words
C. lots of words are spelt in many different ways
D. sometimes the same sounds have different spellings2. Who is NOT a member of the Simplified Spelling Board?A. Andrew Carnegie.  
B. Melvil Dewey.
C. Theodore Roosevelt.  
D. Brander Matthews.3. What was Theodore Roosevelt"s attitude towards simplified spelling?A. Worried.  
B. Supportive.  
C. Uncertain.  
D. Doubtful.4. According to the passage,simplified spelling________.A. was welcomed by the US politicians
B. changed the way the words sound
C. has been used widely for over a century
D. was first used in US government letters5. Roosevelt"s plan to simplify English spelling________.A. failed in the end  
B. proved quite successful
C. won wide support  
D. influenced English greatly
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