Many everyday American expressions are based on colors. Red is a hot color. Ame

Many everyday American expressions are based on colors. Red is a hot color. Ame

Many everyday American expressions are based on colors.
Red is a hot color. Americans often use it to express heat. They may say they are red hot about something unfair. When they are red hot they are very angry about something. The small hot tasting peppers found in many Mexican foods are called red hots for their color and their fiery taste.
Pink is a lighter kind of color. People sometimes say they are in the pink when they are in good health. It probably comes from the fact that many babies are born with a nice pink color that shows that they are in good health.
Blue is a cool color. The traditional blues music in the United States is the opposite of red hot music. Blues is slow, sad and soulful. Someone who is blue is very sad.
The color green is natural for trees and grass. But it is an unnatural color for humans. A person who has a sick stomach may say he feels a little green. A passenger on a boat who is feeling very sick from high waves may look very green. If a person is green at his job, he may be a newcomer and inexperienced. Sometimes a person may be upset because he does not have something as nice as a friend has, like a new sports car. That person may say he is green with envy. Some people are green with envy because their friend has more dollars.
The color black is used often in expressions. People describe a day in which everything goes wrong as a black day. The date of a major tragedy is remembered as a black day.
小题1:If a person feels blue, he is _____.
小题2:If someone says “you are still green”, he probably means that _______. are very are in a bad are are in good health
小题3:Which of the following statements is CORRECT according to the passage?
A.After two days’ rest, the soldiers were all in the pink.
B.They had a fierce quarrel so they all felt black about it.
C.David got hurt by a bike so his face looked blue.
D.When we meet something unfair, we feel very green.
小题4:What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Different colors have different meanings.
B.What different colors stand for.
C.The story about different colors.
D.Colors used in American expressions.



小题1:B细节题:从第四段的句子:Someone who is blue is very sad. 可只是depressed“压抑的,沮丧的”。
小题1:C细节题:从第五段的句子:If a person is green at his job, he may be a newcomer and inexperienced.说明是没有经验。
小题1:A细节题:从第三段的句子:People sometimes say they are in the pink when they are in good health.看出休息好了,身体就好了。选A。
小题1:D主旨题:主题句是第一段的句子:Many everyday American expressions are based on colors.可知选D。
Ideas about polite behavior are different from one culture to another.Some societies, such as America and Australia, for example, are mobile and very open.People here change jobs and move house quite often.As a result, they have a lot of relationships that often last only a short time, and they need to get to know people quickly.So it’s normal to have friendly conversations with people that they have just met, and you can talk about things that other cultures would regard as personal.
On the other hand there are more crowded and less mobile societies where long – term relationships are more important.A Malaysian or Mexican business person, for example, will want to get to know you very well before he or she feels happy to start business.But when you do get to know each other, the relationship becomes much deeper than it would in a mobile society.
To Americans, both Europeans and Asians seem cool and formal at first.On the other hand, as a passenger from a less mobile society puts it, it’s no fun spending several hours next to a stranger who wants to tell you all about his or her life and asks you all sorts of questions that you don’t want to answer.
Cross-cultural differences aren’t just a problem for travelers, but also for the flights that carry them.All flights want to provide the best service, but ideas about good service are different from place to place.This can be seen most clearly in the way that problems are dealt with.
Some societies have ‘universalistic’ cultures.These societies strongly respect rules, and they treat every person and situation in basically the same way.
‘Particularistic’ societies, on the other hand, also have rules, but they are less important than the society’s unwritten ideas about what is right or wrong for a particular situation or a particular person.So the normal rules are changed to fit the needs of the situation or the importance of the person.
This difference can cause problems.A traveler from a particularistic society, India, is checking in for a flight in Germany, a country which has a universalistic culture.The Indian traveler has two much luggage, but he explains that he has been away from home for a long time and the suitcases are full of presents for his family.He expects that the check – in official will understand his problem and will change the rules for him.The check – in official explains that if he was allowed to have too much luggage, it wouldn’t be fair to the other passengers.But the traveler thinks this is unfair, because the other passengers don’t have his problem.
小题1:Often moving from one place to another makes people like Americans and Australians _____. traveling betterB.easy to communicate with
C.difficult to make real friendsD.have a long–term relationship with their neighbors
小题2:People like Malaysians prefer to associate with those  _________.
A.who will tell them everything of their own
B.who want to do business with them
C.they know quite well
D.who are good at talking
小题3:A person from a less mobile society will feel it _______ when a stranger keeps talking to him or her, and asking him or her questions.
小题4:The writer of the passage thinks that the Indian and the German have different ideas about rules because of different _______.
A.interestsB.habits and customsC.culturesD.ways of life

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
I travel a lot, and I find out different "styles" (风格) of directions every time 1 ask "How can I get to the post office?"
Foreign tourists are often confused (困惑) in Japan because most streets there don’t have names in Japan, people use landmarks (地标) in their directions instead of street names. For example, the Japanese will say to travelers, "Go straight down to the corner. Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market. The post office is across from the bus stop."
In the countryside of the American Midwest, there are not usually many landmarks. There are no mountains, so the land is very flat; in many places there are no towns or buildings within miles. Instead of landmarks, people will tell you directions and distances. In Kansas or Iowa, for example, people will say, "Go north two miles. Turn east, and then go another mile."
People in Los Angeles, California, have no idea of distance on the map; they measure distance in time, not miles. "How far away is the post office?" you ask. "Oh," they answer, "it’s about five minutes from here." You say, "Yes, but how many miles away is it?" They don’t know.
It’s true that a person doesn’t know the answer to your question sometimes. What happens in such a situation? A New Yorker might say, ’Sorry, I have no idea." But in Yucatan, Mexico, no one answers "I don’t know." People in Yucatan believe that "I don’t know" is impolite. They usually give an answer, often a wrong one. A tourist can get very, very lost in Yucatan!
小题1: When a tourist asks the Japanese the way to a certain place they usually _________
A.describe the place him a map of the place
C.tell him the names of the streetsD.refer to recognizable buildings and places
小题2:What is the place where people measure distance in time?
A.New York.B.Los Angeles.C.Kansas.D.Iowa
小题3:People in Yucatan may give a tourist a wrong answer ________ order to save a as to be politeD.for fun
小题4: Which sentence is true according to the text?
A.There is no street names in Japan.
B.There is no landmarks in the countryside of American.
C.People in Yucatan always give wrong answers when asked the way.
D.People in Los Angeles measure distance in time, not miles when asked the way.
小题5: What can we infer from the text?
A.It’s important for travelers to understand cultural differences.
B.It’s useful for travelers to know how to ask the way properly.
C.People have similar understandings of politeness.
D.New Yorkers are generally friendly to visitors.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Americans like to travel on their yearly holiday.Today,more and more travelers in the United States are spending nights at small houses or inns (客栈) instead of hotels.They get a room for the night and the breakfast the next morning.
Rooms for the night in private homes with breakfast have been popular with travelers in Europe for many years.In the past five to ten years,these bed-and-breakfast places have become popular in the United States.Many of these America’s bed-and-breakfast inns have only a few rooms,others are much larger.Some inns do not provide telephones or televisions in the rooms,others do.
Staying at a bed-and-breakfast inn is much different from staying at a hotel.Usually the cost is much less.Staying at an inn is almost like visiting someone’s home.The owners are glad to tell about the areas and the interesting places to visit.Many vacationers say that they enjoy the chance to meet local families.
小题1:Americans take a holiday trip _____.
A.all the year roundB.for yearsC.every yearD.every other year
小题2:According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?
A.Some Americans like to stay at bed-and-breakfast homes instead of at hotels.
B.The bed-and-breakfast inns are private homes opened to vacationers.
C.The bed-and-breakfast inns have been popular in America for a long time.
D.The bed-and-breakfast inns owners provide a morning meal for their visitors and a room for the night.
小题3:Why do American travelers prefers staying at bed-and-breakfast inns?
A.It is like visiting someone’s home.B.The money they spend there is much less.
C.They can meet local families. D.All of the above
小题4:Staying at the bed-and-breakfast inns,_____.
A.the travelers needn’t pay anything
B.the travelers don’t have to pay for the telephone or television
C.The travelers can meet and talk with the local people
D.The owners will show the travelers around the area

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Singles Day falls on every November 11th, and as the name indicates, this relatively new holiday is one exclusively for people who are still living the single life. I was a bit surprised when I googled “Singles Day” on the Internet, to find that China is the only country in the world that has set aside a special day for singles to celebrate their lives. To find out more about this celebration, please read on.
An old story goes that once there were four single men, leading very boring lives. None of them were married, or had lovers, or did anything exciting. They just sat around all day and played Mahjong.
One day they played Mahjong from 11 in the morning until 11 at night. During the game, no matter who won, the winning card was always the “four columns” card (the card shows four independent, parallel columns in two lines). Even more of a coincidence, it was Nov 11, or 11/11. In order to commemorate the day, they nicknamed it Singles Day.
Singles Day was first celebrated at various universities in Nanjing, capital city of Jiangsu Province during the 1990s. It got the name Singles Day because the date consists of four “ones”. These college students have since graduated, and carried their university tradition into society. Singles Day is now a special day for all fashionable youths.
The main way to celebrate Singles Day is to have dinner with your single friends, but it’s important that each person pay their own fee to show their independence. People also hold “blind date” parties in an attempt to say goodbye to their single lives.
Many singles also choose to say goodbye to their single lives on this day. Many attend “blind date” parties and many people choose to marry on this day. In addition to meaning “single” the four “ones” of the date can also mean “only one” as in “the only one for me.” Some people will use this date and this meaning to tell their special someone that they are the only “one” in their heart.
小题1:Singles Day got its name because _______.
A.the persons who play Mahjong are four singles
B.the date consists of four “ones”
C.only single persons celebrate the day was first celebrated at universities in Nanjing
小题2:Which of the following is wrong?
A.Singles Day was first celebrated in Nanjing’s universities.
B.Many singles choose Singles Day to say goodbye to their single lives.
C.The only way to celebrate the Singles Day is to have dinner with your single friends.
D.It was these college graduated students that carried their university’s tradition into society.
小题3:We can infer from the passage that ______.
A.the four singles did not get married
B.Singles Day receives great popularity among young people
C.when having dinner, one pays the fee for all his friends
D.on Singles Day many attend parties where blind people were present
小题4:What is the best title for the passage?
A.The Origin of Singles Day.B.How to Celebrate Singles Day.
C.Singles Day.D.Say Goodbye to Singles Day.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
On a small farm in Mexico, there are no schools. A bus is the school! The driver of the bus is the teacher! It is a school bus, but it doesn’t take children to school. It just goes round from place to place, and sometimes it comes to this farm. The bus will stay here for three months. The farmers call it a school on wheels (车轮).
Every time the bus comes, the farmers come running to it, shouting and laughing. They warmly welcome the school bus!
When the bus is on the farm, in the morning, the teacher teaches the small children. In the afternoon, the bigger children come to have their lessons because they must work in the morning. At night, the fathers and mothers come to school. They want to learn, too. How the farmers hope that some day they can have a real school on their farm!
小题1:The driver of the bus is ________.
A.the teacherB.the studentC.the farmerD.the school
小题2: The bus school will ________.
A.take children to schoolB.stay there for lunch
C.go round from place to placeD.take the fathers and mothers to school
小题3: When the school bus comes, the farmers________.
A.stop workingB.warmly welcome happyD.Both B and C
小题4:Which one of the following is true?
A.A school bus is a real school for farmers’ children.
B.The bus school has no teacher at all.
C.The bus school has no students.
D.The children and their parents on the farm all come to the bus school to learn.

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