American is the country on the move. In unheard of numbers, people of all ages a

American is the country on the move. In unheard of numbers, people of all ages a

American is the country on the move. In unheard of numbers, people of all ages are exercising their way to better health. According to the latest figures, 59 percent of American adults exercise regularly—up 12 percent from just two years ago and more than double the figure of 25 years ago. Even non-exercisers believe they would be more attractive and confident if they were more active. It’s hard not to get the message. The advantages of physical fitness are shown on magazine covers, postage stamps, and television ads for everything from beauty soaps to travel books. Exercise as a part of daily life did not catch on until the late 1960s when research by military doctors began to show the good points of doing regular physical exercises. Growing publicity(宣传) for races held in American cities helped develop a strong interest in the ancient sport of running. Although running has leveled off in recent years as Americans have discovered equally helpful and sometimes safer-forms of exercise.                                                  
As the popularity of exercise continues to increase, so does scientific evidence (根据) of its health benefit. The key to fitness is exercising the major muscle group strongly enough to almost double the heart rate and keep it doubles for 20 to 30 minutes at a time. Doing such physical exercises three times or more a week will greatly improve physical health in about three months.
小题1: According to the essay, what was the percentage of American adults doing regular physical exercises two years ago?                                                                                
A.About 70%.B.Nearly 60C.Almost 50%.D.More than 12%.
小题2: A growing interest in sports didn’t developed until______________.                             
A.25 years agoB.two years agoC.the late
小题3:Which of the following if the closest in meaning to underlines phrase “leveled –off”?       
A.became very popularB.stopped being popular
C.reached its lowest level in popularityD.stopped increasing in number
小题4: It can be learnt from the passage that the good points of exercise___________.               
A.are to be provedB.are to be further studied
C.are supported by scientific evidenceD.are self- evident
小题5:Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?                              
A.Different Forms of exerciseB.Exercise——The Road to Health
C.Scientific Evidence of Health BenefitD.Running——A Popular Form of Sport



In Canada you can find dogs, cats, horses, etc. in almost every family. These are their pets. People love these pets and have them as their good friends. Before they keep them in their houses, they take them to animal hospitals to give them injections(注射)so that they won"t carry disease. They have special animal food stores, though they can get animal food in almost every kind of store. Some people spend around two hundred Canadian dollars a month on animal food. When you visit people"s houses, they would be very glad to show you their pets and they are very proud of them. You will also find that almost every family has a feeding place for birds in their garden. All kinds of birds are welcomed to come and have a good meal. They are free to come and go and nobody is allowed to kill any animal in Canada. They have a law against killing wild animals. If you killed an animal, you would be punished. If an animal happened to get run over by a car, people would be very sad about it.
People in Canada have many reasons to like animals. One of them might be that their family ties are not as close as ours. When children grow up, they leave their parents and start their own life. Then the old will feel lonely, but pets can solve this problem. They can be good friends and never leave them alone.
小题1: The passage mainly talks about____ . to keep disease from petsB.pets in Canada to take good care of of the old in Canada
小题2:They give their pets injections before keeping them at their houses because ____.
A.the pets are sickB.the pets are wild
C.they want to stop them from getting sickD.they want them to sleep on the way home
小题3:In Canada, children leave their parents when they grow up because ____.
A.they don"t love their parents any moreB.they can only find jobs far from their parents
C.their parents’ houses are too smallD.they wouldn"t depend on their parents any more
小题4: Which of the following is TRUE?
A.People buy animal food only at the animal food stores.B.Pets eat better than people.
C.Almost every family has a birdcage in his house.D.Any bird can come to the bird feeders to eat.

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Pop music is the name for different forms of popular, commercial(商业) music. It had its beginning in the USA and spread throughout the whole world during the 1950s and 1960s. It is widely liked by the young people. The best known early form of pop music was “rock’ n’ roll”; another was “blues”. A more recent development is “folk-rock”. Pop music has taken the place of native music in many parts of the world; it has caused the number of people for jazz to become much smaller than it was in the 1950s and earlier, and it has now begun to rule musical stage productions. It’s a big industry. Much pop music is without artistic value, but the work of some pop singers, e.g. the Beatles, Bob Dylan, the groups like Floyd and Crosby, Stills and Nash, is on a higher musical level. And there is still a great interest in it today. Pop music concerts and festivals are held all over the world.
小题1:All of the following forms belong to pop music EXCEPT __________________.
A.bluesB.rock’ n ’rollC.jazzD.folk-rock
小题2:According to the article, the number of people for jazz in the 1950s and earlier was ___________ it is today.
A.much greater thanB.much smaller great small as
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.No pop music is on a high musical level.
B.Much pop music is very artistic.
C.Pop music is highly artistic.
D.Not all pop music is without artistic value.
小题4:“It is a big industry” means that _______________. makes a lot of musical instruments (乐器) is a big musical and commercial business
C.the pop singers are very hard-working
D.pop music is on a very high musical level

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A Beautiful Mind
    A mathematician who goes mad is not a subject most directors consider commercially attractive, but then Ran Howard isn’t among most directors. Despite an impressive list of credits, A Beautiful Mind is his most successful work to date, combining a psychological drama with a moving love story to produce a film that is as interesting as it is entertaining.
The Oscar winning Russell Crowe has put himself in line for further honors with his acting John Nash, the Nobel Prize winning mathematician troubled by schizophrenia (精神分裂症). A Beautiful Mind pictures Nash as an unusual hero,not just because of his academic achievements but also because of the courage he displays while battling his illness.
In 1947, Nash was one of many great young minds at Princeton. “To find a truly original idea is the only way to distinguish myself,” the proud and determined student declared. His exploration of such an idea afforded him little time for the normal socializing. His shyness and straight forward approach brought him few friends.
After finally hitting on a revolutionary new idea, Nash’s career took off and his reputation as secured. He balanced research work with teaching, which is where he met the bright and beautiful student Alicia (played by Jennifer Connelly). Things in his life were going well when his talent for code breaking brought him to the attention of the military that employed him during the early stage of the cold war with Russia. However, the stress of his work made Nash’s illness develop.
Crowe’s performance is perfect. He and Connelly ignite (make something exciting) the film’s passionate love story and Connelly’s wonderful performance makes the audience moved by Alicia, whose courage, strength and faith in her husband are the primary reasons for his recovery.
小题1:This passage is most probably ________.
A.a book reviewB.a movie reviewC.a movie advertisement
小题2:Which can replace the underlined phrase “hitting on” in the fourth paragraph?
A.coming up withB.coming onC.putting onD.putting up with
小题3: The following statements are true EXCEPT that _______.
A.John Nash did not go mad totally
B.Ran Howard is an outstanding director
C.the stress of the academic work caused Nash’s illness
D.Nash’s concentration on his work and his shyness brought him few friends
小题4: We can infer from the text that _______.
A.John Nash volunteered to serve in the army in spite of his illness
B.John Nash gave up his career when troubled by schizophrenia
C.Russell Crowe won another Oscar Award after this movie
D.without Alicia, John Nash wouldn’t have recovered from his illness

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NPR has ended its contract with Juan Williams, one of its senior news analysts, after he made comments about Muslims on the Fox News Channel.
NPR said in a statement that it gave Mr. Williams notice of his ending in this organization on Wednesday night.
The move came after Mr. Williams, who is also a Fox News political analyst, appeared on the “The O’Reilly Factor” on Monday. On the show, the host, Bill O’Reilly, asked him to respond to the idea that the United States was facing a “Muslim dilemma(窘境).”Mr. O’Reilly said, “The cold truth is that in the world today jihad(圣战), helped and encouraged by some Muslim nations, is the biggest threat on the planet.”
Mr. Williams said he agreed with Mr. O"Reilly.
He continued: “You know the kind of books I"ve written about the civil rights movement in this country. But when I get on the plane. I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim clothing and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and known as Muslim. I get worried. I get nervous. ”
Mr. Williams also made reference to the Pakistani immigrant who was guilty this month trying to plant a car bomb in Times Square. “He said the war with Muslims, America"s war is just beginning, first drop of blood. I don’t think there’s any way to get away from these facts,” Mr. Williams said.
NPR said in its statement that the remarks “were inconsistent with our editorial standards and practices, and weakened his reputation as a news analyst with NPR”
The public radio organization said it thanked him for many years of service. Mr. Williams did
not immediately respond on Wednesday night to an e-mail seeking comment.
Mr. Williams" contributions on Fox raised eyebrows at NPR in the past. In February 2009, NPR said it had asked that he stop being identified on “The O’Reilly Factor” as a “senior correspondent for NPR,” even though that title was accurate.
小题1: According to the passage, NPR is probably_      
A.a TV stationB.a public radio organization
C.a newspaperD.a website
小题2: NPR has ended its contract with Juan Williams because
A.Juan Williams made comments on the Fox News Channel without NPR"s permission
B.NPR was disappointed about Juan Williams’ performance in its programs
C.Juan Williams" remarks about Muslims ruined NPR"s reputation
D.Juan Williams" comments and performances didn"t agree with NPR"s traditions
小题3: What can we infer from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5"?
A.Juan Williams is afraid of taking a plane.
B.It’s very easy to recognize Muslims because their clothes are special.
C.Muslims are sometimes considered dangerous to the safety of the world.
D.Juan Williams looks down upon Muslims.
小题4: The best title of the passage is        
A.NPR ended its contract with Juan Williams
B.Muslims are the biggest threat to the world
C.Juan Williams, the senior news analyst of NPR
D.Fired from NPR, Juan Williams keeps talking on Fox

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Ted doesn’t like cars. He wants people to stop driving because cars make the air dirty. Ted had an idea. He said,“I’m going to cycle around North America. I want to show everyone that cycling is a fun way to get around. If more people ride bikes, the air will be cleaner.”
He left his hometown with $160 in his pocket. When he got to San Diego, he met another cyclist. The cyclist invited Ted to speak at a big meeting about the environment. He said,“We’ll pay your airfare to Texas and we’ll pay you to talk about your cycling trip.”Two hours later, Ted was on a plane to the environmental conference and to a big surprise!
While he was at the conference, he met Deanna. It was love at first sight! They talked for six hours straight.
The next day, Ted called Deanna and asked her to finish the trip with him. Deanna said yes, sold everything in her apartment, gave her notice at work, and was on the road with Ted 20 days later!
“It was difficult at first,”said Deanna. “Ted got up every morning at 6:00 a.m., but I wanted to sleep until noon.”After a few days, they started having fun. As they cycled from Florida to Montreal and then back to Vancouver, every day was an adventure. People paid for their food in restaurants and gave them extra money. Some people gave them $50 or $100. They slept in people’s backyards and drank beer with motorcycle gangs.
On their way back to Vancouver, they stopped in Edmonton to visit Ted’s relatives. During the stopover, they got married. People tied a “Just Married”sign and tin cans to the backs of their bikes. They now want to write a book about their trip. “We want people to know that you can be an environmentalist and still have fun, ”Ted said.
小题1: Ted got paid for ______. a talk about his cycling tripB.cycling throughout North America
C.traveling around North America by airD.attending conferences on cycling
小题2: The “big surprise” he had at the conference was that _______ .
A.he met another cyclist who wanted to join himB.he fell in love with a girl there
C.he gave a long talk lasting 6 hours D.he had a lot of fun talking about his cycling trip
小题3: The underlined part “gave her notice at work” probably means __________ .
A.Deanna was fired by her boss for not going to work
B.Deanna asked for a long leave from work to join Ted in his trip
C.Deanna told people beforehand that she would leave her job
D.Deanna handed in the notice that she were asked to finish before
小题4:During the trip, Ted and Deanne ___________.
A.found it hard to get up early B.were attacked by motorcycle gangs
C.never pay for their meals in restaurants married

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