In Victorian times, certain flowers expressed meanings because the flower select

In Victorian times, certain flowers expressed meanings because the flower select


In Victorian times, certain flowers expressed meanings because the flower selection was limited. Therefore, flower as a gift was an effective tool in social communication. With so many choices today, we have no rules in flower choosing. However, people tend to give a certain flower their own personal meaning--- maybe it can remind them of some particular friends or events. Here I would introduce the traditional meanings of some gift flowers as a reference for your flower choosing.
Carnation(康乃馨) is a good gift for your female teacher or mother, but not all kinds of carnations mean respect and love. Different colours have different meanings. Generally, carnation means “fascination and woman love”. Specifically, pink carnation means “I’ll never forget you” and red carnation says “I admire you”. But some carnations have very negative meanings. If you want to say goodbye to your girlfriend, you can send her a bunch of striped carnations or yellow ones, because it means “Sorry I can’t be with you. You disappointed me.”
Rose is no doubt the best gift for girls in love. Basically, it relates to the love between men and women, but roses with different colours stand for different stages of love. Red rose is man’s best friend when he wants to show his love to a girl. In the peak of his love, pink rose is more suitable because it means “perfect happiness and please believe me”. While the love gets into trouble, yellow rose seems to be the best symbol. It means “the decrease of love and jealousy”.
Though you are free to choose any kind of flower as long as it is beautiful, I think this brief introduction can help you avoid making mistakes. Besides, the receivers must be happier if he or she gets to know the good will you convey in flowers.
1. Why do we choose certain flowers as gifts?
A. Because they are the best gifts for you. 
B. Because flowers all look beautiful
C. Because different flowers smell good.  
D. Because they can express specific meanings.
2. In different stages of love, ________.
A. roses of different colours show love to a girl.
B. you can choose red rose at any occasion
C. yellow rose is the best symbol for your love
D. pink rose implies that your love comes to maturity(成熟).
3. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A. Carnation is better than rose            B. Like the carnation, like the rose
C. Different flowers have different meanings  D. Flowers of different colours



第一节: 完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
In the United States, students need more than good grades to impress teachers and employers. They also need to     21     social and practical experience. Many students do this by     22     clubs. These clubs can be related to academics or recreation, everything from math to chess and music.
Students     23    seek internships(实习) and jobs. Internships usually do not pay, but they help students learn more about a     24     that interests them. For example, students who are interested in politics    25    to work on a local politician"s campaign.
Students are often taking stress. They are     26     running from class to club, to community service, to internship, to Starbucks and     27     to class again and again and again. These experiences also give students     28     contacts inside a particular industry. They often get letters of recommendation and win more employment     29    . However, extracurricular responsibilities can affect students"    30     in the classroom. If they are not very organized, they can easily become lost in their schoolwork and overwhelmed with pressure.
21. A. learn        B. gain        C. win           D. serve
22. A. attending    B. opening     C. contacting    D. joining
23. A. also         B. either      C. never         D. ever
24. A. subject      B. society     C. lesson        D. field
25. A. pretend      B. volunteer   C. continue      D. expect
26. A. fast         B. busy        C. active        D. right
27. A. thus         B. forever     C. often         D. then
28. A. valuable     B. formal      C. remote        D. regular
29. A. relationship B. friendship  C. opportunities D. campaign
30. A. homework     B. assignment  C. performance  D. understanding
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Ⅲ. 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
Anyone who is addicted to reading bus tickets or cereal packets will understand the appeal of poems on the underground. Some years ago, a few acquaintances who lived and worked in London , who used the Tube and loved poetry, decided that it would be pleasant to read a few lines by their favorite poets as they traveled around by Tube, instead of just glancing upwards at the tiresome advertisements. The underground had a surplus (剩余的)of advertising space on the trains. They suggested filling the blank space on the trains, for the entertainment of the traveling public.
The poems took on a new life when they were removed from books and placed alongside the adverts. Commuters enjoyed the idea of reading Keats’“Much have I traveled in the realms of gold” on a crowded Central Line train, or trying to learn by heart a sonnet between Hammersmith and Piccadilly. The choice of poems wasn’t arbitrary (随机的)but specially chosen. It catered for all tastes including living and dead poems from the homeland and from all over the English-speaking world, and especially poems which have association with London.
The success of the poems on the underground enterprises confirmed that Britain was a nation of poetry lovers. Hundreds of people corresponded with London Underground suggesting poems, or just to say thank you. In January 1989, on the third anniversary after the first poems on the Underground, London Underground promised to donate all the spaces free, to increase the number available (at least one poem in each train carriage), and to pay for the production costs as well. They also updated the poems every few months. Posters of the poems decorated the British Council libraries throughout the world, but the best way to view the poems is to see them by yourselves, on whichever train you choose, in every zone of the network—for the price of an underground ticket.
41.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. Shelly and Keat’s Poems  
B. The Poems on the Underground
C. Travelling on the Tube in London   
D. The Poems about London
42.The poems were _________.
A. removed from books and placed in empty advertising spaces
B. taken from throughout the English-speaking world and chosen to please everyone
C. including poems about London by Shelly, Burns, Keats and by the commuters themselves
D. meant to be read aloud and learnt by heart
43. Which is the closest in meaning to “association”?
A.Connection.   B.Difference.   C.Similarity.  D.Comparison.
44. The best place to see the poem is ________.
A. in any train on the network                          
B. in libraries around the world
C. in trains on the Central Line and between Hammersmith and Piccadilly
D. in some carriage anywhere on the network
45. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage above?
A. People who like reading bus tickets advocate poems on the underground .
B. Spaces which were used for advertisements are now completely occupied by poems on the tube.
C. You can appreciate the poems you like at the cost of only a tube ticket in London.
D. The success of the poems on the underground indicates people’s love for the tube of London.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

There is a scene that is repeated up and down the land during the month of June. Outside a church in some Scottish town or village a small crowd has interrupted its daily affairs to gather on the pavement. Near the west door a dozen or so overdressed people are glancing impatiently at their watches. The men seem a little self-conscious in their hired kilts; the women hold their wind-blown dresses and loudly admire each other’s hats. They are all lively and talkative, yet at the same time strangely reserved. The crowd ignores them, barely noticing when they disappear into the church. Even the arrival of the groom rouses little excitement. These participants are not the main attraction. We are waiting for the bride.
Whatever her age or appearance, everyone will smile and express approval. By convention, all brides are beautiful. Nobody says so, but the spectators feel cheated unless she steps out of a car, dressed in white from head to toe. The nearer she matches their image, the greater their satisfaction. This event is not merely a wedding; it is a tradition, and such occasions are potentially dangerous. Participants must pay strict attention to detail. An untraditional bride destroys the magic.
When the crowd has left, some bystanders will remain to watch the bride walk out of church on the arm of her groom. The guests troop out behind the happy couple and all gather on the pavement with an obvious air of relief. A piper strikes up Mairi’s Wedding and the guests start shouting and jumping everywhere, putting the photographer off his work. Before bride and groom lead their party to the reception, someone is sure to disobey the priest and scatter forbidden confetti (五彩碎纸).
The particulars of this scene are modern; yet three elements are present that have existed since marriage in Scotland began—ancient Roman law redefined in a Christian context, Celtic tradition, and pre-Christian tradition.
51. Why is the scene mentioned in this article often seen all over Scotland in June?
A. It’s hot in June so men can wear kilts and women can put on beautiful dresses.
B. A lot of Scottish people like getting married at that time of the year.
C. In June people can get away from their daily affairs and go to church.
D. June is considered the luckiest month of the year.
52. The underlined word “them” (in Paragraph 1) refers to ________.
A. the overdressed people     B. the bride and groom
C. the people on the street     D. the people’s hats
53. Please put the following in correct order.
a. The bride arrives.
b. The couple walks out of the church.
c. A piper plays some music.
d. The groom arrives.
e. The bride and groom lead people to the reception.
f. People wait outside the church.  
A. f, d, a, c, b, e                 B. f, d, a, b, c, e
C. d, f, a, b, e, c                           D. d, a, f, b, e, c                
54. The underlined part “putting the photographer off his work” (in Paragraph 3) most probably means _____.
A. making the photographer feel relieved
B. giving the photographer a chance to rest
C. disturbing the photographer when he is taking pictures
D. having the photographer taken away from his duty
55. What can we infer from the passage?
A. Women going to a wedding ceremony pay most attention to each other.
B. Spectators of a wedding ceremony are particularly interested in the groom.
C. Confetti is forbidden at the wedding ceremony because it is not all white.
D. If the bride is dressed all in white traditionally, she is considered beautiful.
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Scientists find that hardworking people live longer than average men and women.Career (职业)women are healthier than housewives.Evidence shows that the jobless are in poorer health than the jobholders.An investigation shows that whenever the unemployment rate increases by 1%,the death rate increases by 2%.All this comes down to one is helpful to health.
Why is work good for health? It is because work keeps people busy away from loneliness.Researches show that people feel unhappy, worried and lonely when they have nothing to do.Instead the happiest are those who are busy.Many high achievers who love their careers feel that they are happiest when they are working hard.Work serves as a bridge between man and reality. By work people come into contact with each other.By collective(集体的)activity they find friendship and warmth.This is helpful to health.The loss of work means the loss of everything.It affects man spiritually and makes him ill.
Besides,work gives one a sense of achievement.Work makes one feel his value in society.When a writer finishes his writing or a doctor successfully operates on a patient or a teacher sees his students grow, they are happy beyond words.
From the above we can come to the conclusion that the more you work the happier and healthier you will be.Let us work hard and study hard and live a happy and healthy life.
1.What may be the reason why housewives are not as healthy as career women?
A.Housewives are poorer than career women.
B.Housewives have more children than career women.
C.Housewives have less chance to communicate with others.
D.Housewives eat less food than career women.
2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to Paragraph 2 ?
A.Busy people have nothing to do at home.
B.High achievers don’t care about their families.
C.There is no friendship and warmth at home.
D.A satisfying job helps to keep you healthy.
3.The best title for this passage may be “               ”
A.People Should Find a Job
B.Working Hard Is Good for Happiness and Health
C.People Should Make More Friends by Work
D.The Loss of Work Means the Loss of Life
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Have you seen the film Star Wars? If you have, you’ll know what an energy–gun is, and a light–sword too. The gigantic space ship in Star Wars can destroy a whole planet in a second or two, and it does so. Fortunately, it isn’t our planet; it belongs to a distant system, far out in space.
The great empty spaces of the universe are no problem in star Wars. The fighters know how to fold space over, like a sheet of paper, so that very distant stars are brought close together; they call it “hyperspace”. This means, of course, that their ships don’t have to creep along at the speed of light. If they did that, they would take years, even centuries, to reach the battlefield. Hyperspace allows them to travel as “supralight” speed and get there in a couple of hours. It’s good clean fun (健康无害的娱乐) though.
We certainly don’t know all about physics yet, but we do have the work of Albert Einstein. He asked us to believe that nothing could travel faster than light through an empty space --- but don’t let that miserable idea spoil the film for you, even though all our observations up to now have shown that Einstein was dead right --- forget it. Sit back and watch those energy–shells blow up the hated enemy. The Star Wars princess is extremely beautiful.
The more we “discover”, the more we must admire Einstein. He knew it all before us --- by about 1910 in fact. We observe certain very high speed particles (微粒), and they behave exactly as Einstein predicted they would. We can give them a speed almost equal to light, but they never quite reach light speed. He predicted that a very fast–moving object, as it flashed by a stationary observer(静止的参照物), would seem to have much greater weight than usual. And that, too, was proved correct.
So far as scientific theory or evidence is concerned, there is no such thing as hyperspace, no such speed as supralight. Space is as we know it, and light speed is the highest possible speed. “But,” say the story-writers, “that’s only true at present. We don’t know all about physics yet. Who knows --- who knows if there isn’t another set of facts just waiting to be discovered; another universe perhaps, just round the corner?”
Einstein seems to have been prepared for that too. In his theories he emphasized the word “relative”. Everything --- speed, weight, time, etc. --- is relative to something else. Nothing, by itself is real or absolute. So if there is another universe somewhere, we shall only know about it relative to ourselves. So far there’s no sign of it. But for the future, well, who knows?
51.What is the purpose of science – fiction stories and films?
They point out the way ahead, and scientists are grateful.
They encourage us in our searching for the truth.
They show us what the future universe will be like.
They are written and made to entertain us.
52.If you see Star Wars, what might spoil it for you, according to the passage?
A.Einstein’s theories.          
B.The uncomfortable surroundings of the theatre.
       C.The ugly actress and actors.   
D.The rude audience.
53.Einstein predicted that the increase in weight          .
applies only to big things, like huge space–ships
is apparent only to the stationary observer
is a real increase       
remains even after the objective has stopped moving
54.Einstein’s theories emphasized          .
A.everything is relative to something else         B.the universe is infinite (无限的)
C.light speed is the highest possible speed     D.there is another universe somewhere
55.Although Einstein did not observe the behavior of high–speed objects,         .
his theories predicted they travels at light speed
his theories predicted them with great accuracy
he knew they would be discovered       
he predicted them in the year 1910
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