信息匹配A. The Development of an Early Union.B. Support from the Public.C. The Decli

信息匹配A. The Development of an Early Union.B. Support from the Public.C. The Decli

A. The Development of an Early Union.
B. Support from the Public.
C. The Decline of an Early Union.
D. A Brief Comparison between the Union and the Medieval Craft Guilds.
E. Management"s Reaction to the Labour Movement.
F. Reasons for starting a Union.
1. _____
     Some scholars have associated trade unions with the medieval craft guilds (中世纪的行会), but
there are important differences between the two.The guild members were masters craftsmen who owned
capital and often employed workers.Unions are known as associations of workers with similar skills.
2. _____
     In the past, individual worker had no control over the conditions of their working lives; political and
economic power was concentrated in the hands of wealthy business owners.Workers found, however,
that there was strength in uniting.From their earliest years, union objectives have been higher wages and
improved working conditions.
     Employers resisted, of course.They made great efforts to stop union organizing its activities.Union
members were fired, workers were forced to sign contracts in which they promised not to join a union,
and companies hired strikebreakers (罢工破坏者) and even gunmen to frighten organizers.
     One of the earliest successful labour organizations in the United States was the Knights of Labour,
founded in 1869.The Knights, which included both skilled and unskilled workers, attempted to organize
all workers into one great union.After it successfully struck the Wabash railroad owned by Jay Gould in
1885, its popularity and power grew dramatically.In 1886 the Knights had 700,000 members.
     The decline of the Knights of Labour, however, came quickly.The strike against Gould was gradually
broken, and the Knights radical positions on social issues cost them public support.In the end, a lack of
unity as well as the rapid inflow of unskilled immigrants weakened the union"s economic power, and the
organization came to an end.
1-5: DFEAC
完形填空     A loving person lives in a loving world.A hostile (敌意的) person lives in a hostile world.Everyone
you meet is your mirror.
     Mirrors have a very particular__1__.They reflect the image in front of them.Just as a__2__mirror
works as the vehicle to reflection,  __3__do all of the people in our lives.
     When we see something beautiful such as a flower garden,  that garden__4__a reflection.When we
love someone,  it"s a(n)__5__of loving ourselves.We have often heard things like "I love how I am when I"m with that person". That simply__6__into "I"m able to love me when I love that other person". __7__,  when we meet someone new,  we feel as though we "click". Sometimes it"s as if we"ve__8__each
other for a long time.That feeling can come from__9__similarities.
     Just as the "mirror" or other people can be a positive reflection,  it is more likely that we"ll__10__it
when it has a negative connotation (内涵). __11__,  it"s easy to remember the times when we have met
someone we"re not particularly__12__about.We may have some criticism (批评) in our mind about the
__13__.This is especially true when we get to know someone with whom we would rather spend__14__
     Oftentimes,  when we__15__qualities in other people,  ironically (讽刺地),  it"s usually the mirror
that"s__16__to us.
     At times we meet someone__17__and feel distant,  disconnected,  or disgusted.__18__we don"t
want to believe it,  and it"s not easy or__19__to look further,  it can be a great learning lesson to__20__
what part of the person is being reflected in you.It"s simply just another way to create more selfawareness.
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 (     )1. A. target      
(     )2. A. medical    
(     )3. A. so          
(     )4. A. focuses on  
(     )5. A. reward      
(     )6. A. grows      
(     )7. A. Obviously    
(     )8. A. known      
(     )9. A. creating      
(     )1. A. ignore    
(     )11. A. In brief    
(     )12. A. crazy      
(     )13. A. time      
(     )14. A. les s      
(     )15. A. appreciate  
(     )16. A. shouting    
(     )17. A. new      
(     )18. A. If        
(     )19. A. terrible    
(     )20. A. figure out  

B. style          
B. physical      
B. then          
B. applies to    
B. evaluation    
B. translates    
B. Strangely      
B. supported      
B. lacking        
B. keep          
B. In addition    
B. anxious        
B. mirror        
B. amazing        
B. dislike        
B. shining        
B. nervous        
B. Although      
B. noble          
B. take out      
C. function      
C. chemical      
C. nor          
C. works with    
C. reflection      
C. enters        
C. Fortunately    
C. observed      
C. sharing        
C. take        
C. For example  
C. upset        
C. garden      
C. more        
C. describe      
C. speaking      
C. familiar      
C. Since        
C. reliable      
C. put out        
D. color          
D. mental        
D. neither        
D. serves as      
D. example        
D. falls          
D. Frequently    
D. recognized    
D. comparing      
D. notice        
D. As usual      
D. concerned      
D. person        
D. valuable      
D. discover      
D. pointing      
D. friendly      
D. Once          
D. desirable      
D. give out      
     Frankly, I appreciate myself very much.Yes, I admit I"m in many aspects not as good as other people, but I don"t think I"m always not good.When I find what I"ve done or written is okay, I"ll remain pleased
with myself for quite a few days, and if I receive praise for it, I"ll even become so excited as to add a few words to reward myself.
     True, I"m not modest at all.People may call me conceited (自负的). But I think otherwise.
     I appreciate other people.I appreciate anything good.Isn"t it unfair to forget appreciating myself while
appreciating others?
     We Chinese generally tend to be modest, and we take pride in being so.For example, a Chinese man
will call his own wife zhuojing, meaning"my humble wife", and his own writings zhuozuo, meaning"my
poor writings". But if you call his wife a "rustic (乡村的) woman" or his writings"trash", he would, I"m
sure, declare he would make a clean break with you angrily.As a matter of fact, there is probably no
difference at all between what is said by him and you.
     I don"t think it"s wrong of you to freely praise yourself if you"re really worthy of praise.As we know,
there is an old Chinese saying disparaging (蔑视) a melon seller, named Lao Wang, who keeps praising
his own goods.Well, why can"t he praise his melons if they are really sweet and juicy?
     Lao Wang sells melons for a living.How could he carry on business if he, by imitating the affectations (装模作样) of us intellectuals, were to show false modesty about his melons?He would sure enough die
of starvation.
     Selfappreciation is therefore a key to professional dedication and enjoyment of work.Needless to say,
the same is true of those who make a living with their pen.One will lose confidence in writing when he
stops admiring his own essays.

1. We know from the first three paragraphs that the author________.

A. is modest in some way
B. is pleased to be a good writer
C. is too conceited
D. thinks it unfair to appreciate others

2. What do we know about the author"s attitude towards Chinese modesty according to Paragraph 4?

A. Supportive.  
B. Negative.
C. Neutral.  
D. Careless.

3. The author mentions the example of Lao Wang to prove that______.

A. Lao Wang is very proud of himself
B. melon sellers should praise their goods
C. reasonable selfappreciation is good
D. writers should learn from Lao Wang

4. The purpose of the passage is to encourage readers to be________.

A. modest 
B. considerate
C. respectful  
D. confident
A. Reasons for Having Large Families in Some Countries.
B. Calculation of Population Growth.
C. Efforts Made to Lower the Mortality Rate (死亡率)
D. High Fertility Rates in Developing Countries.
E. Low Fertility Rates in Developed Countries.
F. Birth Control Programs.
1. _____
     Population growth is determined by the relationship between births and deaths.The growth rate is
calculated by the birth rate minus the death rate.If the birth rate is 4%, for example, and the death rate
is 3%, the population growing at rate of 1% per year.
     Historically, families had many children, but average life expectancies are low and many children died
young.Improvements in nutrition and public health programs in the past 30 years have led to a drop in
the mortality rate and hence to more rapid population growth.
     Public health programs and improved nutrition over the past 30 years have brought about declines in
mortality rates in the developing nations.But fertility rates (出生率) have not declined as quickly, and the
result has been high rates of population growth.Reduced population growth depends to some extent on
decreased birth rates.
     Family planning and modern forms of birth control are important mechanisms for decreasing fertility,
but by themselves such programs have had rather limited success in most countries where they have been
tried.If family planning strategies are to be successful, they must make sense to the people who are
supposed to benefit from them.
5. _____
     To a great extent, in developing countries people want large families because they believe they need
them.In some societies, children are important sources of farm labor, and they may thus make significant
contributions to household income.In societies without any social security programs for the aged, children may also provide a vital source of income for their old parents.
     To some people, happiness is something to do with simplicity, and it is the ability to extract pleasure
from the simplest things-such as a peach stone (桃核). It is obvious that it has nothing to do with success.
     For Sir Henry Stewart, it was certainly successful. I remember some ten years ago when he was made King"s Counsel, Amos and I went to congratulate him.We smiled happily; he merely looked as miserable
as though he"d received a punishment. He took his success as a child does his medicine. And not one of his achievements brought even a sign of a smile to his tired eyes.
     I asked him one day what it was like to achieve all one"s ambitions.He looked down at his roses and
went on watering them.Then he said, "The only value in achieving one"s ambitions is that you then realize
that they are not worth achieving."
     Yesterday, I was passing his house and he called me,"Come and see, Jan.Look! I have done it at last!" There he was, holding a small box of earth in his hand.I observed three tiny shoots out of it.
     "And there were only three!" he said, his eyes laughing to heaven.
     "Three what?" I asked.
     "Peach stones," he replied. "I"ve always wanted to make peach stones grow, even since I was a child,
when I used to take them home after a party, or as a man after a banquet. And I used to plant them, and
then forgot where I planted them. But now at last I have done it. I had only three stones, and three shoots," he counted.
     Then Sir Henry ran off, calling for his wife to come and see his achievement-his achievement of
1. From what fact could we see Sir Henry was successful?
A. He felt happy from the simplest things.
B. He was made King"s Counsel.
C. He was able to make the peach stones shoot.
D. He didn"t take his success seriously.
2. The author compares Sir Henry"s attitude towards his success to a child"s taking medicine _____.
A. to show that Sir Henry felt miserable when he was promoted
B. to prove that Sir Henry didn"t want to be successful
C. to suggest that Sir Henry"s future job would be hard to do
D. to tell us that Sir Henry took his success as a tiny thing in his life
3. According to Sir Henry Stewart, the value in achieving one"s ambitions is _____.
A. that he discovers it valueless
B. that he finds it worth his efforts
C. that he has achieved it
D. that he fails to realize it
4. The writer"s opinion about Sir Henry"s attitude towards success is _____.
A. criticism  
B. disapproval  
C. admiration  
D. tease
     Age plays a major part in people who are infected with cold, ie, in people who suffer from cold
infection.A study done by University of Michigan, has shown information that seems to be true for
the general population.Babies are the most cold infected group, generally more than six colds in their
first year.Boys have more colds than girls up to the age of three.After three, girls are easier to get
infected with cold than boys, and teenage girls get three colds a year to boys" two.The general cold
infections continue to get less into adults.Elderly people who are in good health have as few as one
or two colds every year.One interesting thing is found among people in their twenties, especially
women, who show a rise in cold infection, because people in this age group are most likely to have
young children.
      The study has also found that economy plays an important role as well.With more and more
income, the frequency at which colds are reported in the family is getting lower and lower.Families
with the lowest income usually sufferabout a third ally forces people to live in rooms more crowded
than rooms owned by richer people, and the crowding usually leads to more chances for the cold
virus to travel from person to person.Low income may also have an effect on our diet.Many scientists
believe that a poorer diet usually leads into more possibilities of cold infection.

1. Which of the age groups has the highest frequency of cold infection?

A. Small babies.  
B. Teenage boys.
C. Adult women. 
D. Elderly people.

2. The purpose of writing this passage is to________.

A. give the readers some tips to avoid cold infection
B. show a carefullmade study on cold infection
C. report the major reasons leading to cold infection
D. describe all the possible dangers of cold infection

3. How does economy play an important role in cold infection?

A. Families with lower income suffer less from cold infection.
B. People who have lower income enjoy living in crowded rooms.
C. Rich families can have better nutrition and never get infected.
D. People with higher income have fewer chances of infection.

4. From the passage we can infer that________.

A. age is the only important factor that connects with colds
B. families with the highest income will more easily get infected
C. people have lower frequency of infection as they grow older
D. a better diet may help people to fight against cold infection