阅读理解     In their book Time to Eat the Dog: The Real Guide to Sustainable Living

阅读理解     In their book Time to Eat the Dog: The Real Guide to Sustainable Living

阅读理解     In their book Time to Eat the Dog: The Real Guide to Sustainable Living, Robert and Brenda Vale
say keeping a mediumsized dog has the same ecological impact as driving 10,000 km a year in a 4.6
liter Land Cruiser.
     "We"re not actually saying it is time to eat the dog. We"re just saying that we need to think about and
know the ecological impact of some of the things we do and that we take for granted."
     Constructing and driving the jeep for a year requires 0.41 hectares of land, while growing and
manufacturing a dog"s food takes about 0.84 hectares-or 1.1 hectares in the case of a large dog such
as a German shepherd.
     Convincing flesheating cats and dogs to go vegetarian for the sake of the planet is a nonstarter, the
Vales say. Instead they recommend keeping "greener", smaller, and more sustainable pets, such as
goldfish, chickens or rabbits.
    The book"s playful title, and serious suggestion that pet animals may be usefully "recycled", by being
eaten by their owners or turned into pet food when they die, may not appeal to animal fans.
Annoying as the idea may be, the question is valid given the planet"s growing population and limited
resources, Robert Vale said.
     "Issues about sustainability are increasingly becoming things that are going to require us to make
choices which are as difficult as eating your dog. It"s not just about changing your light bulbs or taking
a cloth bag to the supermarket," he said.
    "It"s about much more challenging and difficult issues," he added. "Once you see where cats and
dogs fit in your overall balance of things, you might decide to have the cat but not also to have the two
cars and the three bathrooms and be a meat eater yourself."1. The authors gave their book the playful title to ________.A. make it amusing        
B. create a vivid image
C. show writing skills      
D. arouse people"s concern2. In Paragraph 3 the writer mainly wants to tell us ________.  A. the amount of consumed land
B. the neglected ecological impact
C. some familiar examples
D. some actual figures3. Who may not like the idea of "recycling" pet animals?A. Manufacturers.            
B. Drivers.
 C. Animal fans.              
D. The authorities.4. What do the authors think of living a sustainable life?A. Challenging.              
B. Inspiring.
C. Inviting.                  
D. Touching.
1-4: DBCA
                                                                   The Boat
     On my path to the great distant mountain peak, I came to a wide river. Looking far to the right and
the left, I saw no  1  , and pondered how to cross. Suddenly a pretty little   2   appeared, came to the
shore and offered to take me across, to    3   me in completing my journey.
      The trip started   4  , and I was pleased with the little boat, and   5   for the assistance it provided.
There were a few areas of   6   waters, one that even spun us around a few times, but presently we
reached the far  7   .
     The trip had been so   8  , my gratitude and happiness so full, that I    9   to leave that little boat, even
though I knew I must, to continue my journey. Much as I wanted to  10  , to spend more time drifting on
the river in that little boat, the mountain beckoned (举手招唤), and my    11   had been set.
      As I   12   my journey, I kept looking back at that little boat with deep  13   . It  had been so
pleasant and had    14   me across the great river; I had grown to  15    that boat deeply. Yet I knew that
the boat had its   16   in the river, and that it couldn"t follow my path to the mountain.   17   I tried to take
that boat along, it could not have made the journey with me, and would have stopped my own  18  .
      And as I watched, the little boat turned around and went back to the far shore, there to assist yet
another   19   the path to the mountain. And I realized how"all   20   together for good", for each part of
this magnificent universe perfectly plays its role in assisting all other parts.
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(     )1. A. tree      
(     )2. A. girl      
(     )3. A. assist    
(     )4. A. slowly    
(     )5. A. upset      
(     )6. A. fresh      
(     )7. A. shore      
(     )8. A. tiresome  
(     )9. A. attempted  
(     )10. A. live      
(     )11. A. record    
(     )12. A. stopped  
(     )13. A. comfort  
(     )14. A. guided    
(     )15. A. repair    
(     )16. A. shelter  
(     )17. A. Only if  
(     )18. A. progress  
(     )19. A. choosing  
(     )20. A. works    
B. bridge    
B. angel      
B. encourage  
B. mysteriously
B. grateful  
B. clean      
B. beach      
B. miserable  
B. hated      
B. continue  
B. course    
B. started    
B. sympathy  
B. flied      
B. row        
B. place      
B. If only    
B. preparation
B. blocking  
B. mixes      
C. flower    
C. fish      
C. threaten  
C. happily  
C. greedy    
C. dirty    
C. mountain  
C. wonderful
C. refused  
C. settle    
C. pace      
C. continued
C. regret    
C. forced    
C. love      
C. load      
C. What if  
C. route    
C. following
C. joins    
D. bird          
D. boat          
D. persuade      
D. difficultly    
D. suitable      
D. strong        
D. village        
D. rough          
D. had            
D. stay          
D. standard      
D. remained      
D. sadness        
D. tempted        
D. pity          
D. purpose        
D. Even if        
D. expectation    
D. finding        
D. plays          
     Over the last 25 years, British society has changed a great deal-or at least many parts of it have. 
  1  .
     Ideas about social class-whether a person is "workingclass" or "middleclass" -are one area in
which changes have been extremely slow.
     In the past, the workingclass tended to be paid less than middleclass people. The typical working
man would collect his wages on Friday evening and then, it was widely believed, having given his
wife her "housekeeping", would go out and squander the rest on beer and betting.
     The old style of what a middleclass man did with his money was perhaps nearer the truth. He was
and still is inclined to take a longerterm view. Not only did he regard buying a house as a most
important thing, but he also considered the education of his children as extremely important.    2  .
Only in very few cases did workers have the opportunity (or the education and training) to make such
longterm plans.
      3  . In a large number of cases factory workers earn as much as their middleclass supervisors (管
理者). Social security and laws to improve century, have made it less necessary than before to worry
about "tomorrow". Workingclass people seem slowly to be losing the feeling of inferiority(自卑感). In
fact there has been a growing tendency in the past few years for the middleclasses to feel slightly
ashamed of their position.
       4  .They generally tend to share very similar tastes in music and clothes, they spend their money
in having a good time, and save for holidays or longerterm plans when necessary. There seems to be
much less difference than in precious generations.    5  . As long as this gap exists, there will always
be a possibility that new conflicts and jealousies will emerge, or rather that the old conflicts will
reappear, but between different groups.
A.  Nowadays, a great deal has changed
B.  Both of these provided him and his family with security
C.  As a result, differences in lifestyles and attitudes came into existence
D.  However, we still have a wide gap between the wellpaid and the lowpaid
E.  In recent years, the workingclass people have begun to design longterm plans
F.  In some ways, however, very little has changed, particularly where attitudes are concerned
G.  The changes in both lifestyles and attitudes are probably most easily seen among younger people

     Hightech machines have made life easier for millions around the world. However, some people still
prefer lowtech ways of doing things. Here"s an example of why this is happening. You can microwave a
frozen hamburger in 60 seconds. However, it won"t taste as good as the one you cook on the stove. And if you"re in that much of a hurry, you probably won"t take time to toast the bun.  Hightech cooking saves
time, but it doesn"t make bettertasting meals.
     Most people get their news from hightech sources like television or the Internet. This has many
advantages. For example, electronic news is more up to date than newspapers or magazines. It"s also more exciting to see live and videotaped news events than photographs. However, newspapers and magazines
have some important advantages. They give more background and details. They also let you read the parts that are important to you and skip the rest.
     Other hightech timesavers have similar disadvantages. For example, most people use the phone or
email to stay in touch with friends and family members who live in other places. But when you use the
Internet or the phone, you don"t always think carefully about what you are saying, and sometimes you
forget the important things you want to communicate. Similarly, when you wordprocess a homework
assignment instead of handwriting it, you can check your spelling electronically and put in fancy headins.  
However, some students are so busy with the computer that they don"t pay enough attention to the
actual words they are writing.

1. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The writer likes hightech cooking.
B. Lowtech cooking produces bettertasting meals.
C. Hightech news programs always keep you reading what is important to you.
D. Handwritten homework is better than wordprocessed homework
2. How does the writer feel about hightech tool?
A. Better late than never.
B. Easy come, easy go.
C. Every coin has two sides.
D. Learn to walk before you run
3. What is the main subject discussed in the text?
A. Hightech vs lowtech.
B. Advantages vs disadvantages.
C. Newspapers and magazines vs television and the Internet.
D. Wordprocessing vs handwriting.
4. How is the text organized? 
A. Main idea-Argument-Explanation.
B. Opinion-Discussion-Description.
C. Topic-Comparison-Supporting examples.
D. Introduction-Supporting examples-Discussion

     Deciding what to watch on TV is a battle of wills that is fought in homes all over the world.
According to psychologists (心理学家), it is much more serious than simply deciding between
a soap opera and a sports program, or between pop music and politics. This television conflict
is part of a bigger power game which goes on in homes, even though most of the players do not
realize that they are playing a game at all.  "It"s such a game as is not easy to notice," says
psychologist Dr David Lewis, "that many people don"t even know they"re playing it."
    Unconsciously, people begin to play the game as soon as they meet their future husband or
wife. By the time the couple get married, the rules of game are already formed. The big decision,
like where to live and which school to send the children to, are usually joint decision. When it
comes to less important things, it"s a different matter. Here is just one example of this process at
work. A husband looks through a pile of holiday brochures (小册子) and announces his preference:
"The South of France". And his wife quickly agrees before he realizes that the only brochures she
gave him were those for the South of France. Similarly, she may decide on how the home should
be decorated, but he chooses the new car and decides what the family does at weekends.
     "Family power struggles are interesting," says Dr Lewis. "Of course, some people are naturally
more dominant (占支配地位的) than others, and the most dominant personality in a family tries
to lead. These days, even though so many couples make a special effort to have a true and equal
partnership, men generally have a greater need to appear to be in physical control. Women, on the
other hand, are not so interested in physical control as in emotional control.  On the whole, they"re
more controlling and can make the man think of something as his idea in the first place."

1. What is the psychologists" opinion about choosing a TV program at home? 
A. It"s likely to cause family quarrels.
B. It"s an interesting game a family likes to play.
C. It"s difficult to choose with so many programs.
D. It"s a matter of power in a family.
2. According to the passage, which decision is made by the couple together? 
A. How to decorate their home.
B. Where to settle down.
C. What kind of car to buy.
D. What to do at weekends.
3. What can we learn about family decisionmaking from the passage?
A. Men have the final say in the family.
B. Men are much better controlled than women.
C. Women are rather skillful in influencing men.
D. Women are emotional about important matters.
4. Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?    
A. Why people fight for power at home.
B. Whose finger is on the button at home.
C. How family members play games at home.
D. What decision family members make together.
     The organization,Keep Time for Children,was started in 2002 to make people realize the importance
of family time on weekends,particularly for families with school age children.   1   We will try to help
parents take one day off on weekends to be with their family.
        2    What children want and need most is to spend time with their parents,not with toys or taking
part in activities.But with more and more people working on weekends,many children of school age don"t
see their parents anywhere near as often as they should.
       3    The movement is designed for families of all types and sizes under increasing pressure to work
on weekends.Because weekends are the very time when school age children are at home and in need of
their parents.we are going to put forward a Family Day Bill(议案) to the government.   4    It is aimed to
solve the problems of increasing"shift (换班的)parenting"and of young children being left "home alone
"on weekends.
        5   If parents have a day off,they can spend a lot of time and energy with their children to share their
A. Keep Time for Children is now starting a movement.
B. The law is likely to make sure that parents take good care of their children.
C. Our aim is mainly to encourage parents to spend time with their children.
D. An American set up the organization.
E. It would give every parent of children under the age of 16 the right in law to a weekend day
    off each week.
F. Our time is the most important thing that we can give our children.
G. Parents who do not share enough time with their children are to blame.