阅读理解。     Holidaymakers who are bored with baking beaches and overheated hotel r

阅读理解。     Holidaymakers who are bored with baking beaches and overheated hotel r

阅读理解。     Holidaymakers who are bored with baking beaches and overheated hotel rooms head for a big igloo.
Swedish businessman Nile Bergqvist is delighted with his new hotel,the world"s first igloo hotel.Built in
a small town in Lapland,it has been attracting lots of visitors,but soon the fun will be over.
     In two weeks" time Bergqvist"s ice creation (作品) will be nothing more than a pool of water." We
don"t see it as a big problem," he says. "We just look forward to replacing it."
     Bergqvist built his first igloo in 1991 for an art exhibition.It was so successful that he designed the
present one,which measures roughly 200 square meters.Six workmen spent more than eight weeks piling
1,000 tons of snow onto a wooden base:when the snow froze,the base was removed. "The only wooden
thing we have left in the igloo is the front door," he says.
     After their stay, all visitors receive a survival certificate recording their success.With no windows,
nowhere to hang clothes and temperatures below 0℃, it may seem more like a survival test than a relaxing
(轻松的) hotel break. "It"s great fun,"Bergqvist explains,"as well as a good start in survival training."
     The popularity of the igloo is beyond doubt:it is now attracting tourists from all over the world.At least
800 people have stayed at the igloo this season even though there are only 10 rooms."You can get a lot of
people in," explains Bergqvist. "The beds are three meters wide by two meters long,and can fit at least four
at one time." 1. Bergqvist designed and built the world"s first igloo hotel because _____. A. he believed people would enjoy trying something new
B. he wanted to make a name for the small town
C. an art exhibition was about to open
D. more hotel rooms were needed 2. When the writer says "the fun will be over," he refers to the fact that _____. A. hotel guests will be frightened at the thought of the hard test
B. Bergqvist"s hotel will soon become a pool of water
C. holidaymakers will soon get tired of the big igloo
D. a bigger igloo will replace the present one 3. According to the text, the first thing to do in building an igloo is _____. A. to gather a pool of water
B. to prepare a wooden base
C. to cover the ground with ice
D. to pile a large amount of snow4. When guests leave the igloo hotel they will receive a paper stating that _____.A. they have visited Lapland
B. they have had an ice-snow holiday
C. they have had great fun sleeping on ice
D. they have had a taste of adventure 5. Which of the four pictures below is the closest to the igloo hotel as described in the text?
1-5: ABBDA
Reading comprehension.

     When we walk through the city, we all experience a kind of information overload but we pay attention only
to those that are important to us. We don"t stop, we keep our faces expressionless and eyes straight ahead, and
in doing so, we are not just protecting ourselves but are avoiding overloading other people as well.
     We make use of stereotypes (刻板的模式) as convenient ways to make quick judgments about situations
and people around us. They may not always be accurate,and they can often be dangerously wrong, but they
are used regularly.
     The problem with the stereotypes is that they restrict experience. By using limited close to provide us with
a rapid opinion of other people or places we may choose to limit our communication. We may decide not to go
to certain places because we believe they will not offer something we enjoy.
     In the city, styles of dress are particularly important with regard to self-presentation. Different groups often
use clearly identifiable styles of clothes so that they can be easily recognized. It is becoming increasingly
common for brand names to be placed on the outside of clothes, and this labeling makes it easy to send out
information about fashion and price instantly, and lets others tell at a distance whether an individual has similar
tastes and is a suitable person to associate with.
     In England, where social grouping or class continues to make social distinctions (区分), clothes, hairstyles,
people"s pronunciation and the manner of speaking are all clues to our social group. Class distinctions tend to
be relatively fixed, although in the city where greater variety is permitted, they are more likely to be secondary
determining factors of friendship and association.

1. People walking in cities ignore the surroundings because _____. A. they do not wish to talk to other people
B. everyone else is expressionless
C. the environment is already familiar to them
D. there is too much information to take in 2. According to the passage,the main disadvantage of using stereotypes is that they _____. A. are likely to lead us into dangerous situations
B. may make us miss some pleasant experience
C. can rarely be relied on
D. make us mentally lazy 3. From the passage we may conclude that _____. A. stereotypes can help to understand people fully
B. people are becoming more interested in fashion
C. dressing can send messages about individuals
D. stereotypes can do more harm than good to people 4. It would appear that in England, a person"s class _____. A. might be less important in making friends in a city
B. is mainly determined by his pronunciation
C. plays less of a role than it did in the past
D. is something that can be changed easily
题型:上海高考真题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     In 1901, H. G. Wells, an English writer, wrote a book describing a trip to the moon. When the Explorers
(探险者) landed on the moon, they discovered that the moon was full of underground cities. They expressed
their surprise to the"moon people" they met.In turn, the"moon people" expressed their surprise."Why," they
asked,"are you traveling to outer space when you don"t even use your inner space?"
     H. G. Wells could only imagine travel to the moon. In 1969, human beings really did land on the moon.
People today know that there are no underground cities on the moon. However, the qu- estion that the "moon
people" asked is still an interesting one. A growing number of acientists are seriously thinking about it.
     Underground systems are already in place. Many cities have underground car parks. In some cities, such
as Tokyo, Seoul and Montreal, there are large underground shopping areas. The"Chunnel", a tunnel (隧道)
connecting England and France, is now complete.
     But what about underground cities? Japan"s Taisei Corporation is designing a network of underground
systems, called"Alice Cities," The designers imagine using surface space for pubic parks and using underground space for flats, offices, shopping, and so on. A solar dome (太阳能穹顶) would cover the whole city.
     Supporters of underground development say that building down rather than building up is a good way to use
the earth"s space. The surface, they say, can be used for farms, parks, gardens, and wilderness, H. G. Wells
"moon people" would agree. Would you? 1. The explorers in H. G. Wells, story were surprised to find that the "moon people"_____. A. knew so much about the earth
B. understood their language
C. lived in so many underground cities
D. were ahead of them in space technology 2. What does the underlined word "it" (paragraph 2) refer to?A. Discovering the moon"s inner space.
B. Using the earth"s inner space.
C. Meeting the "moon people" again.
D. Traveling to outer space.3. What sort of underground systems are already here with us? A. Offices, shopping areas,  power stations.
B. Tunnels, car parks, shopping areas.
C. Gardens, car parks, power stations.
D. Tunnels, gardens, offices.4. What would be the beat title for the text?A. Alice Cities-cities of the future
B. Space travel with H. G. Wells
C. Enjoy living underground
D. Building down, not up
题型:高考真题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。      At first Kate thought the Romanian girl could not speak and understand English. Nadia would not
reply to anything Kate said. Kate was in charge of showing Nadia around on her first day at Buckminster
Grade School. Kate could not figure out why the school had put Nadia in a class where she could not
understand what people were saying.
     "Why did they do this?" Kate wondered aloud." I mean, you can"t learn if you can"t understand the
     Nadia"s voice was a whisper. "I understand English. I will learn." Nadia"s English was perfect.
     Kate was perplexed. She couldn"t understand why Nadia did not like to speak. Then she realized that
moring to a new country probably wasn"t the easiest thing to do. There were hundreds of unfamiliar and
unusual things to learn-all at the same time.
     "There"re a lot of new things to learn, huh?" said Kate.
     Nadia nodded rapidly. In a quiet voice she replied. "Many things people say, I do not understand. I
have been speaking English and Romanian all my life, but I do not know what some children are saying.
For example. yesterday a boy asked if I could help him find the USB port on a thin black box he was
carrying. Isn"t a port a place for ships? It made no sense to me."
     "Don"t worry." said Kate. "You"ll figure everything out in time. You see, that thin black box was a
computer. A USB port is a place where you can connect other machines to a computer." Nadia and Kate
were quiet after that. They took notes while the teacher gave a maths lesson. To Kate"s surprise. Nadia
put up her hand and offered to answer questions at the blackboard.
     Nadia handled every question the teacher gave her. Some of the questions were really difficult, and
no one understood what was going on except Nadia and the teacher. When the teacher said that Nadia
answered everything correctly, the whole class clapped their hands.
     Nadia was smiling when she sat back down next to Kate. "Some things," she said in a normal voice,
"are the same all over the world." 1. At the beginning of Nadia"s first day at school, she was _____. A. disappointed
B. helpful
C. lively
D. shy 2. The underlined word "perplexed" probably means _____. A. puzzled
B. angry
C. shocked
D. serious 3. We can infer from the passage that _____.A. Nadia did not like Kate
B. Nadia had lived by the sea before
C. Nadia had never seen a computer before
D. Nadia spoke in a soft voice out of politeness4. Which of the following statements is true? A. Nadia was better at maths than other students.
B. Nadia found some of the maths questions difficult.
C. Nadia was encouraged to answer questions in class.
D. Nadia understood the maths teacher better than other teachers. 5. What is the message of the story? A. Talking about something familiar gives you confidence in communication.
B. Answering questions in class makes you better understood by classmates.
C. Language plays an important role in communication between cultures.
D. Mathematics helps to improve communication between cultures.
题型:北京高考真题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     Have you ever regretted doing something you shouldn"t have done or something you didn"t do which you
should have? At one time or another we probably all have. There"s no   1   in getting depressed about it
now-it"s no   2   crying over spilt (溢出的) milk. However, there may be some gain in thinking about exactly
what happened and why   3   we might be able to draw some conclusions for the future.
     One thing we all do now and again is to lose our   4   with a friend or close relative. The odd thing is that we
more often display great   5   towards someone we are fond of than towards   6  . The explanation may be that
we see friends and relatives as a kind of safety net, an opportunity to   7   a bit of steam in a safe environment,
while the consequences (结果) of   8   a stranger could be far more serious.
     Being honest is usually thought of as a virtue (美德) and undoubtedly this is the  9  . On the other hand, we
have all experienced occasions when we have spoken our minds to someone, telling them exactly what we feel,
and then have found ourselves filled with feelings of  10 . Perhaps we should have kept our mouths shut?
题型:上海高考真题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. reason     
(     )2. A. use       
(     )3. A. so         
(     )4. A. mind       
(     )5. A. anger     
(     )6. A. strangers 
(     )7. A. run through 
(     )8. A. inviting   
(     )9. A. issue     
(     )10. A. excitement
B. purpose  
B. help      
B. because  
B. memory    
B. interest  
B. friends                 
B. throw away 
B. insulting 
B. case      
B. happiness 
C. point       
C. value       
C. but       
C. manner     
C. love       
C. relatives                  
C. give up     
C. speaking to 
C. event       
C. pride     
D. result        
D. benefit       
D. though        
D. temper                      
D. respect       
D. colleagues    
D. let off       
D. believing in  
D. factor        
D. guilt         
     Several factors make a good newspaper story. First-obviously-it must be new. But since TV can react
to events so quickly, this is often a problem for   1  . They usually respond to it in one of three ways.
      By providing   2   detail, comment or background information.
      By finding a new   3   on the day"s major stories.
      By printing completely different stories which TV doesn"t broadcast. What else? Well-it also has to be   4  .
People do not to read about ordianry, everyday life. Because of this, many stories    5   some kind of conflict or
danger. This is one reason why so much news seems to be   6   news." Plane lands safely-no-one hurt" doesn"t
sell newspapers."Plane   7  -200 feared dead!" does.
     Next, there"s human interest. People are interested in other-   8   -particularly in the rich, famous and
powerful. Stories about the private lives of pop singers, actors, models, politicians,   9   , all appear regularly in
certain newspapers.
     Finally, for many editors,  10  is an important factor, too. They prefer stories about people, places and events which their readers know. That"s why the stories in Tokyo"s newspapers are often very different from the stories printed in Paris, Cairo, New York or Buenos Aires.
题型:上海高考真题难度:| 查看答案


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(     )1. A. newspapers 
(     )2. A. extra     
(     )3. A. direction 
(     )4. A. tragic     
(     )5. A. quote     
(     )6. A. good       
(     )7. A. crashes   
(     )8. A. places     
(     )9. A. in addition
(     )10. A. personality
B. publications
B. available 
B. look      
B. dramatic   
B. neglect   
B. bad                    
B. bumps     
B. people     
B. in any case 
B. similarity 
C. reporters 
C. inaccessible
C. angle     
C. professional
C. increase   
C. exciting   
C. strikes               
C. things     
C. for example 
C. uniqueness 
D. broadcasters   
D. memorable      
D. section        
D. sensitive      
D. involve        
D. informative    
D. drops          
D. news           
D. after all      
D. familiarity