The secret of staying slim could be as simple as keeping your mind on your meals

The secret of staying slim could be as simple as keeping your mind on your meals

The secret of staying slim could be as simple as keeping your mind on your meals. Research suggests that   1 ourselves from distractions and concentrating completely on the food that is in front of us, helps us stay in   2 . Such ‘mindful eating’ ensures that the   3 is in tune with (协调) the body, enabling it to ‘hear’ the chemical   4 that tell it that we are full。
Digestion   5  a complex series of signals between the gut (肠道)and the nervous system and it takes about 20 minutes for the brain to tell that the body has eaten enough. This means that if someone eats too   6 , the signals will come slowly, leading to   7 .
Scientists say that distractions make it  8 for us to remember what we have eaten. This absent-mindedness stops us from feeling   9  – and sends us reaching for some snacks later on. It is thought that our memory of what we have eaten plays a key role in   10  appetite. This means that distractions stop us from remembering the detail of what we have eaten – leaving us feeling   11 .
Advocates of mindful eating   12 chewing food slowly and taking note of its color, smell and flavor. Before   13  dieters should ask themselves if they are really hungry---and if not, distract themselves by going for a walk or reading. Done  14 , mindful eating may not only leave you   15 , but also make you enjoy mealtimes.



小题1:考查动名词及语境的理解。 A. feeling感觉; B. protecting保护; C. freeing解放,释放; D. saving挽救。根据keeping your mind on your meals要注意关注饮食,所以从其他的事物中解脱出来。有大量的研究显示,将我们从各种干扰和分散注意力的事物中解脱(freeing)出来,并且将关注的焦点都放在我们眼前的这餐食物之上,这样做就能帮助我们体态轻盈。故选C。 
小题2:考查名词及语境的理解。 A. shape身材; B. health 健康; C. touch触摸; D. business 生意。根据     ourselves from distractions可知将关注的焦点都放在我们眼前的这餐食物之上,这样做就能帮助我们体态轻盈(shape)。故选A。
小题3:考查名词及语境的理解。 A. appetite***; B. speed速度; C. emotion情感; D. mind注意,理智。根据‘mindful eating可知这样一种“全神贯注进食”的方法其实是使得我们的“身心合一”,故选D。
小题4:考查名词及语境的理解。 A. orders命令; B. sounds声音; C. desires心愿; D. messages 信息。根据chemical可知用来修饰信息。同时让我们的身体更清晰的接收到某种化学信息,它将告诉我们,自己已经吃饱了。故选D。 
小题5:考查动词及语境的理解。 A. discovers发现; B. involves 包含; C. sends发送; D. holds保存。根据a complex series of signals可知消化系统中,肠道与神经系统之间存在了一系列复杂的激素响应信号,故选B。
小题6:考查副词及语境的理解。 A. quickly快地; B. slowly 慢地; C. gradually逐渐地; D. suddenly 突然。根据the signals will come slowly这里用了slowly与它对应的是quickly。这也就意味着,如果你吃得太快的话,这一信号将被大大延迟,这将导致你吃得更多。故选A。
小题7:考查名词及语境的理解。 A. imbalance不平衡; B. damage损害; C. overeating暴饮暴食; D. failure 失败。根据it takes about 20 minutes for the brain to tell that the body has eaten enough因为吃的快,吃饱的信号还没有来,所以就吃多了。.如果你吃得太快的话,这一信号将被大大延迟,这将导致你吃得更多。故选C。 
小题8:考查形容词及语境的理解。 A. clearer更清楚的; B. easier更容易的; C. sharper更锋利的;         D. harder更难的。根据distractions可知由于没有关注自己吃的什么,所以不太记得自己吃的什么。科学家说分心使我们很难记得我们刚刚吃了什么,故选D。
小题9:考查形容词及语境的理解。 A. full满的; B. great大的; C. comfortable舒适的; D. delicious可口的。根据sends us reaching for some snacks later on因为不饱。这样“开小差”的状态会让我们很难感知到身体的饱足感,这便使得我们产生了吃午后小点的想法。故选A。 
小题10:考查动名词及语境的理解。A. building建筑; B. losing丢失; C. controlling控制; D. improving提高。根据absent-mindedness stops us from feeling可知据认为,记忆在进食过程中有着重要的作用,它能抑制我们的食欲。故选C。
小题11:考查形容词及语境的理解。A. upset不安; B. eager渴望的; C. hungry 饥饿的; D. desperate 绝望的。根据上文可知这就意味着,转移注意力和分心将使我们难以记住吃了什么,并且让我们感到饥饿。故选C。
小题12:考查动词及语境的理解。A. mind介意; B. advise建议; C. avoid避免; D. consider考虑。根据下文可知chewing food slowly,advise doing建议做某事。意念进食的倡导者建议(advise)说慢慢地进食,记住食物的颜色、气道及滋味。故选B。  
小题13:考查动词及语境的理解。A. snacking吃零食; B. running跑; C. writing 写; D. cooking做饭。根据sends us reaching for some snacks later on.可知在吃零食之前,节食者应该好好问问自己,是否真的饿了,故选A。 
小题14:考查副词及语境的理解。A. quietly安静地; B. strongly坚强地; C. properly 适当地; D. poorly 贫乏地。根据常识可知必须实施得当。如果实施手法得当(properly),“意念进食法”不仅可以帮助我们保持体型,同时还能使得我们更加享受美食。故选C。
小题15:考查形容词及语境的理解。A. slim苗条的; B. fat肥胖的; C. strong坚强的; D. calm平静。根据The secret of staying slim could be as simple as keeping your mind on your meals.如果实施手法得当,“意念进食法”不仅可以帮助我们保持体型(slim),同时还能使得我们更加享受美食。故选A。
She’s not afraid of anything. Snakes? No problem. Walking alone in the dark? Easy. We’re not talking about a superhero here -- SM is a 44-year-old mother.  And she’s fearless because she happens to be missing part of her brain: the amygdala(扁桃腺).
Shaped like a pair of almonds sitting in the middle of your brain, the amygdala helps control fear and anxiety. A rare condition called Urbach-Wiethe disease left SM without her amygdala, and seems to have completely erased her sense of fear.
To try to understand how the amygdala works, a team of researchers made their efforts to scare SM. They showed her horror movies and took her to the Waverly Hills Sanatorium Haunted House in Kentucky. She pushed out one of the monsters(巨物) and laughed. SM said she didn’t like snakes, but at a pet store full of poisonous creatures, she kept asking to touch them. When asked to rate her feelings, SM reported feeling surprised or disgusted, but never fearful.
“She tends to approach everything she should be avoiding,” says Justin Feinstein of the  University of Iowa. This means the amygdala could control deeper urges to approach or avoid danger. Other scientists have a different opinion, though.  “I don’t believe you can make a general statement about what the amygdala does by a single case study,” Elizabeth Phelps said. In 2002, Phelps published a study on a similar patient with amygdala damage who still showed fear.
It may sound like fun to be totally fearless, but we get scared for a good reason. “The nature of fear is survival and the amygdala helps us stay alive by avoiding situations, people, or objects that put our life in danger,” Feinstein said. SM was once followed in a park after dark by a man with a knife, and she simply walked away. “It is quite remarkable that she is still alive,” said Feinstein.
小题1:SM dares to walk alone in the dark mainly because ____________.
A.she is a superhero
B.she has experienced such conditions a lot
C.she is a mental patient
D.she has no sense of fear
小题2:Researchers tried their best to frighten SM in order to find ___________.
A.The function of a particular organ
B.SM’s reaction of fear and anxiety
C.The process of removing amygdale
D.A special way to get along with monsters
小题3:What do we know from the research on SM?
A.It was easy for her to avoid danger.
B.SM never felt fearful but disgusted.
C.SM was frightened by nothing except monsters.
D.SM got along well with the snakes.
小题4:What is Elizabeth Phelps’ attitude toward the function of the amygdala based on the research on SM?
小题5:What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.People can remove their amygdala to be fearless.
B.SM will be admired because of her bravery.
C.No one can survive if their amygdala is removed.
D.The sense of fear is crucial to humans.

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As we get older, the fear of not having a good memory grows for many people. A lot of people  48  that the loss of memory can be the sign of Alzheimer’s(老年痴呆症).
It is true that as we grow older we are more    49   to develop Alzheimer’s. But with a proper lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and exercise, one can stay mentally     50   into their old age.
There are many causes of memory loss that have nothing to do with Alzheimer’s. As researchers come    51   to understanding Alzheimer’s, the outlook(前景) is    52   for people with this illness. New treatments are becoming available. With improved diagnosis(诊断), medications and treatment, one day we may be able to    53   or even reverse (反转) memory loss as we age.
Memory loss is    54   a topic of concern for people. Having Alzheimer’s can lead to increased dependency on others. Not being able to manage basic daily    55  on your own or even not being able to recognize family members would be a serious hit to anyone. This is why many elderly people often have questions and concerns.
A.makeB.take C.preventD.protect

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What time of day can you think most quickly? Are you a morning person? Or does it take you a few hours to get your brain going? A lot of recent research suggests that we should pay attention to our body clock. It can tell us what time of day we can perform best at.
Many people work best later in the morning. This is because the body’s temperature takes time to rise through the day. Taking a warm shower when you wake up can help your body’s temperature rise quickly.
But everyone’s body clock is different and some are special. Morning people will get up early and
work better early in the day. Evening people will work later but work better towards the end of the day. Research shows that we’re better at some activities at certain times of the day. Physical performance is at its best between 3 pm and 6 pm, so it’s better to exercise later in the day. 
Between noon and 4 pm, people begin to pay less attention. This is because we think less quickly
after a big meal. Research also shows we become sleepy around 2 pm. This is why people in Spain take a short sleep in early afternoon.  Finally, it is best to eat when we’re active. This allows our body
to burn calories better and stops our blood sugar levels from getting too high.
小题1:__________ can tell us what time of day we can perform best at.
A.Morning peopleB.A warm shower
C.Our body temperature.D.Our body clock
小题2:A morning people will ________.
A.get later but work better better early in the day.
C.only work in the morning
D.go to bed late every night.
小题3:What is the best time for physical performance? 
A.Between 3 pm and 6 pmB.Between 7 pm and 10 pm.
C.Between noon and 4 pmD.Between 5 pm and 8 pm.
小题4:Why is it best to eat when we’re active? 
A.Because eating makes the brain unable to think quickly.
B.Because it makes our blood sugar levels higher.
C.Because our body can burn more calories.
D.Because we are allowed to eat then.
小题5:What is the best title for this article? 
A.How can we work better
B.The best time to exercise
C.How can we keep healthy
D.The perfect time to do something

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The Healthy Habits Survey shows that only about one third of American seniors have correct habits. Here are some findings and expert advice.
1. How many times did you brush your teeth yesterday?
Finding:A full 33% of seniors brush their teeth only once a day.
Step:Remove the 300 types of bacteria in your mouth each morning with a battery-operated toothbrush.
Brush gently for 2 minutes, at least twice a day.
2. How many times did you wash your hands or bathe yesterday?
Finding:Seniors, on average, bathe fewer than 3 days a week. And nearly 30% wash their hands only 4 times a day----half of the number doctors recommend.
Step:We touch our faces around 3,000 times a day-often inviting germs(病菌)to enter our mouth, nose, and eyes. Use toilet paper to avoid touching the door handle. And, most important, wash your hands often with hot running water and soap for 20 seconds.
3. How often do you think about fighting germs?
Finding:Seniors are not fighting germs as well as they should.
Step:Be aware of germs. Do you know it is not your toilet but your kitchen sponge(海绵)that can carry more germs than anything else? To kill these germs, keep your sponge in the microwave for 10 seconds.
小题1:What is found out American seniors?
A.Most of then have good habits.
B.Nearly 30% of then bathe three days a week.
C.About one third of them brush their teeth only once a day
D.All of then are fighting germs better than expected..
小题2:Doctors suggest that people should wash their hands     .
A.eight times a dayB.three times a day
C.four times a day D.twice a day
小题3:Which of the following is true according to the text?
A.We should keep from touching our faces.
B.There are less than 300 types of bacteria in the mouth.
C.A kitchen sponge can carry more germs than a toilet.
D.We should wash our hands before touching a door handle.
小题4:The text probably comes from       .
A.a guide bookB.a popular magazine
C.a book review official document

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FDA proposed the most sweeping food safety rules in decades, requiring farmers and food companies to be more cautious in the wake of deadly outbreaks in peanuts, cantaloupe (瓜),and leafy greens.
The long-overdue regulations are aimed at reducing the estimated 3,000 deaths a year from foodbome illness. Just since last summer, outbreaks of listeria (李氏杆菌)in cheese and salmonella(沙门氏菌)in peanut butter, cantaloupe and mangoes have been linked to more than 400 illnesses and as many as seven deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control. The actual number of those sickened is likely much higher.
The FDA’s proposed rules would require farmers to take new precautions against contamination (污染),to include making sure workers5 hands are washed, irrigation (灌溉) water is clean, and that animals stay out of fields. Food manufacturers will have to submit food safety plans to the government to show they are keeping their operations clean.
Many responsible food companies and farmers are already following the steps that the FDA would now require them to take. But officials say the requirements could have saved lives and prevented illnesses in some of the large-scale outbreaks that have hit the country in recent years.
In a 2011 outbreak of listeria in cantaloupe that claimed 33 lives ,for example, FDA inspectors found pools of dirty water on the floor and old, dirty processing equipment at the Colorado farm where the cantaloupes were grown. In a peanut butter outbreak this year linked to 42 salmonella illnesses ,inspectors found samples of salmonella throughout a New Mexico peanut processing plant and multiple obvious safety problems ,such as birds flying over uncovered trucks of peanuts and employees not washing their hands.
Under the new rules, companies would have to lay out plans for preventing those sorts of problems and how they would correct them.
“The rules go very directly to preventing the types of outbreaks we have seen/,said Michael Taylor, FDA’s deputy commissioner for foods.
小题1:The main task of FDA is probably______ protect and promote the public health help those sickened recover research on food safety measures deal with water pollution
小题2:According to the passage, the new rules focus on_____.
A.inspecting the whole process of food production
B.improving food processing equipment on farms
C.preventing water pollution in food production
D.urging food companies to lay out plans
小题3:What does the word “they” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The new regulations should have come into practice earlier.
B.The 2011 outbreak of listeria is the most serious ever.
C.Farmers and food companies are strongly against the new rules.
D.Colorado and New Mexico are worst hit by food pollution.

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