Jonny Jones was a nice and popular boy, who everyone loved.He was so much fun, s

Jonny Jones was a nice and popular boy, who everyone loved.He was so much fun, s

Jonny Jones was a nice and popular boy, who everyone loved.He was so much fun, so good and so kind to everyone that they treated him wonderfully. But as everything he needed was given to him without asking, Jonny became a weed. He was so spoiled by everyone that he couldn’t stand any hardship.
One day Johnny heard a mother saying to her son “Come on, my boy, get up and stop crying. You are behaving like Johnny Jones.” That made Johnny feel very ashamed. But he was sure that he would prefer to be known as a good boy rather than a fool. Worried, he spoke to his father about all this, though he was afraid that maybe he would be laughed at for having such worries. His father, far from laughing at Johnny, told him that a teacher had taught him a secret trick to turn him into the toughest boy off all. “Eat a candy less, study a minute more, and count to five before crying.” Johnny asked, “Just that? ” “Yes, just that,” said his father, “It’s very simple, but I warn you that it won’t be easy.”
Johnny was happy like a bird, ready to follow the advice. He went to see his mother, and she noticed how happy he was when she offered him candies. “One candy less”, thought Johnny, so he only took one. That afternoon he had another chance to put it into practice by studying one minute more. The result was that he missed the first minute of his favorite program! But having achieved this gave him a great feeling of satisfaction. The same happened when he ran up against the corner of the kitchen table. He only managed to count to four before crying, but that was left deeply in his mother’s memory.
Over the following days Johnny kept using the motto in his life as his father told him. And the more he put this into practice ,the easier it got. Before long he realized that he could also do things that would seem impossible before.
小题1:The underlined word "weed" in the first paragraph refers to ____.
A.a person with a strong v/ill
B.a person with a weak character
C.a person who isn"t popular with everyone
D.a person who changes his behavior according to the situation
小题2:What made Jonny Jones decide to change himself?
A.A mother"s words.              B.Others" attitude to him.
C.His father"s advice.           C.His teacher"s warning.
小题3:What is the key point of the advice from Jonny"s father?
A.Eat fewer candies than before.
B.Count to five before crying.
C.Talk with parents and follow their advice.
D.Learn to control oneself and keep using the motto in life.
小题4:What message does the writer want to convey through the story?
A.One should be brave to face his mistakes.
B.Nothing is difficult as long as you set your mind on it.
C.Spoilinga child too much may result in his selfish behaviors.
D.A strong will can be developed by small but consistent efforts.



小题1:词义题 根据第一段:Jonny became a weed. He was so spoiled by everyone that he couldn’t stand any hardship.可知Jonny被宠坏了,也就是性格上不是很坚强,故B正确
小题2:细节题 根据第二段:One day Johnny heard a mother saying to her son “Come on, my boy, get up and stop crying. You are behaving like Johnny Jones.”可知是妈妈的话改变了Jonny的行为和性格,故A正确
小题3:细节题 文章最后一段:Over the following days Johnny kept using the motto in his life as his father told him.
小题4:主旨题 通过文章可知:文章讲了一个被宠坏了的男孩,性格由此变得软弱,不过听了妈妈的话,决心改变自己,并通过那些微不足道却持续不断的努力改变了自己的性格,养成了刚强的性格和意志力。故D正确
When I began planning to move to Auckland to study,my mother was worried about a lack of jobs and cultural differences. Ignoring these 36 ,I got there in July, 2010.  37 I arrived,I realized the importance of getting a job  38  my living experience. Determined to do this __39__ ,I spent several weeks going door-­to-­door for a job,but found __40__ response(回应).
One afternoon,I walked into a building to ask _41__ there were my job opportunities. The people there advised me not to continue my job search in that __42__ .As I was about to_43__,a man who had been listening approached me and asked me to wait outside __44__.Nearly ten minutes later,he __45__.He asked me about my plans and encouraged me to stay __46__.Then he offered to take me to Royal Oak to __47__ a job.
I was a little surprised,but had a __48__ feeling about him. Along the way,I realized that I had __49__ resumes(简历).Seeing this,the man __50__ at his business partner’s office to make me fifteen __51__ copies. He also gave me some __52__ on dressing and speaking. I handed out my resumes and went home feeling very __53__ .The following day,I received a __54__from a store in Royal Oak offering me a job.
It seems that the world always __55__ to you when you need it. And this time,it was a complete stranger who turned out to be a real blessing.
A.doubtsB.concerns C.instructions D.reasons
A.Even ifB.Every timeC.Now that D.Soon after
A.on my ownB.on my any the day
A.any B.much C.some D.little
A.directionB.attitude C.languageD.manner
小题8: C.leaveD.refuse
A.for ever any usual D.for a while
A.silentB.busy C.positive D.comfortable
A.pick forC.take onD.give up
A.dullB.good C.guiltyD.general
A.made use ofB.taken care out ofD.become tired of
A.stopped B.knockedC.glancedD.appeared
A.rightB.more C.formerD.different
A.turns offB.goes backD.looks up

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I can remember the day my father came home from the war. As he walked up the front path of our home, he saw Mum and me and he dropped the suitcase.
I was only five years old so Dad made a fuss of me, then began making an even bigger fuss of my mother. This left me free to examine all the stuff lying around the broken suitcase, and I was quick to notice a newspaper advertisement displaying a new piano. When Dad saw me holding up the newspaper cutting, he smiled.
“Yes, that’s right,” he said. “I bought your mum a piano for ten pounds down and two pounds a week.”
A few moments later, a horse pulled a cart with a piano on top. Soon we all stared at it in our small lounger room. Mum had never been close to a piano before, except at the kindergarten I attended, and she used to say how wonderful it would be if the teachers could teach her to play.
After tea that night, Mum began to teach herself to play. She plinked the keys for about two hours and drove everybody in the street mad, until Dad gently said, “Enough is enough.”
From that day on, she would plink between doing the cooking and housework. Three months went by and Mum was now a skilled pianist, holding parties with all the neighbors gathering around to sing.
Although we were poor, Mum felt like a princess and was delighted at all the attention she was receiving.
At the height of Mum’s happiness, I began to notice that Dad was looking increasingly worried. It turned out that since returning from the war, he’d been unable to find a job. Then, a few weeks later, I observed two men taking Mum’s piano away. Mum sobbed in the kitchen. Suddenly, it all became clear to me: no job, no money, no piano.
Dad finally got a job. Mum was happy again as if he’d just win the lottery(彩票). Dad had to study to qualify as an account. Every night after dinner he’d place a stack of books on the kitchen table and study late into the night. Mum didn’t say much but I could tell she was proud of Dad.
Two years later, Dad bought Mum another piano. This time he paid cash for it.
小题1:How did the author’s Dad buy the piano for his mum?
A.He paid part of the bill regularly.
B.He earned it by winning a bet.
C.He paid cash for it.
D.He bought it as a big bargain.
小题2:By saying “Enough is enough”, the author’s dad meant_______.
A.practice makes perfect was time to stop practicing
C.he couldn’t bear being troubled
D.his wife played the piano well enough
小题3:What happened to the author’s mum’s first piano?
A.It was lost.
B.It was broken by one neighbor.
C.It was sold by his dad.
D.It was taken away.
小题4:What made the author’s mum proud of his dad?
A.His dad’s willingness to help cook.
B.His dad’s winning the lottery luckily.
C.His dad’s loyalty to his motherland.
D.His dad’s determination to rebuild his life.

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In the dining room of my grandfather’s house stood a massive grandfather clock. Meals in that dining room were a  for four generations to become one. The table was always  with food from wonderful family recipes(食谱)all containing   3 as the main ingredient(成分). And always that grandfather clock stood like a trusted old family   4 , sharing our happiness.
As I was a child, the old clock me. I watched and listened to it during meals. I  how at different times of the day, that clock would strike with a wonderful   7 . Year after year, the clock struck a part of my   8  , a part of my heart.
Even more wonderful to me was what my grandfather did each day. He wound that clock with a special and magic key, which   10 the clock ticking and striking. He never let that clock wind down and   11 . When we grandkids got a little older, he showed us how to   12 the clock.
Several days after my grandfather died, I entered the dining room, with tears flowing   13 . The clock stood desertedly  14 , seeming smaller and not as magnificent as before. I couldn’t   15 to look at it.
Years later, my grandmother gave me the clock and the key. The old house was quiet. I opened the clock door with my shaking hand. Then   16 , reverently(虔诚地), I entered the key and wound the clock. It sprang to  17 . Tick – tock , tick – tock, life and chimes were  18 into the dining room, into house and into my  19 . In the movement of the hands of the clock, my grandfather  20 again.

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“Dash” is a symbol which represents every day we’re spreading alive on earth. Therefore, how you spend your “dash” is important.
Recently I  1  about a little girl named Hope. After learning more about her life, I couldn’t help but feel it was not by 2 ,nor happenstance, that she had been named “Hope”. The strong feeling of sympathy and generosity 3 in her young heart made a lasting impression on me and countless others. 4  I never had the opportunity to meet her, I wish I had. It seems as though she was beyond her tender years and very, very special. Hope was a twelve-year-old girl who was 5 a “wish” in early December 2010 by the “Make-A-Wish” Foundation after being 6  that she had a rare type of bone cancer. However, when she found out that more than 150 7 in her area like her were waiting for their wishes to be granted, she unselfishly used her wish to 8 that those children have their wishes granted. She also hoped that it could be done 9  January 16, 2011.Unfortunately, however, the organization told her that her 10  request couldn’t be granted as the funds were simply 11  . They calculated that they would need to raise more that one 12  dollars in thirty days in order to grant her wish. 13 , but not discouraged, she turned her disappointment into an enthusiasm that inspired warm-hearted 14 to take up helping grant the wishes of the other children, and eventually 15  as well. Newspaper columnists and reporters for radio and TV stations 16  the story of this 17  young girl who had touched the hearts of so many and as word spread, the community was challenged. Committees were fanned and schools, corporations and various organizations assisted in 18 money to help make Hope"s dream come true.
Her efforts were not in vain as they continued to help others, not only 19 , but spiritually and emotionally as well. At the gathering to celebrate her life, “A Celebration of Hope” on January 16,2011, the 20  was made that they had indeed received donations totaling more than one million dollars. Her wish had been granted!
A.committees B.individualsC.corporationsD.organizations

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This week was busier than usual, and I was very tired today. All I wanted to do was to go home and enjoy a bowl of good hot soup.
But when I saw my daughter’s car, I knew that it was Bryan’s night. Since his parents separated, I had tried to have my six-year-old grandson spend a few hours with me at least once a week. I had always tried to make it a special time for him. We did many interesting things; Bryan loved all these activities, and so did I. But today I had to give up our evening. I said how tired I was feeling. “Bryan, I’m sorry. Tonight I don’t feel like having fun or playing games. We’ll have our night together some other time.” I saw the sadness in Bryan’s eyes. He said, “I like soup, Grandma.” I knew he meant “Please don’t send me away. Please let me stay.” I saw the shadow (阴影) in Bryan’s eyes. Something else was changing. Maybe he thought I wouldn’t want to have him come any more — not tonight, not next week, not ever. Finally, I said OK. I was glad to see his eyes light up. After I put the soup on the stove (炉子) and turned on the TV, I fell asleep.
When I woke up, there was a coat over my legs, and the soup was gone. Bryan was on the floor, reading a coloring book and watching a television show at the same time. The poor boy must have been so bored (烦躁的)! When he found I was awake, he ran over and gave me a big hug. “I love you, Grandma,” he said. “Haven’t we had a nice time together?” His big smile and happy eyes told me that this time he meant exactly what he was saying. That was the keyword — together. We had done nothing exciting or special. But we were together.
小题1:What does the underlined part (in Paragraph 2) mean?
A.It was time to cook hot soup for Bryan that night.
B.This was the evening when Bryan stayed with his grandma.
C.Bryan would have a good rest that night.
D.Bryan would stay with his parents that night.
小题2:Why didn’t the author want to stay with her grandson that night at first?
A.She was too tired to have fun or play games with him.
B.She was sick and wanted to have a good rest.
C.She was too busy and had to work overtime that night.
D.She had to prepare soup for the whole family.
小题3:How many times did the author describe Bryan’s eyes?
小题4:From the passage, we can infer that _____.
A.Bryan’s parents separated so he had to live with his grandma
B.Bryan was sad that night because his grandma didn’t play with him
C.the author wouldn’t want to stay with her grandson any more
D.the author and her grandson loved each other very much

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