Unfortunately, I believe that happiness escapes mostly because they misundersta

Unfortunately, I believe that happiness escapes mostly because they misundersta


Unfortunately, I believe that happiness escapes mostly because they misunderstand the process and journey of finding it. I have heard many people say that, “I’ll be happy when I get my new promotion.” or “I’ll be happy when I earn that extra 20 pounds.” The list goes on and on. You probably have a few of your own you could add if you want.
This thinking is dangerous because it presupposes that happiness is a “response” to having, being or doing something. In life, we all experience stimulus and response. Stimulus is when a dog barks at you and bares his teeth. Response is when your heart beats faster, your palms get sweaty and you prepare to run. Today, some people think that an expensive car is a stimulus. Happiness is a response. A great paying job is a stimulus. Happiness is a response. A loving relationship is a stimulus. Happiness is a response. This belief leaves us thinking and feeling: “I’ll be happy when…”
It has been my finding that actually the opposite is true. I believe that happiness is a stimulus and response is what life brings to those who are truly happy. When we are happy, we tend to have more success in our work. When we are happy, people want to be around us and enjoy loving relationships. When we are happy, we more naturally take better care of our bodies and enjoy good health. Happiness is NOT a response — rather, it is a stimulus.
Happiness is a conscious choice we make every day of our lives. For unknown reason to me, many choose to be painful, unsuccessful and angry most of the time. Happiness is not something that happens to us after we get something we want — we usually get things we want AFTER we choose to be happy.
I have made only one simple rule for my own happiness: Every day above ground is a GOOD day. Therefore, I tend to have a lot of good (and happy) days continually.
小题1:The second paragraph mainly tells us that people seek happiness_______.
A.in the same wayB.in different waysC.by working hardD.by taking drugs
小题2: What does the underlined phrase “This thinking” refer to?
A.The thinking of being promoted.
B.The giving up of happiness.
C.The process and journey of finding happiness.
D.The misunderstanding of happiness.
小题3:The underlined word “stimulus” in para.4 probably means_______.
A.something causes an actionB.something helps to expand
小题4: The purpose of the author in writing this passage is to________.
A.tell people how to enjoy happiness
B.encourage people to seek happiness
C.express his attitude towards happiness
D.criticize the wrong ideas about happiness




I suppose that having been brought up in the countryside and close  to animals,it wasn’t remarkable(不平常的)when I decided  to become a vet(兽医).Luckily I was also good at all the necessary science subjects. So after the college entrance examination I found myself at a veterinary college,training to look after animals in all kinds of situations. I hoped that I would be able to work in the research field so that I could find cures for animal diseases.
Much to my surprise,I found public health care was a very important aspect of my course. This is an area of animal medicine where a vet’s work has many things in common with the work of a doctor of human diseases. I particularly liked it because I recognized that the study of animal diseases can help human medicine. As we know,many infectious diseases come from animals—including SARS and bird flu.
Some of the infections have only been understood after carefully analytical work in labs by animal doctors. They helped identify the animal source for diseases such as SARS. They were also the first to identify various kinds of viruses. Sometimes vets are also able to suggest a cure for human illnesses. When I found this out I was determined to make public health medicine my chosen career.
After graduation,I applied for a job in public health. Soon I found myself concerned with the problem of bird flu. This is  an illness that attacks birds,but humans can catch the disease  if they are in close contact with infected birds. Though the job  is dangerous,it makes me proud that vets and other animal  disease researchers are in the front line helping to fight these  unknown human diseases

小题1:The writer wanted to become a vet mainly because______.
A.he did well in all necessary subjects
B.he wanted to help animals
C.he was close to animals in his early life
D.he wanted to find cures for human diseases
小题2:What made the writer particularly like the course of public health care was that________.
A.it was both important and interesting
B.it could help him connect many human diseases with animals
C.it made a vet’s work very much like a doctor’s
D.it could help human medicine by studying animal diseases
小题3:What can be followed if this passage continues?
A.The writer’s happy family life.
B.How the writer did research work in studying bird flu.
C.How the writer dealt with the relationship with other workmates.
D.What difficulty the writer met in the research work.
小题4:Which of the following is implied in the passage?
A.Animals with infectious diseases should be killed.
B.Keeping animals is dangerous to humans.
C.Dangerous as a vet’s job is,it is significant to the human race.
D.Animal researchers work in the same way as human doctors.
小题5:Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Being a vet is helpful to both animals and humans.
B.Vets can cure both animals and humans.
C.Vets helped identify animal resources for SARS.
D.Both SARS and bird flu are infectious diseases coming from animals.

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If your father never says to you “I love you” when you are a child, it   36  to be more and more difficult for him to say the words as he grows    37 
I do not   38  hearing the words from my father when I was growing up.   39 , I could not recall(回忆) when I had   40 said those words to him either.
One day, I decided to _41_ the ice and make the first   42_ . So in our next phone conversation I gathered all my _ 43 and let out the words in a low voice, “Dad… I love you!”
There was a   44  at the other end and he awkwardly  45 _, “Well, same back at you!”
I was unexpectedly   46  and my voice was raised, “Dad, I know you love me, and I know when you are ready, you will say what you want to say.”
Fifteen minutes later my mother called and   47  asked, “Paul, is everything okay?”
A few weeks later, Dad   48  our phone conversation with the words, “Paul, I love you.” I was so moved that tears were rolling down my cheeks as I finally “__49 ” the love. As I sat there in tears I realized that this   50  moment had taken our father-and-son relationship to a new   51 .Shortly afterwards, my father narrowly   52  death following heart surgery(外科手术). Many times   __53 , I have   54  if I had not taken the first step and Dad not   55  the surgery, I would have never “heard” the love.
A.works outB.breaks out C.comes outD.turns out

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
When I was fourteen I was hit by a car and I felt almost senseless from the waist down.I spent the next four years   36  a back support.I began running seven days a week to   37 my muscles (肌肉).It was exhausting but I   38  before I graduated from high school.
When I was thirty-one, I was in   39  car accident in which my legs were seriously injured.The  40  told me that their goal was to get me to walk "__41  " but that I would never run again.Stubborn and _42_ , however, I set out to rebuild my leg muscles to support my knees through my own personalized 43  program. The fact was that it took me two years to learn how to walk and nine and a half years to run again.
While on one of my runs, a   44  thought entered my mind: what   45  I could run the LA Marathon? I wanted to know what it felt like to _46  the prized finish line, even if it  47  I had to crawl(爬) across it.I had only four months to get ready.I spent almost all my time training as if my very 48  depended on it——actually, it did.I   49  that if I didn’t train to my fullest, my body would   50  and the doctors’ diagnosis (诊断) would win.I wasn’t about to let that happen.I had a dream: I would run the LA Marathon to achieve one of my life’s greatest   51  .I trained eight times a week, seven days a week —twice on Wednesdays.
Finally, my hard efforts   52  .I crossed the finish line of the LA Marathon, strong and solid.
I’m often asked why I run, to which I always   53  ,"I run because I can." I   54 myself that the aches and pains I experience while training and racing are  55  , compared to the suffering those whom I admire must bear.This is why I run.
小题1:A, dressing           B.wearing             C.designing      D.decorating
小题9:A.suitable       B.reasonable          C silly           D.crazy
A.meantB.proved C.agreedD.explained
A.look outB.come outC.break downD.fall down
A.worked outB.turned outC.paid backD.paid off

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
My friend John always has something to tell me. He knows so much that   21  men have to have older and more worldly wise men to tell them,   22 , who to trust, how to care for others and how to live life    23    the fullest.
Recently, John lost his    24    Janet. For eight years she fought against cancer, but in the end her sickness had the last    25 . One day John took out a folded piece of   26   from his wallet. He had found it, so he told me, when he     27   up some drawers at home.
It was a    28    love letter Janet had written. The note could look like a school girl’s scrawls(潦草地写,乱涂) about her dream guy.    29   the letter was written by a woman who had had seven children, a woman who fought for her life and who    30   only had a few months left to live.
It was    31   a beautiful recipe (处方,食谱) for how to keep a marriage together. Janet’s    32 of her husband begins like this, “Loved me. Took care of me. Worried about me.”
“Helped me when I was ill.” The next    33   reads. After that she turned    34  the paper and added “Warmth. Humor. Kindness. Thoughtfulness.” And then she writes about the husband she has    35   with and loved most in her life. “  36 there when I needed you.” The last words she wrote   37  all the others. I can see her for me when she added thoughtfully “Good friend.”
I stand beside John now, and cannot pretend to know how it feels to lose someone who is as close to   38  as Janet was to him. I need to   39  what he has to say much more than he needs to talk.
“John,” I ask. “How do you stick together with someone through 38 years—not to mention the sickness? How do I know     40    I can bear to stand by my wife’s side if she becomes sick one day?”
“You can.” he says quietly, “ If you love her enough, you can.”
A.for instanceB.at no timeC.in that caseD.as a matter of fact
A.take the place of B.get rid ofC.take awayD.sum up
A.speak upB.repeatC.discussD.hear
A.why B.whereC.ifD.when

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A person named Bernard Jackson today is a free man, but he has many bitter memories. He spent five years in prison after a jury (陪审团)wrongly convicted (判处…有罪) him of raping two women. At Jackson’s trial, although two witnesses testified that Jackson was with them in another location at the time of the crime, he was convicted  anyway. Why? The jury believed the testimony(证词)of the two victims, who positively identified Jackson as the man who had attacked them. The court eventually freed Jackson after the police found the real criminal.
Many factors influence the accuracy of eyewitness testimony. For instance, witnesses sometimes see photographs of several suspects before they try to identify the person they saw in a group of people. They can become confused by seeing many photographs of similar faces. The number of people in the group, and whether it is a person or a photograph, may also affect a witness’s decision. People sometimes have difficulty identifying people of other races. The questions the police ask witnesses also have an effect on them.
Many people believe that police officers are more reliable than ordinary people. Psychologists decided to test this idea, and they discovered that it is not true. Two psychologists showed a film of crimes to both police officers and civilians. The psychologists found no difference between the police and the civilians in correctly remembering the details of the crimes.
Despite all the possibilities for inaccuracy, courts cannot omit eyewitness testimony from a trial. American courts depend almost completely on eyewitness testimony to resolve(决定)court cases. Sometimes it is the only evidence to a crime, such as rape. Furthermore, eyewitness testimony is often correct. Although people do sometimes make mistakes, and convict innocent people, more importantly, eyewitness testimony has rightly convicted a larger number of guilty people.
American courts depend on the ability of the twelve jurors, and not the judges, to determine the accuracy of the witness’s testimony. It is their responsibility to decide if a certain witness could actually see, hear and remember what happened.
小题1:Bernard Jackson was found guilty and sentenced 5 years’ prison because________.
A.the victims insisted that he was the attacker
B.he admitted the crime of raping two women
C.the police discovered evidence leading to his guilt
D.the eyewitness proved the victims’ testimony
小题2: The following statements may be the reasons for why sometimes the eyewitness’ testimony is not accurate EXCEPT ________.
A.the eyewitness is confused by the police’s questions
B.the eyewitness is shown photos of many similar faces
C.the eyewitness lacks the professional help from police
D.the eyewitness can’t identify people of other races clearly.
小题3:An inaccurate eyewitness testimony may lead to________.
A.the misunderstanding of the case
B.the disbelief in the court
C.the disrespect for the eyewitness
D.the conviction of an innocent person
小题4:Eyewitness testimony is important because ___________.
A.it can be relied on to detect criminals in all cases.
B.it is sometimes the only way to resolve court cases.
C.it is sometimes the only clue for police investigation.
D.it is more reliable than physical evidences to a crime.
小题5: According to the text, we can infer that ________.
A.eyewitness testimony is valuable, though sometimes incorrect.
B.police identification is more reliable than that of the ordinary people
C.crime victims often fail to give positive identification of the suspects
D.the jury relies on the judge than the eyewitness for a decision

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