One of Britain’s bravest women told yesterday how she helped to catch suspected

One of Britain’s bravest women told yesterday how she helped to catch suspected

One of Britain’s bravest women told yesterday how she helped to catch suspected (可疑的) police killer David Bieber — and was thanked with flowers by the police. It was also said that she could be in line for a share of up to £30,000 reward money.
Vicki Brown, 30, played a very important role in ending the nationwide hunt. Vicki, who has worked at the Royal Hotel for four years, told of her terrible experience when she had to walk silently into Bieber’s bedroom and to watch him secretly. Then she waited alone for three hours while armed police prepared to storm the building.
She said: “I was very nervous. But when I opened the hotel door and saw 20 armed policemen lined up in the car park I was so glad they were there.”
The alarm had been raised because Vicki became suspicious (怀疑) of the guest who came at 3 pm the day before New Year’s Eve with little luggage and wearing sunglasses and a hat pulled down over his face. She said: “He didn"t seem to want to talk too much and make any eye contact .” Vicki, the only employee on duty, called her bosses Margaret, 64, and husband Stan McKale, 65, who phoned the police at 11 pm.
Officers from Northumbria Police called Vicki at the hotel in Dunston, Gateshead, at about 11:30 pm to make sure that this was the wanted man. Then they kept in touch by phoning Vicki every 15 minutes.
“It was about ten past two in the morning when the phone went again and a policeman said ‘Would you go and make yourself known to the armed officers outside?’. My heart missed a beat.”
Vicki quietly showed eight armed officers through passages and staircases to the top floor room and handed over the key.
“I realized that my bedroom window overlooks that part of the hotel, so I went to watch. I could not see into the man’s room, but I could see the passage. The police kept shouting at the man to come out with his hands showing. Then suddenly he must have come out because they shouted for him to lie down while he was handcuffed (戴上手铐).”
68.The underlined phrase “be in line for” (paragraph 1) means________.
A. get    B. be paid           C. ask for            D. own
Vicki"s heart missed a beat because ________.
A. the phone went again              B. she would be famous
C. the policemen had already arrived    D. she saw 20 policemen in the car park
David Bieber was most probably handcuffed in ________.
A. the passage         B. the man"s room          
C. Vicki"s bedroom          D. the top floor room
The whole event probably lasted about ________ hours from the moment Bieber came to the hotel to the arrival of some armed officers.
A. 6              B. 8               C. 11            D. 14



Americans spend their free time in various ways.
America is a country of sports — of hunting, fishing and swimming, and of team sports like baseball and football.Millions of Americans watch their favorite sports on television.They also like to play in community orchestras (管弦乐队), make their own films or recordings, go camping, visit museums,attend lectures, travel, garden, read, and join in hundreds of other activities.The people also enjoy building things for their homes, sewing their own clothes, even making their own photographs.They do these things for fun as well as for economy.
But as much as Americans enjoy their free time, the country is at the same time a “self-improvement” country.More than 25 million adults continue their education, chiefly by going to school in the evening, during their own free time, at their own expense.Added to the time spent on personal activities, Americans a1so devote a great amount of their time to the varied needs of their communities.Many hospitals, schools, libraries, museums, parks, community centers, and organizations that assist the poor depend on the many hours citizens devote to these activities, often without any pay.Why do they do it?
There are several answers.The idea of cooperating and sharing responsibility with one another for the benefit of all is as old as the country itself.
When the country was first founded in 1776, it was necessary for the settlers to work together to live.They had crossed dangerous seas and risked all they had in their struggle for political and religious freedom.There remains among many Americans a distrust of central government.People still prefer to do things themselves within their communities, rather than give the government more control.
Sometimes people offer their time because they wish to accomplish something for which no money is paid, to do something that will be of benefit to the entire community.It is true that some people use their leisure because they are truly interested in the work; or they are learning from the experience.
No matter what the reason is, hundreds of thousands of so-called leisure hours are put into hard, unpaid work on one or another community need.
1.This passage is mainly about ________.
A.why America is a country of sports Americans spend their free time
C.why America is a “self-improvement” country Americans are devoted to their community activities
2.The writer mentions the foundation of the country in order to indicate ________.
A.the early history of America
B.the American people’s determination to live
C.the reason for Americans’ willingness to cooperate and share responsibility
D.the American people’ s love for freedom
3.Which of the following best explains the meaning of the underlined word “leisure”? time                 C.effort                  D.spare time
4.What can we infer from the text?
A.The first settlers left their hometown for political and religious reasons.
B.Many Americans don’t trust the central government.
C.American people enjoy building things for their homes just for fun.
D.Americans continue their education at their own expense.
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Failure is probably the most fatiguing (令人疲劳的)experience a person ever has. There is nothing more tiring than not succeeding, being blocked, not moving ahead. It is an evil circle. Failure causes fatigue, and fatigue makes it harder to get to work, which adds to the fatigue.
We experience this tiredness in two main ways: start-up fatigue and performance fatigue. In the former case, we keep putting off a task that we are forced to take up. Either because it is too boring or because it is too difficult, we avoid it. And the longer we put it off, the more tired we feel.
Such start-up fatigue is very real, even not actually physical, not something in our muscles and bones. The remedy (治疗法) is obvious, though perhaps not easy to apply: willpower exercise. The moment I find myself turning away from a job, or putting it under a pile of things I have to do, I clear my desk of everything else and attack the difficult item first. To prevent start-up fatigue, always treat the most difficult job first.
Performance fatigue is more difficult to handle. Here we are willing to get started, but we can"t seem to do the job right. Its difficulties appear to be insurmountable and however hard we work, we fail again and again. The mounting experience of failure carries with it an ever-increasing burden of mental fatigue. In such a situation, I work as hard as I can, then let the unconsciousness take over.
72.. Which of the following can be called an evil circle?
   A. Success-zeal-success-zeal.
   B. Failure-tiredness-failure-tiredness.
   C. Failure-zeal-failure-tiredness.
   D. Success-tiredness-success-tiredness.
73.. According to the passage , when keeping putting off a task, we can experience _______.
   A. tiredness    B. performance fatigue   C. start-up fatigue   D. unconsciousness
74.To overcome start-up fatigue, we need ________ .
   A. toughness   B. prevention           C. muscles        D. strong willpower
75.. The underlined word "insurmountable" in the last paragraph probably means ________ .
   A. that can not be overcome             B. that are known
   C. that can not be imagined               D. that can not be objected
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Each year, millions of people go abroad to work, study, or travel.It"s a great way to find out what life is like in another part of the world! You"re probably hoping to make new friends and learn about the culture in your host country everything from attitudes and beliefs to social customs and popular foods.But constantly having to deal with new situations can be frustrating(挫折),even stressful.
Homesickness, stress, fear, and confusion are all symptoms of "culture shock".At first, you may feel like getting on the plane and heading home.It" s OK to have those feelings, but the following are some tips to help you handle the challenges that you will face.
Don"t expect to be perfect.You may feel frustrated that you have culture shock, especially since you probably spent so much time preparing for your trip.No matter how much information you read, or how well you speak the host language, it is natural to feel overwhelmed sometimes.If you give yourself some time, things will gradually get easier.
Have an open mind.While it"s certainly OK to feel frustration or confusion in your new surroundings, try not to form an opinion about the new culture too soon.Don"t think of the host as better or worse, just different—you’ll be more willing to try new things.
Participate.This is obvious, but everybody needs to be reminded.Just watching life go on around you isn"t good enough.You really need to try things for yourself.Don"t worry about making a mistake; people in your host country will generally be very understanding and willing to help if you have question.Your study abroad experience is a unique and special time in your life, one that you"ll never forget.If you follow our suggestions, you"11 be able to handle it well, and have a wonderful time.Good luck!
64.What is culture shock?                                                     
A.Something you feel surprised at.
B.The problems you have when you go to another country.
C.The frightening feelings you have.
D.Something different from your own culture.
65.What should you do when you feel depressed?
A.Go back to your own homeland.
B.Talk to someone about your problem.
C.Give yourself some time to get used to it.
D.Stop thinking of it.
66.Which of the following statements is WRONG?
A.It is natural to feel overwhelmed sometimes.
B.Not everything is perfect.
C.Try to form the opinion about the new culture as soon as possible.
D.Tell others about your problems.
67.What is the main idea of this article?
A.How to overcome culture shock.
B.Why do people have culture shock.
C.Who might have culture shock.
D.When will you have culture shock.
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There seems never to have been a civilization without toys, but when and how they developed is unknown.They probably came about just to give children something to do.
In the ancient world, as is today, most boys played with some kinds of toys and most girls with another.In societies where social roles are rigidly determined, boys pattern their play after the activities of their fathers and girls are being prepared, even in play, to step into the roles and responsibilities of the adult world.
What is remarkable about the history of toys is not so much how they changed over the centuries but how much they have remained the same.The changes have been mostly in terms of craftsmanship, mechanics, and technology.It is the universality of toys with regard to their development in all parts of the word and their persistence to the present that is amazing.In Egypt, America, China, Japan and among the Arctic(北极的) people, generally the same kinds of toys appeared.Variations depended on local customs and way of life because toys imitate their surrounding.Nearly every civilization had dolls, little weapons, toy soldiers, tiny animals and vehicles.
Because toys can be generally regarded as a kind of art form, they have not been subject to technological leaps that characterize inventions for adult use.The progress from the wheel to the cart to the automobile is a direct line of ways up.The progress from a rattle (拨浪鼓) used by a baby in 3,000 BC to one used by an infant today, however, is not characterized by inventiveness.Each rattle is the product of the artistic tastes of the times and subject to the limitations of available materials.
71.The reason why the toys moat boys play with are different from those that gills play with is that _____.
A.their social roles are rigidly determined
B.they like challenging activities
C.most boys would like to follow their fathers" professions
D.boys like to play with their fathers while girl with their mothers
72.One aspect of "the universality of toys" lies in the fact that _____.
A.the basic characteristics of toys are the same all over the world
B.technological advances have greatly improved the durability of toys
C.the exploration of the universe has led to the creation of new kinds of toys
D.the improvement of craftsmanship in making toys depends on the efforts of universities
73.Which of the following is the author"s view on the historical development of toys?
A.Toys are playing an increasingly important role in shaping a child"s character.
B.The toy industry has witnessed great leaps in technology in recent years.
C.The craftsmanship in toy - making has remained essentially unchanged.
D.Toys have remained basically the same all through the centuries.
74.Regarded as a kind of art form, toys _____.
A.reflect the pace of social progress
B.are not characterized by technological progress
C.follow a direct line of ascent
D.also appeal greatly to adults
75.The author uses the example of a rattle to show that _____. often takes a long time to introduce new technology into toy - making
B.even the simplest toys can reflect the progress of technology
C.even a simple toy can mirror the artistic tastes of the time toy - making there is a continuity in the use of materials
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In the United States, it is important to be on time , or punctual , for an appointment , a class, a meeting, etc. However, this may not be true in all countries. An American professor discovered the difference while teaching a class in a Brazilian(巴西的) university. The two-hour class was scheduled to begin at 10 A.M. and end at 12. On the first day , when the professor arrived on time, no one was in the classroom. Many students came after 10:30 A.M. Two students came after 11 A.M. Although all the students greeted the professor as they arrived, few apologized(道歉)for their lateness.Were these students being rude? He decided to study the students’ behavior.
The professor talked to American and Brazilian students about lateness in both an informal and a formal situation:at a lunch with a friend and in a university class, respectively.He gave them an example and asked them how they would react, If they had a lunch appointment with a friend,the average American student defined lateness as 19 minutes after the agreed time,On the other hand.the average Brazilian student felt the friend was late after 33 minutes.
In an American university, students are expected to arrive at the appointed hour.In contrast, in Brazil,neither the teacher nor the students always arrive at the appointed hour.Classes not only begin at the scheduled time in the United States,but also end at the scheduled time.In the Brazilian class, only a few students left the class at 12:00;many remained past 12:30 to discuss the class and ask more questions.While arriving late may not be very important in Brazil , neither is staying late.
36. The word‘punctual’most probably means________.
A.1eaving soon after class      B.coming early
C.arriving a few minutes late    D.being on time
37. Why did the professor study the Brazilian students’behavior?   
A.He felt puzzled at the students’ being late.  
B.He felt angry at the students" rudeness.
C.He wanted to make the students come on time later.
D.He wanted to collect data for one of his studies.
38.  It can be inferred from the professor’s study of lateness in the informal situation that____.
A.American students will become impatient if their friend is five minutes late
B.neither Brazilian nor American students like being late in social gatherings
C.being late in one culture may not be considered so in another culture
D.Brazilian students will not come thirty-three minutes after the agreed time
39.  From the last paragraph we know that in Brazil____.
A. it is important to arrive at the appointed time is rude to keep the professor staying after class is normal for students to leave during lectures is acceptable for professors to be late for class.  
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