The machine is operated by one man,who shovels the linseed pulp into a stone vat,climbs up nimbly to a dizzy height to fastern ropes,and then throws his weight on to a great beam made out of a tree trunk to set the ropes and pulleys in motion.
At the door to the restaurant,a stunning,porcelainfaced woman in traditional costume asked me to remove my shoes.
Seldom has a city gained such world renown,and I am proud and happy to welcome you to Hiroshima,a town known throughout the world for its-oysters.
There are two different schools of thought in this city of oysters,one that would like to preserve traces of the bomb,and the other that would like to get rid of everything,even the monument that was erected at the point of impact.
Some argue that a new ultimate technology,whether nuclear power or genetic engineering,will solve the problem.Others hold that only a drastic reduction of our reliance on technology can improve the conditions of life --- a simplistic noti
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