I have every legal document backing the claims and existence of the funds.I will send you any document for verification that you want,but this must be when am sure and certain that you will assist me to complete my mission.Because the documents are the only proof I have to show and giving it out without being certain if you will assist me,so I need your final word that you are certain to assist me.I need to remind you once again my main reason of contacting you in achieving my goal.
However,I would need you to give me sufficient assurance that you would not divert the funds.Since you've agreed to assist me I will open up communications with the Finance Company to release the Funds to you.I will also give you a power of attorney in that respect which will now empower you to finalize with the Finance Company in releasing the funds to you.
For some time now,I have been suffering from oesophageal cancer,which was discovered very late due to my laxity in caring for my health.This sickness has defiled all forms of medicine,and right now I have only about a few months to live according to medical experts.I have since lost my power of speech and can only manage to write now,Though at times I regain my speech but not often as that has been the only way I am able to communicate,therefore,I need your urgent assistance because I do not want to die without achieving this goal.So I prefer we communicate by e-mail,but we can always communicate by email please.
In due course,I will send you all the contact details of the Finance Company for you to contact them.This money was deposited by a trust company for me and is very safe in the finance company waiting for somebody like you to assist me in distributing it,due to my illness and inability to move around I asked a trust company to make the deposit for me.The said amount is to the tune of US$15,354,000,00.
Once again,I thank you so much for your anticipated cooperation and more will be needed to finalize this project.
I have an appointment with my doctor first thing tomorrow morning,and after that,I will communicate with you to inform you the state of my health and the way forward.
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