Write a paragraph of about 120 words discussing the disadvantage of watching TV.Begin the paragraph
Write a paragraph of about 120 words discussing the disadvantage of watching TV.Begin the paragraph with the topic sentence:"Watching television may do us more harm than good."
Watching television may do us more harm than good.
There are some disadvantages,for example:
(1) watching TV is a time-consuming thing,
Instead of spending time on meaningful activities,
many people tend to watch TV all day long.
This habit distracts them from their work,study,
relationships and so on.
(2) It is a health hazard to people.
Spending too much time on watching TV can cause many diseases
such as refractive error of the eyes,obesity,heart attack,
spine disease,mental disorder,etc
(3) It also broadcasts some inappropriate programs
More and more violent and hot scenes have appeared on TV.
Children and teenagers,who have not completely developed
awareness and psychology yet,tend to imitate characters’
behaviors on TV.So,that is not a good idea to let
children and teenagers watch these things.
(4) Television helps spread false advertisements
Not all advertisements appearing on
TV are reliable.Many companies are willing
to pay a large amount of money to have their
products been be popular on TV,even low-quality products.
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