translate the english to chinese please!
translate the english to chinese please!
MS Bai Yumei is the director of International Co-
operation Department in China Architecture and
Building Press which is mainly in charge of importing
and exporting books Under her leadship the staff
members in this department have achieved excellent
job and they sign more than 1 O0 copies of cont racm
with foreign publishem to import and expoord books ev
ery year She participates in the whole process of
planning titles negotiating and signing contracts or-
ganizing translation editing articles and publishing
books Quite a number of titles she planed won var[
our awards World hertage of China ,received China
Book Award and its English copyright has already
been licensed to a foreign pu blis her by her Graphic
Example of Building Garden Villas (4 volumes) and
New Edition of Concise Architecture Design Data
Collection (2 volumes) won the Award of Excellent In.
troduced Scienti
- 形容说话诚恳郑重而又意味深长,写词语,
- 翻译:Before you examine the wire,you must cut off the electricity.
- a-b乘b-c乘c-a等于0,判断三角形的形状
- 有一种长方形模板,长48CM,宽36CM,用这种模板拼成一个大正方形,正方形的边长至少是多少厘米?至少用几块模板?
- 如图,平行四边形ABCD中,AE:EB=1:2,求△AEF与△CDF的周长的比.如果S△AEF=6cm2, 求S△CDF.
- 不等式|(x+3)/x|>(x+3)/x,不等式(x²-9)/(x-2)>0
- 英语作文 我最喜爱的季节
- 等边三角形abc P是三角形内任意一点,BP=4 CP=3 角BPC=150度 求AP长度
- 电容器的边缘效应是指什么?
- 关于委屈的作文 开头