关于baby food的英语文章
关于baby food的英语文章
Common cold is a kind of familiar disease and people in all countries all tallied up some traditional food methods which ease common cold symptom.In this common cold the fad of the season,everyone might as well draw lessons from once.
At the United States,the hot chicken soup is called "liquid penicillin" and usually drink it while catch cold.Nourishment composition and calories of hot chicken soup can soothe a cough,larynx pain and flow symptoms,such as Ti,cold war and fatigue...etc..
At Finland,the old grandmother would be hot a the cup red vinegar Li juice drink for the grandson of common cold.The Finn call the red vinegar Li does "tonsil",think that this kind of small berry can not only cure common cold and ease a larynx a pain,but also can cure tonsil surroundings abscess.The content of the red vinegar Li inside vitamin C is an orange fruit of 3-400%.
At India,similar to China,the soup is the traditional beverage which eases to catch cold symptom.The hot and hot soup can nicely perspire and they believed to be catch cold to perspire treatment function more in the early years.Usually cut into the end to the fresh ginger,with four Shao end the comparison of one cup water,cook ascend five arrive a clock is namely good very.Then put to go into some brown sugars,brown sugar can warm stomach,drink for a day several times,especially wanted to drink before fallen asleep.The Indian still whets fresh ginger paste,common cold of the time paint at chest or ex- sum top to ease unwell feeling.
Indian in the North America makes it a rule throat to have a little uncomfortable of the time eat a little bitter root.They usually cure larynx pain and common cold with this kind of spring beauty section plant.They praise the bitter root as"the singer's root",can cure voice hoarse.
At New Zealand,hot lemon beverage's adding honey is the traditional beverage of treatment common cold.The way of doing is easy and boil of fill with some lemon juice in water,pour into some honeys again.New Zealand the person think the honey contains function of soothe the throat pain,but lemon juice can raise immunity dint.
International ascend a lot of places be a kind of food that the treatment catch cold the ginger and the South African is no exception.The South African folks likes to cure common cold with the ginger beer.They put 12 Shao honeys and lemon into one cup ginger beer in,again join a few An tree oil,slowly drink after heat.This kind of ginger beer can ease belly unwell,symptoms such as stuffed-up nose and larynx pain etc..
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