1、liked more than others of the same kind.________
2、a type of shoe that covers your whole foot and the lower part of your leg________
3、things that you throw away because you no longer want or need them_________
4、someone who catcher fish as a sport or as a job________
5、to stop doing something,espercially something that you do regularly________
6、to use more of something than is necessary or useful__________
7、to stop and hold a moving object,especially in your hands__________
8、to know and understand something,or suddenly begin to understand it__________
9、giving a lot of attention to something because you enjoy it________
10、having a great effect on people or things______________
The house was sold He didn't know anything about it。两句子合并。
1、liked more than others of the same kind._prefer_
2、a type of shoe that covers your whole foot and the lower part of your leg__boot_
3、things that you throw away because you no longer want or need them__rubbish_
4、someone who catches fish as a sport or as a job__fisherman__
5、to stop doing something,espercially something that you do regularly_quit;give up_
6、to use more of something than is necessary or useful__waste__
7、to stop and hold a moving object,especially in your hands__catch__
8、to know and understand something,or suddenly begin to understand it__realize__
9、giving a lot of attention to something because you enjoy it__interested (in sth.)__
10、having a great effect on people or things___important___
The house was sold .He didn't know anything about it.两句子合并.
He didn't know anything about the sold house.
He didn't know anything about that the house was sold.
- 使某人做某事.到底是make somebody do something还是somebody do
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- △ABC中,∠A,∠B的对边分别为a,b,且a=8,∠B,∠C的正切值是方程X²-4X+3=0的两个根
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