The school operates the principle that values are the first,most important lesson.
2.They agreed rejecting the balance of power as a hopelessly inefficient mechanism for this purpose.
3.The Japanese insist having a job done well no matter how much time is required.
4.In believing my parents,I was forced the position of not believing in myself.
5.The students are asked to make evaluations of the teachers a scale from zero to ten.
6.The importance of each source was measured a scale of 1 (extremely important) to 5 (of no importance).
7.The police officer claimed success the action against drug sales last week.
8.The idea that success is measured growth,not academic achievement,is controversial.
9.I don't think he's superior us just because his father is an important man.
10.These two Americans differ many ways,but they are alike in never having known defeat.
The school operates ( on ) the principle that values are the first,most important lesson.
2.They agreed on rejecting the balance of power as a hopelessly inefficient mechanism for this purpose.
3.The Japanese insist on having a job done well no matter how much time is required.
4.In believing my parents,I was forced on the position of not believing in myself.
5.The students are asked to make evaluations of the teachers 0f a scale from zero to ten.
在…… 范围内
6.The importance of each source was measured to a scale of 1 (extremely important) to 5 (of no importance).按照……的比例
7.The police officer claimed success for the action against drug sales last week.
8.The idea that success is measured by growth,not academic achievement,is controversial.
9.I don't think he's superior between us just because his father is an important man.
10.These two Americans differ in many ways,but they are alike in never having known defeat.
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