帮我写一篇英语作文 关于 “现在科技的发展对人际关系的影响” 四级水平
帮我写一篇英语作文 关于 “现在科技的发展对人际关系的影响” 四级水平
Technology has brought about wholesale changes in the way we live and think.Change has come about at a ferocious /fə'rəuʃəs/ pace,bringing mind-boggling ['maind,bɔɡliŋ] new power to humanity and provoking both hope and fear.
Technology helped double our species' average lifespan and,in many parts of the world,made unprecedented [,ʌn'presidəntid] levels of health,comfort and opportunity possible.
Internet technology definitely has change the way of our life.In fact,it makes our life a lot easier.Some things which can only be done in few hours can be done in minutes,without us physically at the place.
However,Technology has two faces:one that is full of promise,and one that can discourage and defeat us.Two world wars showed how violent humanity could be.The nuclear race involved people with the fear of another destructive war.
Scientifically,the most groundbreaking research and discovery in the 20th century is genetic engineering.Rapid breakthroughs eventually led up to the first cloning of a mammal -- a sheep named
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