急!求一篇英语作文 The meaning of a good name 150字左右
急!求一篇英语作文 The meaning of a good name 150字左右
Names are symbols that attempt to differentiate between different individuals.They take on different interpretations among different people.One person,for example,will think of something completely different when they hear a specific name.Etymology is the study of words.This includes the interpretations and their origins.
A name is very personal thing.It is a powerful piece of who we are.A name is applied to us,identifies us,it is the sound we respond to.Our name is an invocation of who we are; repeated it becomes a chant -- a seductive siren call from a lover; an angry reproach from a parent.It is personal,it is fundamental:it is not all of who we are and yet we are someone quite different when it changes.
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