英语作文请你以“Science and technology is changing our life greatly "为话题,谈谈你家三代人购物生活的变化,并畅想未来的购物方式.不少于120个
英语作文请你以“Science and technology is changing our life greatly "为话题,谈谈你家三代人购物生活的变化,并畅想未来的购物方式.不少于120个
Technology is changing my life With the glob al development of the science and technology , our life more rich. The subway, high iron, the airplane, the telephone, mobile phone, autom atic elevator, etc. The development of science and technology has changed our life. High-ris e buildings in a city often, because land price expensive, by the had to the high building. Th e formation of the high-rise building is varied, a square column shape, round, LengXing, etc. Common one glyph buildings, like a rect angu lar blocks, wind ability is bad. Cylindrical buil ding wind capacity is good, with cylindrical fa mous construction have Atlanta peach center plaza hotel, it is one of the world's highest tap ered hotel. Cone of building wind resistance a bility best, and the ability of the seismic more powerful. Science and technology is changin g our life, science and technology, we are bro ught into a new society. As long as we love sc ience, scientific research, observation science , can create a perfect state!
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