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This paper, through sensory evaluation, physical properties such as broken bars rate determination and the orthogonal experiment, assessed the production method of green bean vermicelli. It also assessed the effect of artemisia gum, compound phosphate, hydroxymethyl cellulose and other factors to the quality of green bean vermicelli by using screw-lever type self-cooked production machine. The experiment results showed that: in fixing the green bean vermicelli production method, the conditions/factors to produce good quality green bean vermicelli are : the addition of 0.3% artemisia gum, addition of 0.3% compound phosphate, addition of 0.3% hydroxymethyl cellulose, and aging within 2 ℃ ~ 4 ℃ for 3 hours. By adding artemisia gum, compound phosphate and hydroxymethyl cellulose, the quality of green bean vermicelli produced is similar to that of adding alum.
Chestnut belongs to Chestnut Fagaceae family and is a kind of hard-shell plant. It is a nutrient-rich plant, with unique flavor. In addition to rich in starch, sugar and protein, it also contains fat, carotene, riboflavin, a small amount of phenolic compound, vitamins such as VC, VA, VB and a large number of minute elements. It is a famous Chinese traditional agricultural by-product. However, it cannot be kept for a long time under normal environmental conditions. This research paper uses fresh chestnuts as raw material to study the liquid immersion production technology to fast-frozen chestnut-nuts, and also studied the liquid immersion fast-freezing technology parameters on the effect of the quality of chestnut-nuts. The results showed that: under the liquid immersion fast-freezing technology production flow, the use of vacuum packaging, blanching for 4minutes, fast-freezing temperature set at -30 ℃ and the freezing time of 10minutes, and with 2 months’ storage, the chestnuts’ color, flavor and nutrients are kept best.
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