查错 Look!This is a big photograph.It is my famliy.
查错 Look!This is a big photograph.It is my famliy.
Look!This is a big photograph.It is my famliy.There are five people in the photo.The old woman is my grandmother.Her name is Wang Peifang and she is sixty-seven years old.She looks like a young woman.I love her because she is amiable.
These are my qarents.The woman is my mother.Her name is He Ling.She is nettlesome.When I was learning English,she said you must learn Chinese.When I was learning Chinese,she said you must learn math.Various thing like this.The man is my father.He is cute so I love his
.He is thirty-six years old.He is more faithfal then my mother.
This is my family.Do you like it?
1.He is cute so I love his改成i love him.
2.Various thing like this改成things
3.faithfal是 faithful,最好换别的单词吧,例如kindly
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