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雅思小作文 修改
一定要给个评分哦亲 剑7 TEST3
The graph describes changes in average prices of house in various cities around the world in the thirteen-year period from 1990 to 2002 compared with the average house prices in 1989.
First of all,average house prices in Tokyo and London both declined dramatically between 1990 and 1995,with 7 pecentages.In addition,prices in New York also decreased,with 5 percentages.However,average house prices in Madrid and Frankfurt increased a little bit,with 2% and 3% respectively.
During 7 years from 1996 to 2002,average house prices in London showed a significantly upward trend,as we can see,12% more than those in 1989.It is also noticeable that prices in New York and Madrid went up,with 5% and 4% respectively.What's more,prices in Frankfurt climbed slightly.Nonetheless,prices in Tokyo still fell,with 5%.
In a nutshell,though other cities' prices increased more or less,yet prices in Tokyo declined as the same before.
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