you are the chief cook of cantonese.now you are coverd by a famous host of CNN.you are a tour guide in qingdao,you bring you group to the famous traditional restaurant of qingdao,now you are innited to present shandong cuisine to your group两个题目一个十分,
题目一: CNN HOST: Good afternoon audience, today we have the famous chief of cantonese cook, 某某某.(某某某填写你的名字.)
CNN HOST: so 某某某, what are you going to cook for us today?
某某某: em, I'm going to cook some fried rice and sour pork.
CNN HOST: em, good, do you have any tips, for the audience of how to cook them.
某某某:yes, I do, and I will reveal them when the cooking start, I 'll explain along the way.
CNN HOST: how many years have you been cooking.
某某某: I've been cook for 12 year.
CNN HOST: wow , that is a long time, do you enjoy when you are cooking
某某: yes , I do , I love cooking, it is a great way of expressing my opinions of food, and it's nutirention.
CNN Host: well, let us start cooking.