

I cried because I hate to part with my friends.But I couldn’t do anything,they were useless.What I could was wipe the tears away,pack my bags and go with my mom.When I came to Beijing,I lived with my cousins,therefore I went to a same school as my cousin did,which was an international school,though I didn’t know any English at that time.I thought although I couldn’t keep my study at Venezuela,but I still need work hard at new school and high achievement award,that was my goal,even though I didn’t know how to speak English.When I went to BCIS,I found to adopt a new environment was not that scary,everyone was friendly,and soon I had friends.After one year of staying at international school,I could start speak English.To start off of speak English was not easy,but once you start speak it,you will found that is not difficult.I get used to that school again,and I started join swimming team,basketball team and also participate in the drama play.Sometime I even sigh with emotion
I cried because I hated to part with my friends. But I couldn’t do anything. What I could do was to wipe the tears, pack my bags and go with my mom. When I came to Beijing, I lived with my cousins and went to the same school as my cousin did, which was an international school, though I didn’t know any English at that time. I thought although I couldn’t continue my studies at Venezuela, I still needed to work hard at the new school and aimed to do well in my studies despite my poor spoken English. When I went to BCIS, the new environment was not so scary as I had thought. Everyone was friendly and soon I had many friends. After one year at the school, I could speak some English. It might be difficult to make a start in speaking English, but once started, it was not that difficult. I also joined the swimming team and basketball team, and participated in drama. Sometimes I thought that if I had not come here, I would not have so much fun, and I would not have been able to speak English and played basketball well. So I appreciate my mom’s decision to take me back to Beijing.
My own experience reminds me of a Chinese idiom – a thing which you think is bad turns out to be good if you work hard and do not give up. If I had not worked hard, I would not have learned so many things, and would have regretted it one day. So when the wind closes a door but doesn’t open another, the key is whether you make it work. Only when you work hard can you get the chance to be the best.


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