The range of such discourse was aoplified with the transition from British to American world hegemon
The range of such discourse was aoplified with the transition from British to American world hegemony.The American agencies had resisted and eventually defeated the cartel practices of the old ring combination,of which Reuters was the cynosure.The American agencies propagated effectively the models of both co-operative and private ownership which,they claimed,would guarantee unbiased news (see,for example,Cooper,1942).They preached the Department,and which contributed to the formation of the `free flow of information` doctrine later adopted by the UN,and which informed the UN`s activity in the sphere of communications (Schiller,1976).In practice,it has been argued,the doctrine supported the rights of western media,especially those of the US,UK and France,to continue distributing their media products throughout the world,while most countries of the world lacked the means to establish any kind of reciprocity of influence.Even national agencies in the communist block,set up for the purpos
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- 在三角形ABC中,A,B,C所对三边为a,b,c,(-1,0),C(1,0),求满足b>a>c 且b,a,c成等差数列时顶点A的轨迹
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- ab=0时 a与b是互补关系 那么ab=1时 a与b是什么关系?
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