In a society such as the United States or Canada,which has many national,religious and cultural differences,people highly value individualism---the differences among people.Teachers place a lot of importance on the qualities that make each student special.The educational systems in these countries show these values.Students do not memorize information.Instead,they work individually and find answers themselves.There is often discussed in the classroom.At an early age,students learn to form their own ideas and opinions.
In most Asian societies,by contrast,the people have the same language,history,and culture e Perhaps for this reason,the system in much of the Orient reflects society’s belief in group goals and purposes rather than individualism.Children in China,Japan,and Korea often work together and help one another on assignments in the classroom,the teaching methods are often very formal.The teacher lectures,and the students listen.There is not much discussion.Instead,the students recite rules or information that they have memorized.
There are advantages and disadvantages to both of these systems of education.For example,one advantage to the system in Japan is that students there learn much more math and science than Americans do.The system is difficult,but it prepares students for a society that values discipline and self-control.There is,however,a disadvantage.Memorization is and exam,they forget much of the information that they have memorized.
The advantage of the educational system in North America,on the other hand,is that students learn to think for themselves.The system prepares them for a society that values ideas.There is,however,a disadvantage.When students graduate from high school,they haven’t memorized as many basic rules and facts as students in other countries have.
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