October 31 is holloween.During this holiday kids knock on people's doors asking for sweets.There are orange and black things in the house.Jack O'lanterns are one of these things!People carve them out of empty pumpkins.
I want to make a Jack O'lantern!The first things of me to do is to wash the pumpkin,It has lots of dirt on it.Then I have to cut the top open and scoop out the insode.(后面的就不想写了)
This is not easy.It takes me two hours to empty out the inside with a big knife.I keep the seeds,as they can be eaten.I cut three triangles in the side.Two triangles are the eyes,and the other is the nose.At the bottom I cut out a mouth.I am so glad about my work.I take it outside and show ti to my friends
BE a Halloween for October 31 days,at this festival children's usually knocking the door of other people's house still have already wanted candy.The thing of these orange and blacks is outside door.The lantern is among them of a!People use empty of the pumpkin come to carvings.
I want to do a lantern!A matter is to wash pumpkin to me.Then be dig to open a pumpkin crest and dig empty inside.
This isn't that one be easy of the affair spend me two hour always a long-handled sword to dig empty inside I reserve those seed for edible.I dug three triangle in the inside,2 was eyes,rest of that be the nose.Down below I dug mouth.I achieve me very satisfaction,I put it at outside then let my friends see.
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