A Blind Man
All is minfortune,at least,I hade admitted is for a long time
I was a clear-eyed infant and childbefore twelve years old,At that year, my awe-inspirng vision was dimmed by an accident.
I thought the angel who preside my vision has abandoned our indestructible companionship.
Soon,I rediscovered that I was inadequate to confront what had has happened and hanppening.
Self-defeated conquerd my heart,The mood always despair.I thought I could no longer do anything by myself.
But the Jesus still look after me ,use his majestic,sincerely power in disposal every earthly things.Though I didn’t know that yet rhen.
One day, I was walking along the river along rhe river ,stepping on the fertile ground,Some voice-in exactly it’s music played by Nature-was heared by my cute ears.Meanwhile I felt I was assimilated by the world, partly it aroused my heart which had slept so long. Henceforth,I was addicted with music
修改了一些用词和句法,这样会更通顺一点,不过尽量没有改动原意.All is misfortune--at least I have admitted so for a long time.I was a clear-eyed child before I became twelve years old,when my awe-inspirin...
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