根据描述为下列人物选择应该借鉴文章中的哪条建议(将相应数字序号填在横线上)How to Make Friends1. It’s hard to make fri

根据描述为下列人物选择应该借鉴文章中的哪条建议(将相应数字序号填在横线上)How to Make Friends1. It’s hard to make fri

How to Make Friends
1. It’s hard to make friends if you stay home alone all the time. Get out of the house and do things that will put you in touch with other people. Join a club or play a sport. Attend meetings or other groups. It’s easier to make friends when you have similar interests.
2. Learn from people who seem to have lots of friends. Watch carefully how they make and keep friends. Don’t copy all of the things they do, but try to notice what they do. Then try some of those things yourself.
3. Don’t be afraid to show people what you’re really good at. Talk about the things you like and do best. Don’t hide your strong points. People will be interested in you if there is something interesting about you.
4. Plan things to talk about with people. Find out what’s in the newspaper headlines, listen to CDs, learn about what’s new with your favorite TV or movie star. The more you have to say, the more people will be interested in having a conversation with you
5. Look people in the eye when you talk to them. That way, they’ll find it easier to talk to you. It’s very difficult to have a conversation with people whose eyes are looking to the left, to the right, or at the floor. People may think you’re not interested in them and may stop being interested in you.
6. Be a good listener. Let people talk about themselves before talking about “me, me, me.” Ask lots of questions and show an interest in their answers.
____4_______a. Tony is never sure what to talk about when he meets people.
____________b. Rose wants to know why her classmate, Cindy, is so good at making friends.
____________c. Adam stays home every weekend and watches videos.
____________d. Benson is a very good dancer, but he never tells anyone about it.
____________e. Martha doesn’t care for others. She always talks about herself.
____________f. When Pedro feels uncomfortable talking to someone, he starts to look away.
a____4__;   b.________;    c._______;   d.______;   e.______;   f._______
“USA? Britain? Which country is better to study in?” We often hear such discussion. As China opens its door, studying abroad has become a dream for many Chinese students. They want to learn about the world. It’s true that studying abroad can help students develop themselves. Language skills will improve and it may be easier to find a job.
But there are problems that should be considered. Language is the first. Students must spend a lot of time learning another language and getting used to a different culture.
Students must also learn to live without parents’ care and deal with all kinds of things they haven’t had to do before, like looking after themselves. There are reports about Chinese students abroad sinking in an ocean of difficulties and giving up easily. When they have to take care of themselves, it is hard for the students to study well.
Finally, studying abroad brings a heavy burden (负担) to the family. For most Chinese parents, the cost of studying abroad is very high. But is it worth it?
We know that there are many famous people who succeed in great things through their hard work in China. Liu Xiang is a good example. Once an American teacher invited him there but he refused. He kept training hard with his Chinese teacher. He surprised the world when he won a gold medal at Athens Olympics. So when you wonder which country is better to study in, consider whether studying abroad is the right choice.
1. Studying abroad can help students develop themselves
① It can help improve them      1      skills.
② It may be easy for them to find     2      .
2. Problems that should be considered before studying abroad
① Students should spend much time learning another language and getting used to a different      3     .
② Students have to learn how to      4      themselves.
③ The cost of studying abroad is very      5      so that it brings a heavy burden to the family.
3. Is studying abroad the right choice
Different people have different ideas. In fact, whether they succeed or not depends on their      6     .

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小题1:glad, meet, old friend

小题2:play music, too loudly

小题3:can’t park, car

小题4:be pleased with, good results
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Some people believe that your nationality can influence your personality. This is why you might hear someone saying “She is a typical(典型的) Australian” or “He is so French”. It seems that people from a certain country share certain similar characteristics.
French people are often seen as romantic and outgoing people with a great love for life, food and wine. They are good at singing and dancing.
Chinese are friendly people who are hard-working. They are polite because they are careful about “saving face” when dealing with other people.
Australians are merry people who spend a lot of time outdoors. They enjoy a slower life. They laugh a lot but sometimes people think they are loud and rude.
Germans are often described as being serious and careful. They are hard workers and pay a lot of attention to details. However, sometimes people say Germans have no sense of humour.
All these national types can be true for some people, but very wrong for others. For example, you might meet a German who is a confident singer with a great sense of humour, or an Australian who is shy and quiet.!
Personalities and Nationalities
People from a certain country (1)   similar characteristics
l Romantic and (2)   
l Love life, food and wine
l Good singers and (3)   
l Friendly, hard-working and polite
l Afraid of “(5)   face” before others.
l Like to stay (6)   ,enjoy a slower life.
l (7)   a lot.
l Merry, sometimes loud and rude.
Pay attention to (8)   .
Serious and careful, not (9)   .
Nationalities may(10)    personalities, but not for all!

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Ma Hua graduated from Fudan University. He had a good career in IT and a great life in Shanghai, but he felt there was something missing from his life. He wanted to help others to improve their lives, so in March 2003 he gave up his job. Then he moved to south-west China to do voluntary work in a village primary school.
He soon became an important member of the local people. In his class, he painted pictures on the walls to help students remember English words. He also spent his money building a playground for the children.
Ma Hua quickly got used to his new life. He got great satisfaction from his work and felt very happy, even though life there was hard---he had to melt(融化) ice for water and grow vegetables for food. When he was free, he wrote poems describing the peace and beauty around him. Sometimes he would go walking in the mountains and enjoy the beautiful view.
Sadly Ma Hua was killed in a car accident in July 2004 at the age of 31. His death was a great loss to all those who knew him, but it is a comfort to know that he lived happily, doing what he loved and enriching the lives of others.
小题1:When did Ma Hua give up his job in Shanghai?                             
小题2:What did Ma Hua build for the primary school children?                  
小题3:Did Ma Hua enjoy his life in the village?                               
小题4:What did Ma Hua do in his free time? Give ONE example.                
小题5:What can we learn from Ma Hua?                                    
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The Internet is becoming more and more important in our life. You can get a lot of information, make friends. share your ideas, send emails and chat at any time or anywhere. However, imagine you receive an email that looks something like this: ARE YOU GOING TO CLASS TODAY? How does reading this message make you feel? Why did the sender use all capital(大写) letters? Was he or she angry, or did that person just forget to turn off the ‘Cap lock’ on the computer? The fact is, using all capital letters in an email means that people shout online. Virginia Shea’ s book, Netiquette, lists some ways of communicating(交流) properly with others on the Internet. Following are some of her suggestions.
◆First, always remember that you are sending messages to a real person, not just to a computer. Don’t write anything that you wouldn’t say to someone’s face. Also, remember that the receiver cannot hear your voice, or see the expression(表情)on your face, so make sure your meaning is clear.
◆Don’t do anything online that you wouldn’t do in real life. Don’t take anything without paying for it . Don’t use information that someone else has written, and say it’s yours. Don’t read other people’s email—you wouldn’t open your next –door neighbor’s mailbox and open their mail, right? Do share your knowledge of the Internet with others. It’s a big place with lots of information, and there are many new things to discover.
◆Remember that people judge(判断) you by your words as well as your actions, so do try to write well. Send polite, well-written email messages to others. If you’re not sure about how to spell a word or which phrase to use, look it up. There are lots of helpful books and websites.
◆It’s OK to share your ideas online like chat rooms or message boards, but don’t argue(争吵) with people . ‘Flame wars’ in online discussions can be interesting to read, but are often unfair(不公平) to other members of the group. Share your ideas, but remember that fighting on or offline is just not correct.
When you’re online, just as in ‘real’ life, try to respect (尊重) other people’s space and feelings. Remember, you’re not the only one traveling on this highway!
小题1:Does it mean shouting if someone writes an email using all capital letters?
小题2:Why is it important in emails to make sure your meaning clear
小题3:What do you do if you don’t know how to spell a word?
小题4:How many suggestions are mentioned in the passage?
小题5:What does the writer want to tell us?
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