阅读理解。     It"s Jimmy"s birthday and he is 9 years old. He gets a lot of presents

阅读理解。     It"s Jimmy"s birthday and he is 9 years old. He gets a lot of presents

题型:0110 期中题难度:来源:
阅读理解。     It"s Jimmy"s birthday and he is 9 years old. He gets a lot of presents from his family and one of them is a
big drum (鼓). His grandfather buys it for him.
     Jimmy likes it very much. He plays with it every day and he often makes a terrible noise (可怕的声音). His
father works in the day and Jimmy is in bed when (当…时候) he gets home in the evening. So his father doesn"t hear the noise.
     But Mrs. Black doesn"t like the noise, so one morning she takes a sharp (锋利的) knife and goes to Jimmy"s
room when he hits his drum. She says to him, "Hello! Jimmy. Do you know there is something very nice in your drum? Here is a knife. Please open the drum and let"s find it." 1. What presents does Jimmy get on his birthday? A. He gets only one present from his grandfather.
B. He gets a lot of presents.
C. He gets a knife and a drum.
D. He gets a drum from Mrs Black. 2. Who gives Jimmy a drum? A. His mother buys it for him.
B. Mrs Black buys it for him.
C. His father"s friend buys it for him.
D. His grandfather buys it for him. 3. When his father gets home in the evening, what does Jimmy do?  A. He hits his drum with his grandfather.
B. He watches TV with Mrs Black.
C. He sleeps in bed.
D. He does his homework with his grandfather.4. What"s the Chinese meaning of "hits" in this passage? A. 敲击
B. 拿着
C. 知道
D. 看见 5. Mrs. Black gives Jimmy a knife because (因为) _______. A. she likes Jimmy"s drum
B. she knows there is something in the drum
C. she doesn"t like the noise
D. she wants to know what is in the drum
阅读理解。     "What colour do you think is the prettiest?" Joanna asks her friends.
     "Red!" says Jack, "It"s the colour of fire."
     "No, yellow is prettier than red because it"s the colour of the sun." cries Joy.
     "My favourite is blue," says Jim," the colour of the summer sky."
     "Green! It"s the colour of grass and leaves and trees." Harry says.
     "Well, I like orange," says Alice.
      Each of them has their favourite colour, no two of them is the same. A storm (暴风雨) breaks (停), and
then a rainbow (彩虹) is up there in the sky. "Oh look, how lovely!" cries Jack, "all colours are beautiful and
they need each other just like we do." 1. Jim"s favourite colour is _____. A. summer sky
B. blue
C. yellow
D. red 2. What comes out in the sky after a storm. A. wind
B. cloud
C. rainbow
D. rain 3. From the story we know friends need each other just like the _____. A. colours
B. rainbow
C. sky
D. storm
题型:0110 期中题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     Alice is  1  English girl, but she is in China now. She is seven  2  old. Her mother says to her, "You are
seven, and you will start school here. You will like the school because (因为) it"s a  3   school." "Is it an
English school?" Alice asks. "Yes, it is." Mother answers. 
     Alice goes go school. The teachers  4  very friendly and speak good  5 . And there are two other
English girls in the class,  6  . She begins to like the school.
     Her mother takes her to school  7  the morning and brings her home in the afternoon. One day, when
her mother is at school, Alice runs out of the classroom and says, "We have a   8  girl in our class today.
She is seven too. She is very nice,   9   she isn"t English. She is a Japanese. "Doesn"t she speak English?"
Alice"s mother asks. "No, but she always laughs (笑)  10  English." She says happily.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. an   
(     )2. A. year  
(     )3. A. old   
(     )4. A. are   
(     )5. A. Japanese
(     )6. A. either 
(     )7. A. on   
(     )8. A. nice  
(     )9. A. and   
(     )10. A. in   
B. a   
B. years 
B. bad  
B. is   
B. English
B. also  
B. at   
B. new  
B. or   
B. at   
C. the  
C. years’
C. small 
C. aren’t
C. Chinese
C. all  
C. in   
C. good  
C. but  
C. with  
D. /            
D. year’s      
D. nice         
D. isn’t       
D. French (法语)
D. too                                                  
D. of           
D. old          
D. because      
D. on           
     A man goes to a fast-food restaurant for lunch. "Hi," a worker says, "May I help you?"   
    "I"d like a hamburger, large fries, and a medium Coke." the man says.   
    "Anything else?" the worker asks.   
    "No." the man answers, "That"s it."   
    "Is that for here or to go?" the worker asks.   
    "To go." the man says.   
    The man pays for his lunch. The worker puts the man"s lunch in a bag. The man takes the bag.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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1. A man goes                                _____               
2. He says,                                     _____       
3. A worker puts                             _____           
4. The man takes the bag and walks  _____
5. He opens the bag and finds           _____
a. to a park.                                                 
b. a lot of money.                                            
c. the man"s lunch in a bag.                               
d. ""I"d like a hamburger, large fries, and a medium Coke.""
e. to a fast-food restaurant for lunch.
     A man goes to a fast-food restaurant for lunch. "Hi," a worker says, "May I help you?"   
     "I"d like a hamburger, large fries, and a medium Coke." the man says.   
     "Anything else?" the worker asks.   
     "No." the man answers, "That"s it."   
     "Is that for here or to go?" the worker asks.   
     "To go." the man says.  
  The man pays for his lunch. The worker puts the man"s lunch in a bag. The man takes the bag.
1. Where does the man go for lunch?   
     He goes to a fast-food _____.   
2. What does the man want to eat?   
    He wants a hamburger, large _____, and a _____ Coke.   
3. Where does the worker put the man"s lunch?   
   The worker puts it in a _____.   
4. What is in the bag?   
    There is _____ in the bag.   
5. Who puts the money in the bag?   
    The _____ of the restaurant puts the money in the bag.
     Little David likes to eat in a restaurant. He often eats a hamburger and potato chips. Many people in the
restaurant know him very well. They often ask him, "Why do you like to eat here?" Little David says,
"Because I like the toys here." "Why don"t you go to the toy shop then?" Little David says," They have toys
but they don"t have hamburgers and potato chips."
1. Where does Little David like to eat? 
2. What does he often eat in the restaurant?  
3. Do people in this restaurant know him very well?
4. What do they often ask him?
5. What does Little David say?