阅读文章,选择正确答案。    "Hi, Mommy, what are you doing?" asked Susie.     "I"m making a

阅读文章,选择正确答案。    "Hi, Mommy, what are you doing?" asked Susie.     "I"m making a

阅读文章,选择正确答案。    "Hi, Mommy, what are you doing?" asked Susie.
    "I"m making a dinner for Mrs Smith next door," said her mother.
    "Why?" asked Susie, who was only six years old."Because Mrs Smith lost her daughter and she has a broken
heart. We need to take care of her for a little while."
    "Why, Mommy?"
    "You see, Susie, when someone is sad, they have trouble doing the little things like making dinner. Because
Mrs Smith won"t ever be able to talk with her daughter or hug her or do all those wonderful things that mommies
and daughters do together. Maybe you"ll think of some way to help take care of Mrs Smith."
    Susie thought seriously about how she could do her part in caring for Mrs Smith. A few minutes later, Susie
knocked on her door. Mrs Smith answered the knock with"Hi, Susie." Mrs Smith looked as though she might
have been crying." What can I do for you, Susie?" asked Mrs Smith."My mommy says that you lost your
daughter and you"re very very sad with a broken heart." Susie held her hand out. In it was a Band-Aid (创可贴).
"This is for your broken heart," Mrs Smith chocked back her tears. She knelt and hugged Susie. Through her
tears she said, "Thank you, darling girl, this will help a lot."
    Mrs Smith accepted Susie"s kindness. She bought a small key ring with a picture frame (相框). She put
Susie"s Band-Aid in the frame to remind herself to heal a little every time she sees it. 1. Mrs Smith is ________. [     ]
A. Susie"s neighbor
B. Susie"s aunt
C. Susie mother"s friend
D. Susie mother"s workmate 2. The reason that Mrs Smith has a broken heart is that ________. [     ]
A. she is in poor health
B. she is in trouble
C. she lost her daughter
D. her husband died in a traffic accident 3. Susie"s mother _______. [     ]
A. often plays with Mrs Smith together
B. is busy with her work every day
C. is good at cooking
D. is kind to others 4. From Susie"s sending Mrs Smith a Band-Aid, we can see ________. [     ]
A. Susie knows the real meaning"a broken heart"
B. Susie doesn"t know what "a broken heart" mean
C. Susie often uses a Band-Aid in her daily life
D. Susie thinks Band-Aid can do anything 5. The best title for this passage is ________. [     ]
A. Fixing her broken heart
B. A kind girl
C. Susie and her mother
D. A good neighbor
1-5: ACDBA
根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。    Your parents ever say, "Act like a lady" or "Be a gentleman" to you? But in the eyes of today"s teenagers, what
qualities (品质) should a lady or a gentleman have? Let"s take a look. What is a gentleman?
                                                              The girls have their say:
题型:河南省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
Huang Xiaoyu of Guizhou,
        A gentleman is not a strong, stupid guy. He doesn"t get angry.
He cares about one"s feelings. He"s always ready to help. 
        There is a boy in my class I think is a gentleman. I didn"t do well
in the midterm English exam. He comforted (安慰) me by saying I
would do better next time. His words made me feel happier.
题型:河南省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
1. Do you think you have a poor memory? The following
suggestions may help you improve. You may be able to get
better grades!
2. Be interested. Tell yourself that you want to learn what
you need to remember. If you keep thinking about how bad
your memory is, your brain will not be active. Think about
something hopeful.
3. Go over information often and "over-learn". Review
what you"ve learned the same day you learn it. Look back
on it from time to time. The more often you study the
information, the easier it will be for you to recall it.
4. If you"re trying to understand something that"s
especially difficult, try to get an overview; don"t think too
much about the details. If you"re able to explain it to
someone else in your own words, it shows you know it.
5. Do you stay up late? Do you take exercise? Good life
habits help your memory. Exercise brings you enough
oxygen (氧气) and makes your brain more active.
A. Having interest in what you learn.

B. Give you some suggestions.

C. Reviewing is very important.

D. Having a good life habit is helpful.

E. Understanding is necessary.
题型:江苏模拟题难度:| 查看答案
                                                                                   351 Gardener Street 
                                                                                   Los Angeles, CA90031 
                                                                                   September 12
Relex Company
37 Pearl Street
Clifton, NJ07013
Dear Sir or Madam:
       A year ago I bought a Relex camera second hand. It"s a SW 705 model, and
it"s about five years old. Here"s my problem: The light metre was fine when I
bought the camera, but now it isn"t working and my pictures are coming out too
dark. I checked the batteries, and they are still good. I took the camera to some
repair shops, but they said they couldn"t repair it because the model is too old and
they don"t have the necessary part.
       Do you have the parts for this model in stock? If so, could I send you the
camera for repairs? How much would the repairs cost? I"m going to buy your
new SW800 model in about six months, but I would still like to fix this old one.
Thank you very much.
                                                                                          Sincerely yours
                                                                                          Sarah H, McDaniel
      In the recent years, people have shown their thanks, invitations, or hopes and wishes, or something
else in different kinds of cards. Here are some cards below.
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题型:0123 月考题难度:| 查看答案


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Dear Mr Li:
      Happy Teachers" Day! We"re all very happy to be your students.
      Best wishes to you.
                                                                                                                            Wang Nan
    Dinner, for English people, is the richest meal of the day and is very formal (正式的) meal. Many people even
wear special clothes for dinner, so, if you are asked out to dinner, you must find out whether you are expected
to wear a dinner suit. When you get there and you find you are the only person in ordinary clothes, you will feel
unhappy and worried. Dinner is usually served at about half past seven. All the members of the family sit down
together and are on their best behavior (举止). The head of the family sits at the other. If there is a guest (客人),
he usually sits on the right of the lady of the house. If there are several guests, the most important one is asked
to sit there. While the meal conversation is carried on, you should try to get into conversation with the person on
your right or left, but you should not try to talk to someone who is long way from you.
1. In England, if your family are asked out to dinner, _____ will sit on the right of the housewife.
[     ]
A. your sister
B. your father
C. your mother
D. you
2. When you go to dinner together with other guests, you should try ______ at table.
[     ]
A. to talk only with the lady of the house
B. to talk as loudly as you can
C. to talk with each of the other guests
D. to talk with the person beside you
3. In England if you wear special clothes for dinner, it shows that _______.
[     ]
A. you are a special person
B. you are a rich man
C. you are a man with good behavior
D. you are the most important guest
4. Which of the following shows English dinner is different from Chinese dinner?
[     ]
A. People have rich dinners when they celebrate their festivals.
B. The important guest usually sits on the right of the lady of the house.
C. The guests usually wear special suits for formal meals.
D. The dinner is usually served in the middle of the day or the evening.
5. From this passage, we may know _______.
[     ]
A. English families often serve dinners to guests
B. English people are too rich
C. the person with good behavior is often asked to dinner
D. English people are usually on good behavior at dinner