Many people go to school for education. School education is very important and u

Many people go to school for education. School education is very important and u

Many people go to school for education. School education is very important and useful ,but no one can learn everything from school. A teacher ,no matter how much he knows ,cannot teach his student everything .His work is to show his students how to learn .He teaches them how to read and how to think . So much more is to be learned outside school by students themselves.
It’s always more important to know how to learn by oneself than to learn some facts or formulas (公式)by heart. It’s quite easy to learn some facts in history or a formula in maths, but it’s very difficult to use them. Edison and Einstein didn’t get everything from school, but they were all successful. They invented so many things. The reason for their success is that they knew how to study .They read many books outside school .They worked hard all their lives, wasting not a single moment. The most important thing is that they know how to use their brains(大脑)。
小题1:__Students can’t learn everything in school because _____________.
A.the teacher doesn’t know much
B.the teacher can only teach them how to read and write
C.the teacher would not like to teach
D.there are still many things for the students to learn outside
小题2:__A teacher’s work is ________ teach all subjects teach everything teach the students how to read and think work hard
小题3:__To know how to _____is much more important than facts or formulas by heart. out math problemsB.remember all the facts
小题4:__Why did the famous scientists become successful ? Because______
A.they know how to study
B.they remembered all the formulas
C.they didn’t get everything from school
D.they didn’t know how to use their brains
小题5:__Which is WRONG according  to the passage?
A.Outside school study is as important as school study
B.It’s more important to know how to learn than only remember some facts and formulas.
C.It’s very easy to use a formula in working out a math problem.
D.It’s helpful to read more books outside school.



小题1:细节理解题。根据文中no one can learn everything from school… So much more is to be learned outside school by students themselves 意为:没有人能从学校中学到每件事…更多的东西是学生们自己在课外学习到的。故选D。
小题2:细节理解题。根据文章中His work is to show his students how to learn .He teaches them how to read and how to think老师的工作是教会学生如何学习,教会他们如何阅读和思考。故选C。
小题3:细节理解题。根据文中It’s always more important to know how to learn by oneself than to learn some facts or formulas (公式)by heart 知道如何自己学习要比学习一些事实和公式更重要。故选D。
小题4:细节理解题。根据文中The reason for their success is that they knew how to study他们成功的原因是他们知道怎样学习。故选A。
小题5:推理判断题。根据文中It’s quite easy to learn some facts in history or a formula in maths, but it’s very difficult to use them 学会一些历史事实和数学公式是很容易的,但使用它们就很难。由此可判断C选项表达错误,故选C。

Name:  Edward      School:  Kelvin Grove High School
Grade:   7         Term ending:  May 6th 
Math: He is a little weak in this but he has tried his best to catch up with others.
English: He is the best in the class. Keep it up.
French: His reading is very good, and he can remember many words.
History: He is familiar(熟悉) with the names of many places in the world.
Music: He doesn’t like pop music, though he sings very well.
Conduct: Fair    No. in class: 9    Absence(缺课): 8
Remarks: Edward can do a lot better. More work is needed next term.
Class teacher: Ivy
Principal: M. L. Martin
School reopens: September 11
小题1:__ After reading this, we know this is     .
A.a studying plan of Edward Scott
B.A teaching plan of Ivy
C.a school report of Edward Scott
D.a working plan of M. L. Martin
小题2:__ Which of the following is Not mentioned(提到) in the form?
小题3:__Edward’s best subject is       .
小题4:__Edward is not good at       .
A.Science and geographyB.Math and history
C.French and and English
小题5:__According to the form, which of the following sentences is true?
A.Edward can’t sing songs very well.
B.Edward doesn’t do well in science.
C.Edward can do better if he works harder next.
D.Edward learns two foreign languages in school.

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Can plants eat people? Probably not, but there are many plants that eat meat. Some of them are big, and they can eat small animals. One famous meat-eating plant is the Venus flytrap.
The Venus flytrap is a very strange plant. It grows in dry parts of the United States. Its leaves are like the pages of a book. (A) They can open and close very quickly. Inside the leaves, there are three small hairs. If an insect touches one of the hairs, the leaf closes quickly. The insect cannot get out. In about half an hour, the leaf presses the insect until it is dead. Then, the plant covers the insect with a special liquid (液体). Slowly, the plant eats the insect.
(B) Plants are living things that have leaves and roots and grow in earth. Most of them get energy from the sun, the air, and the ground. In some places, the ground is very poor. It doesn’t have all the important things that plants need, especially nitrogen (氮). Animal meat has a lot of nitrogen, so some plants eat meat to get what they need. Let’s hope that some of the bigger plants don’t get the same idea!
小题1:__ Can plants get energy from the air?
小题2:__Why is Venus flytrap a famous plant?
小题3:__In some places, why do some plants get energy from animal meat?
Plants are living things.   ______________________________
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In most parts of the world, many students help their schools make less pollution(污染). They join "environment(环境)club". In an environment club, people work together to make our environment clean.
Here are some things students often do.
No-garbage(垃圾)lunches. How much do you throw away after lunch? Environment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in bags that can be used again. Every week they will choose the classes that make the least garbage and report them to the whole school.
No-car day. On a no- car day, nobody comes to school in a car- not the students and not the teachers. cars give pollution to our air, so remember: walk,
Turn off the water! Did you know that toilets(抽水马桶)can waste twenty to forty tons(吨)of water an hour? In a year, that would fill a small river! In the environment clubs, students mend those broken toilets.
We love our environment. Let"s work together to make it clean.
小题1:Environment clubs ask students run to school every take exercise every day.
C.not to forget to take carsD.not to throw away lunch bags
小题2:From the passage we know the students usually have lunch_______. home
小题3:On a no -car day,_______ will take a car to school.
A.both students and teachersB.only students
C.only teachersD.neither students nor teachers
小题4:The writer wrote the passage to ask students to_______
A.clean schoolB.make less pollutionC.join teachers

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John was sad. Nothing could make him     . "I don"t want to go to school today." "Come on, sleepy head. Let"s go for a      ”said his mum.
When they walked down the street, his mum said, "John, do you see the     in Mr. Butler"s garden? Would you like to sniff(嗅)them?
"    ",said John.
"But I want to. Come with me", His mum sniffed the flowers. "Oh, these flowers    me my son should(应该)be happy, and they also tell me my son should go to      .”
"Aha, mum, you are joking(开玩笑).How can flowers    ?”laughed John.
They walked on. "Perhaps we can have a dog cat cow chicken sheep ice cream," said his mum.
John     again. "Don"t be so silly(傻的),Mum. That sounds(听上去)    . You can"t have that kind of ice cream."
John kept smiling from that moment. Mum felt happy now that John was happy. John thanked his mum very much to make      happy. He thought his mum was great.
A.cryB.clever C.angryD.happy
小题3: D.grass

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In America, almost(几乎)every book shop sells(出售)books about food and cooking. Most(大部分)newspapers and magazines talk about Americans" eating habits.(饮食习惯).Many books write about where to eat. So we can see eating is very important to every American.
Salads are very popular and they have them all year round(一年到头).Americans enjoy coffee. Most of them drink coffee or tea before or after every(每一)meal. Many Americans have coffee or tea with their meals. The main food in American meals is usually meat, fish or chicken, but people don"t eat them together at the same meal. Seafood is something they eat as the first course(第一道菜).
Most Americans eat breakfast and lunch quickly, but the evening meal is longer and a time for the family to get together. This is main meal in a day. On Sundays or holidays, Americans like to oversleep. They get up very late in the morning, so they have to eat their brunch(.早中饭)
小题1:In the USA, people can buy books about food and cooking_______. a food shopB.everywhere most of the book all the shops
小题2:Which statement(叙述)do you think is right?
A.To all of Americans eating is very important.
B.All magazines always talk about Americans" eating habits.
C.People in America don"t mind(介意)where to eat.
D.Most of Americans like hot food very much.
小题3:What does the underlined word "oversleep" mean in Chinese?
小题4:Most American families_______.
A.spend(花费)a long time eating breakfast.
B.sometimes get together when they have dinner
C.get up early on holidays
D.go out for a walk on Sunday morning.
小题5:From the article(文章),we can know that_______.
A. Americans have quite different eating habits from Chinese.
B. Chinese eating habits are just the same as those in the USA.
C. we must learn from Americans" eating habits.
D. Americans" eating habits are the best of all in the world.
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