阅读理解。     Venice is the "Queen" of the Adriatic Sea (亚得里亚海). Every year thousand

阅读理解。     Venice is the "Queen" of the Adriatic Sea (亚得里亚海). Every year thousand

阅读理解。     Venice is the "Queen" of the Adriatic Sea (亚得里亚海). Every year thousands of people from all over
the world travel to Italy to visit the city. Do you know why they like to go there for a visit?
     Venice is a very beautiful city. It is quite different from other cities in the world. There aren"t any roads
and streets in the city. So there aren"t any cars and buses. There are many canals (运河) in the city. There
is one big canal and one hundred and seventy-seven small canals. People move up and down the canals in
boats to go to work, go shopping or visit their friends.
     But Venice is sinking. It is going down and the water is going up. In 2040 Venice will be under water,
The Adriatic Sea will cover the city. The Venetians (威尼斯人) love their city and want to stay there. So
they want to save Venice from the sea. They do not want to leave. How can they save Venice? They can
build some strong huge walls and gates in the sea. The gates will close to keep too much water out. Thus
Venice will not sink. 1. From this short article we know Venice is  ________.A. a very beautiful woman of the Adriatic Sea.
B. the most important woman in Italy.
C. a very important and beautiful place of the Adriatic Sea.
D. the most important city in Italy.2. People from all parts of the world go to visit Venice because ________.A. there are 177 canals in the city.
B. it is sinking into the Adriatic Sea.
C. there are a lot of kinds of boats on the canals.
D. it is not only beautiful but also quite different from other cities. 3. The Venetians usually go to work or visit their friends ________.A. by bus.
B. by bike.
C. in cars.
D. in boats. 4. Year by year the Adriatic Sea ________ and Venice ________.A. is rising…is sinking.
B. is going down…is going up
C. has risen… has sunk
D. will go up…will go do 5. Because the Adriatic Sea will cover it, the Venetians ________.A. have to leave Venice in 2040.
B. will try to do something to save their city.
C. want to stay there until the water covers the city.
D. do not love the city any longer.
1-5        CDDAB
阅读理解。     American Idol is a singing competition on TV in America. There is one competition every year. People usually
watch the show on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. American Idol is also televised on Fox and CTV in Canada. Its first season was on June 11th, 2002. Until now, it has altogether 7 seasons. This program is to find the best
singer in the country by a series of competition. Audience determines (决定) the result of every competition on
the stages through public voting (投票) by telephone. There are also three judges (裁判) beside the stages. They
watch the performances of the contestants. Then they give some suggestions to the contestants. All the
contestants must be American citizens. They must have full-time jobs. In the first three seasons, they had to be
16 to 24 years old. Since the fourth season, the upper age limit has been 28 years old. So it attracts different
ages of audience. Some TV stations like Hunan TV also have this kind of program. And we can see Super Girl"s
Voice and Super Boys" Voice on TV. 1. What does the underlined word "contestants" mean? A. 参赛者
B. 评委
C. 观众
D. 主持人 2. How many times has American Idol been on TV?A. Once
B. Seven times.
C. Three times.
D. Four times. 3. What"s the age limit of American Idol now?A. 13-18
B. 16-30
C. 15-36
D. 16-28 4. Which of the following TV stations is not mentioned in the passage?A. FOX
D. Hunan TV 5. Which of the following is TRUE? A. American Idol is showed only in America.
B. American Idol was first shown on July 11th, 2002.
C. American Idol judges beside the stages.
D. American Idol is a program similar to Super Girl"s Voice.
题型:江苏竞赛题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Korean culture is really exciting right now. The Korean Wave is sweeping Asian countries including
China. Young people are going crazy about Korean pop songs and the Korean language. The Korean Wave
started a few years ago with the TV programmes "Winter Sonata" (冬季恋歌). This love story is still popular.
People, especially girls, like the beautiful story and handsome actors like Bae Young Jun.(裴勇俊)
      In the music world, Korean girls are making themselves heard in China. You can often find big Korean
names like Baby Vox, S.E.S. and Finkle at the top of the Chinese music charts (排行榜).The Korean Wave
has also made young people want to try the clothes and hairstyles of pop stars, too. Not only that now some
girls in China are having plastic surgery (整容) to change the way they look. People say some beautiful
Korean stars have had plastic surgery. These stars don"t make plastic look shameful (丢了面子).
    Are all the faces of beautiful Korean girls not real? Find out for yourself when you next visit South
Korean. 1. What does the Korea Wave refer to (指的是)? It refers to _______. A. Korean TV
B. Korean culture
C. Korean language
D. Korean actors 2. When did the Korean Wave start? It started with _______. A. the Korean pop songs
B. the Korean language
C. the TV series "Winter Sonata"
D. The Korean food. 3. Korean stars often change their looks by _______. A. singing pop songs
B. acting in TV dramas
C. trying different food
D. having plastic surgery 4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Winter Sonata tells a very famous love story.
B. Young people like Korean pop stars" clothes and hairstyles.
C. Chinese girls also want to try plastic surgery.
D. Korean pop stars think plastic surgery is shameful.
题型:江苏期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Aren"t you glad that mothers and fathers give names to their children? Names are the quickest and easiest
and the most friendly way to say who"s who. Another nice thing about names is that they do not change (变化) as people do. Yesterday Mary"s hair was long. Today her hair is short. But her name is still Mary. On his
birthday Uncle Tom didn"t have moustache (胡子). At Christmas time he did. But his name is still Tom. People
are always changing a little or a lot. But people"s names are still the same.
     A name sometimes says something nice about someone. Girls" names often come from words meaning
"pretty (漂亮的)", "happy", "lovely"… Boys" names are often borrowed from words which mean"strong",
"brave (勇敢的)"… 1. _______ usually give names to the children. A. Teachers
B. Tom
C. Parents
D. Family members 2. A man"s name ________. A. changes at any time
B. is seldom (几乎不) changing
C. changes as he does
D. is always changing 3. Some people sometimes have me their ________ when writing for newspaper. A. pen names
B. given names
C. family names
D. full names 4. If there is a word "brave" in a boy"s name, that means his parents wish him ________. A. to be stronger, when he grows up
B. to have a name for love
C. not to be afraid of anybody
D. to have a strong body 5. In the last paragraph, the underlined word "borrow" means ________. A. 带来
B. 取走
C. 爱好
D. 借用
题型:山东省期末题难度:| 查看答案
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
next,   many,   look,   turn,   tired
     In Europe many people died during the Second World War. So at the end of the war, there were many
children who lost their parents.
     A man called Hermann Gmeiner wanted to help these children. His idea was simple. He wanted the children
who had no parents to have a home. He wanted them to have the deep love and good care of parents.
     Gmeiner had no enough money, so he asked the people to give him some money. With this money he built
the first SOS Children"s Village at last, in Australia. It was open in 1949.This is how the SOS Children"s Village
started. The letters SOS come from "Save our Souls." The words mean "Please help us!" An SOS Children"s
Village can give help to the children who need help.
     Hermann Gemeiner"s idea for helping orphans soon spread (传播) all over the world. By 1983 there were
17 SOS Children"s Villages in the world.
     Now China has also built many SOS Children"s Villages. More and more people like to do something to show
their love to the children in the SOS Children"s Villages. Do you want to visit an SOS village someday?
题型:江苏竞赛题难度:| 查看答案


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