阅读理解。                                                             Is it time to

阅读理解。                                                             Is it time to

阅读理解。                                                             Is it time to get MP3?
     Your computer has been playing music for years, one CD at a time. Now hundreds of songs can be stored
in your PC if they"re in the MP3 format (格式).
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What is it?
     MP3 compressed (压缩) music into small computer files. You may download MP3 music several ways:
Music can be downloaded from websites that have turned wide music libraries into MP3. Once MP3 music
is on your PC s hard drive, you can play it through your computer"s speakers, "burn" it onto blank CDs or
swap (交换) MP3 files with friends using e -mail.
How much?
     Software needed to play and turn MP3 music is often free. Compact portable MP3 players start at
around $ 40 and can hold hundreds of songs. A blank CD on which you can record music costs about a
Advantages (优点)
     MP3 turns your home PC into a jukebox (自动唱机). Small MP3 players are the size of a deck of cards,
making it easy to take hundreds of songs with you.
     You may find that some websites only allow you to listen but you can"t download music. Others let you
download music but can"t be copied to MP3 players. And a growing number of new CDs make it impossible
to copy songs to a computer.
1-5 D A D C B
     Is it hard for you to get up early and get ready for classes? Some students at Winter Park High School just
quickly get up and go to class in their own bedrooms. Of course, their teachers and classmates do not see
them because all their class work is on the computer.
     The Florida High School, the state"s only on-line school, has 250 students who are taking classes at home
by computers.
     "I"m a lot more comfortable at home," said Luke Levesque, a 16-year-old who is taking a computer class
on line. He thinks (A) the school"s computer lab is so noisy that he can"t study well." Home is much better,"
he says. 
     Students in this first on-line program take classes in math, American government, chemistry, computer, and Web-page design. They also have to go to regular (正规的) school to attend other classes.
     When a student is ready to begin in class, he or she (B) _______ the computer, reads the teacher"s
instructions, and begins working on the lesson for the day. What happens if a student has a question for the
teacher? Or the teacher wants to say something about the work a students is doing? The student and the
teacher talk to each other every day through e-mail or by telephone.
      Is it easy for students to cheat on tests (考试作弊) when they"re working at home? (C) The teachers have
already thought about this.
They make students take their final exams in person in the classroom.
     "You see most of the same things on-line that you see in a regular classroom," says teacher Linda Hayes.
     If this first on-line program goes well, in three years Florida High School students will be able to take all
their classes by computer. When that happens, students will be able to get their high school diplomas (毕业证
书) without having to (D) 走进教室.
1. 将画线部分(A)改写成 the school"s computer lab is _______ noisy for _______ to study well.
2. 在(B)的空白处填入一个适当的词语。
3. 将画线部分(C)译成汉语。
4. 将画线部分(D)译成英语。
5. 在正文中找出能够说明主题的短语。
     Today people can use the phone to talk with others almost anywhere on earth. But when you use the
phone, you don"t see the person you are talking with. This may change in the near future.
     Today some people are using a kind of telephone called the picture phone or vision phone. With it, two
people who are talking can see each other.
     Picture phones can be useful when you have something to show to the person you"re calling. They may
have other uses in the future. One day you may be able to ring up a library and ask to see a book. Then you"ll
be able to read the book right over your picture phone. Or you may be able to go shopping through your
picture phone. If you see something in the newspaper that you think you want to buy, you"ll go to your phone
and call the shop. People at the shop will show you the thing you"re interested in right over the phone. You"ll be
able to shop all over town and never even leave your room!
1. Today people can use the phone to talk with others _____.
A. in all the towns
B. in some places in the world
C. only in big cities
D. almost anywhere on earth
2. The underlined word "it" in the passage means _____.
A. the picture phone
B. any phone
C. the use
D. the change
3. We can _____ through the picture phone according to (根据) the text.
A. write a book
B. do shopping
C. play games
D. have classes
4. Picture phones can be used for _____.
A. ringing up a library to see a book
B. going shopping without leaving our homes
C. showing the person we"re talking with something
D. All of the above
5. The title of the article can be "_____".
A. The telephones
B. Picture phones
C. Shopping on the phone
D. Talking on the phone
     At the moment, it may be difficult to imagine, but many people believe that, by the year 2100, we will
live on the planet Mars. Our own planet, Earth, is becoming more and more crowed and polluted. Luckily,
we can start again and build a better world on Mars. Here is what life could be like.
     First of all, transport should be much better. At present, our spaceships are too slow to carry large
numbers of people to Mars-it takes months. However, by 2100, spaceship can travel at half the speed of
light. It might take us two or three days to get to Mars!
     Secondly, humans need food, water and air to live. Scientists should be able to develop plants that can
be grown on Mars. These plants will produce the food and air that we need. However, can these plants
produce water for us? There is no answer now.
     There is a problem for us to live on Mars. Mars pulls us much less than the Earth does. This will be
dangerous because we could easily jump too high and fly slowly away into space. To prevent this, humans
on Mars have to wear special shoes to make themselves heavier.
     Life on Mars will be better than that on Earth in many ways, People will have more space. Living in a
large building with only 10 bedrooms is highly possible. Many people believe that robot will do most of our
work, so we have more time for our hobbies.
     There will probably be no school on Mars. Every student will have a computer at home which is
connected to the internet. They can study, do their homework and take exams in online schools. Each student
will also have their own online teacher called "e-teacher".
     However, in some ways, life on Mars may not be better than that on the earth today. Food will not be
the same-meals will probably be in the form of pills and will not be as delicious as they are today. Also,
space travel will make many people feel ill. The spaceship will travel fast but the journey to Mars will probably
be very uncomfortable.
1. According to the text, by the year 2100, some of us will possibly live _____. 
A. on Mars
B. on the moon
C. under the sea
D. in the sun
2. So far, how long will it take us from the earth to Mars by spaceship?
A. Two or three days
B. A few months
C. A few days
D. A few years
3. In the future, the students on Mars _____.
A. will study mainly through the internet
B. will study mainly in a classroom
C. will meet each other face to face every day
D. needn"t study at all
4. Life on Mars will be better than life on the earth because _____.
A. only a few people will live there
B. there will be more space and less work to do
C. there will be much delicious food
D. all students don"t need to do any homework
5. According to the text, which of the following about Mars is NOT true?
A. Transport will be much better and faster.
B. We need to develop a special plant which can produce water.
C. On Mars, we can jump higher than on the earth.
D. Food will be much more tasty.

     Beijing-Shanghai Railway was completed in 1968. The line runs 1,462 km between China"s two main
cities and passes through five provinces and the city of Tianjin.
     Since opening, it has been one of the busiest routes in our country. The Beijing-Shanghai route is now
served by 10 trains a day, five of which are non-stop. The journey time is just under 12 hours.
    Now trains are allowed to travel at 250 kph (kilometers per hour) and the journey time is only 10 hours.
    With the sixth railway speedup, China has joined the ranks (行列) of countries with high-speed rail services. Trains are able to run at speeds of 200 kph on some 6,003 km of track (轨道), and on some sections, the
highest speed can increase to 250 kph. The 6,003 km of track serves both high-speed passenger trains and
low-speed cargo (货物) trains.
    Railway operators have to deal with the problem of the speed gap (差距) between the two kinds of trains
to make sure they both run safely.
1. The Beijing-Shanghai Railway line runs 1,462 kilometers, doesn"t it?
A. Yes, it does.
B. No, it doesn"t.
C. It"s very far.
D. We don"t know.
2. How many times have the trains been speeded up so far?
A. Five.
B. Six.
C. Seven.
D. Eight.
3. When the Beijing-Shanghai train runs at 250 kph, the passengers spend ______ on the train.
A. ten hours
B. twelve hours
C. one day
D. two days
4. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?
A. Only one train is served on the 6,003 km of track.
B. Beijing-Shanghai Railway passes through six provinces.
C. All of the trains run without any stops on Beijing-Shanghai Railway.
D. Since opening, Beijing-Shanghai Railway has been one of the busiest routes in China.
5. The passage above is probably from ______.
A. a story-book
B. a dictionary
C. a newspaper
D. an advertisement
     In the summer of 1978 an English man named Steven was driving his tractor through a field of wheat
when he discovered something strange. Some of his wheat was lying on the ground. The flattened wheat
formed (形成) a circle about six meters across. Around this circle were four smaller circles of flattened wheat.
     Three years later a farmer who lived nearby discovered almost the same circles in one of his fields. These
circles were larger-nearly 15 meters across. That same year, another English farmer discovered three circles
of flattened wheat on his land-one large circle between two small circles. During the following years, farmers
in England found circles in their fields more and more often.
     The circles are called "crop circles" because they usually appear in fields of wheat or corn. The wheat in
the circles lies on the ground but is never broken; it keeps on growing, and the farmers can later harvest it.
Farmers always discover the crop circles in the morning, so the circles probably form at night. They appear
only in the months from May to September. What causes the crop circles?
     At first, people thought that some kids were making them as a joke, or that farmers were making them to
attract tourists.(In fact, in 1991, two men said they made the circles themselves, but many scientists don"t
believe them.) People tried to copy them: They tried to make circles exactly like the ones the farmers had
found. They couldn"t do it. They couldn"t enter a field of wheat without leaving tracks, and they couldn"t
flatten the wheat without breaking it.
     Several times people reported seeing stranger objects near the fields where crop circles later appeared.
Many people believe that these crop circles are the messages sent by living things from outer space (外层空间) or the marks left by their spaceships.
     Scientists who have studied the crop circles try to find out what causes them. In the summer of 1990
some scientists spent three weeks in the part of England where many circles have appeared. They had all the
latest high-tech equipment (最新高科技设备). The equipment-worth 1.8 million dollars-got nothing. But one
night, as the scientists were watching a field, crop circles formed in the field behind them, which were quite
different from the others. The scientists had neither seen nor heard anything.
     When Steven discovered the crop circles on his land in 1978, he said, "It was just like something that had
landed in the field from the air and gone back up again. I don"t know what to make of these things."
     Crop circles have appeared in England, Japan, the United States and Russia. Experts from all over the
world have studied them, and they say what Steven said: They don"t know what to make of these things.
1. "Flattened wheat" means ___________.
A. broken wheat
B. lying wheat
C. harvested wheat
D. growing wheat
2. The passage is mainly about something ___________.
A. that is done by living things from outer space
B. that cannot be solved but found all around the world
C. that cannot be made clear or understood
D. that is discovered and copied by the farmers