单词拼写(根据所学过的课文、句意及所给首字母或中文注释写出正确的单词,共10分)小题1:It was quite terrible. It took me so

单词拼写(根据所学过的课文、句意及所给首字母或中文注释写出正确的单词,共10分)小题1:It was quite terrible. It took me so

小题1:It was quite terrible. It took me some time to c______ myself down.
小题2:Some of the rescue workers and doctors were _______ (被陷入困境) under the
小题3:He thought I had known the fact. But a_______, I knew nothing about it
小题4:I"m terribly sorry. I didn"t do it on p__________.
小题5:The people p______ at the meeting were all for the suggestion.
小题6:If you spend more time reading your English, you can improve it r_______.
小题7:In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and ________  (爆裂).
小题8:The t________ of the discussion today is about how to spend our coming holiday.
小题9:This song sounds f________ to me. I must have heard it sung somewhere before.
小题10:Please list the countries that use English as an ________(官方)language..
小题5:pres ent
小题8: topic
小题9: familiar

小题1:calm 动词 calm down平静下来。
小题2:trapped 动词的过去分词。救援的工人和医生被困住了,因此,用被动。
小题3:actually 副词 意为:事实上。
小题4:purpose 名词 on purpose是一个短语,意为:故意地。
小题5:present 形容词 the people present 出席的人。present作定语,常放在名词后。
小题6:rapidly 副词 意为:快速地。
小题7:burst 动词的过去式,与前面的cracked并列。
小题8:topic 名词 意为:主题。
小题9: familiar 形容词 be familiar to sb 为某人所熟悉,句中sound也是一个联系动词。
小题10:official 形容词。official language官方语言。
单词拼写 (满分10分)
小题1:As winter is a__________, the winter is getting colder.
小题2:The dove r___________ peace, which is the most important thing for human beings.
小题3:In a boarding school, students need to learn how to get on well with each other in their d__________.
小题4: There are v__________ kinds of theme parks, with a different park for almost everything: food, culture, science, cartoons, movies or history.
小题5:I am c__________ of his honesty because I know him very well.
小题6:With the help of the Internet, the writer became famous t__________ the world.
小题7:The f__________ of the smile is to show happiness and put people at ease.
小题8:In order to avoid being heard by others, they w__________ to each other when the play was on.
小题9:I think these traditional customs in my home town should be well p__________.
小题10:In g_________, it is probably not a good idea to stand too close to someone of a higher rank.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
单词拼写 10分
小题1:The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to b_________ the dead.
小题2:In spite of such a big difference in a________ towards what one eats, there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special.
小题3:The buildings were completely d________ by the earthquake.
小题4:From his d_____________ look we knew nothing could change his mind.
小题5:One may never know the p__________ of knowledge without being educated.
小题6:I didn"t r________ her at first because I hadn"t seen her for five years.
小题7:The manager thought he was a r__________ person and told him all the plan.
小题8:My son has s________ happily in America.
小题9:She insisted that she o_________ the trip properly.
小题10:Even though she is a foreigner, she can speak Chinese f__________.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:I would a__________ it if you could do me a favor.
小题2:Our car had a b________ on the motorway, so we walked a mile to look for help.
小题3:It is mine; you mustn’t use it without my p_________.
小题4:Tom gave Helen an apple in e__________ for a piece of cake.
小题5:Having a big family to support, he cannot a__________ to take a holiday.
小题6:There are over four million __________(失业的) workers in this country.
小题7:The room suddenly fell into silence with the __________(靠近) of the footsteps.
小题8:According to the _________(调查) conducted by this university, only 18% are for the idea.
小题9:It is advisable to take an open-minded _________(态度) to new creation.
小题10:Children should be encouraged to think __________(独立自主地)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:The quality of someone"s voice and their choice of words make a person ___(立刻)recognizable, even though you can"t see him or her.
小题2:Experts are ____ (确信的) that this will happen in the future as more and more people learn English and call it their own.
小题3:But this was going to be a special flight and so millions of people tuned in to ____(亲眼看到) the take-off on TV.
小题4:It is a dramatic story about an ___ (入侵) of the earth by aliens from Mars, a subject that has fascinated science fiction writers and film-makers ever since.
小题5:Trade with foreign countries created a _____ (宽容的) and cosmopolitan culture.
小题6:These include the sufferings of the poor, and the _____ (腐败) of the rich.
小题7: It is said that he drowned when he fell into the river while trying to take hold of the  ____(倒影) of the Moon.
小题8:London Underground ______(赞成) of the idea and once sponsors had been found to pay the expenses for half the spaces, they agreed to pay for the other half.
小题9:We recognize Higgins as a certain type of person who we all know. the ___ (不顾他人) 感觉的) but brilliant professor who is interested in  ideas rather than people.
小题10:Her pretty_____(面容) and sophisticated clothes make her appearance so beautiful that when she enters a room, everyone stands up!
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:Few students were found ________________(作弊) in the mid-term examination.
小题2: We were close friends then and could ________________(听出) each other even having a long distance phone call.
小题3:Helen was ________________(决心) to learn the skill of speaking in order to help those in need.
小题4:Sometimes people are ________(劝服) into buying unnecessary things in a seemingly low price.
小题5:He was living with a group of crazy artists in a shabby ________(公寓) and enjoying a worry-free life.
小题6:她宁愿没有人来看她。She ________________ that nobody should come to see her.
小题7:The builders were lazy and failed to finish the boat(按进度表)
小题8:这种虎产于印度。The tiger is ________ to India.
小题9:The boys were so rude that we decided to ________(不理) them.
小题10:明知会激怒她,他还故意这么做。He did it ________ ________, knowing it would annoy her.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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