Advertising is used to make something such as a product, service, or idea known

Advertising is used to make something such as a product, service, or idea known

Advertising is used to make something such as a product, service, or idea known to the public. Many types of advertising are used for the purpose of building brands and increasing product sales. Advertising is present everywhere in our daily life.
Print media like magazines and newspapers allows advertisements to reach their readers. Magazines include articles and images intended to attract a specific(特定的)type of consumers. Newspaper advertising is not as effective as it was before because of the appearance of other types of advertisements.
Broadcast advertising includes TV and radio messages. Traditional forms of these types of advertisements are commercials(商业广告)shown during a television program or before a movie. Product placement advertising(植入式广告)is a less obvious way to promote a product. With product placement advertising, companies pay to have their product ‘used’ by an actor or actress in the program. When you see someone in a TV show or movie using a specific brand, this is product placement.
Internet advertising is one of the new types and can be achieved in a number of ways. Flash advertising refers to messages that jump onto your computer screen and often move around. They can be hard to close and are annoying, but a useful way of gaining your attention.
Outdoor advertising often uses advertising boards as its main way. Of course, the type of advertising also includes using cars with messages on them, or large signs placed on the sides of buses. They can also be signs in stadiums drawing the attention of large crowds.
小题1:What’s the purpose of advertising? (no more than 8 words)   (2 marks)
小题2:What is product placement advertising? (no more than 11 words)   (2 marks)
小题3:How does flash advertising draw your attention? ( no more than 15 words)  (3 marks)
小题4:What does the passage mainly talk about? (no more than 6 words)      (3 marks)

小题1:To build brands and increase product sales.
小题2:It promotes products by people using them in a program.
小题3:It uses messages that jump onto your computer screen and often move around.
小题4:Some different types of advertising.

小题1:细节理解题。根据文章第一段Many types of advertising are used for the purpose of building brands and increasing product sales.可以归纳出答案。
小题2:细节理解题。根据文章第三段Traditional forms of these types of advertisements are commercials(商业广告)shown during a television program or before a movie. Product placement advertising(植入式广告)is a less obvious way to promote a product.可以归纳出答案。
小题3:细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段Flash advertising refers to messages that jump onto your computer screen and often move around. They can be hard to close and are annoying, but a useful way of gaining your attention.可以归纳出答案。
小题4:主旨大意题。根据文章第一段Many types of advertising are used for the purpose of building brands and increasing product sales.,依据全文大意可以归纳出答案。
根据题中所给的汉语或首字母写出符合句意的单词的正确形式。 1. The boy is too young to draw a                  (笔直的) line on the paper.
2. His interest in this subject will increase __________ (逐渐地).
3. Passengers are kindly r__________ not to smoke in the bus.
4. There is an __________ (表情) of anger on his face now.
5. He is so s__________ that no one can persuade him.
6. We are looking for someone who is                  (可靠的) and hard-working.
7. I"m rather c__________ about my mothr"s health.
8. Sudden rainstorms are __________ (频繁的) on this coast.
9. Of the two the l__________ is far better than the former.
10. One of the d __________ of the job is the long work hours.
题型:0107 期中题难度:| 查看答案
据下列句子及所给汉语注释,在句子后边的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空只写一词) 1. Mike"s family used to live in a _______(欧洲的) country.
2. There are no _______ (钢琴) in the school for the poor children to play.
3. Don"t be frightened by the television camera. Just speak _______(自然地).
4. The doctor told me to have more _______(蔬菜) and fruit.
5. A great celebration was held on his ________(50岁) birthday.
6. Talking of his father"s death, she kept on _______(擦拭) her eyes with a handkerchief.
7. He will come here next _______(八月).
8. He _______(未能) to pass the driving test last summer.
9. The monitor forgot _______(提醒) us about the time and place for the meeting.
10. My friend was so _______, so we drove to a shopping mall to get some food.
题型:0103 模拟题难度:| 查看答案
根据下列句子所给单词的汉语提示,写出个单词或词组的正确形式(每空不限词数)。 1. He had to retire earlier ________ (由于) his bad health.
2. Not many students are ________ (利用) the chemistry lab.
3. When the man saw the car accident on the highway, he stopped ________ (为了) offer help.
4. She has stayed in Japan for ten years, and she is _______ (流利的) in Japanese.
5. Although Tim and Mike come from _______ (完全地) different backgrounds, they became close friends.
6. Our teacher _______ (坚持) that we leave at once.
7. He gave up the job, ________ (决心) to stay in the village.
8. As far as I am _______ (担心), I can"t agree with what you have said.
9. She suffered from the loss of her pupil"s respect, which _______ (使心烦) her.
10. A friend of mine is ill and I hope that she will _______ (痊愈) soon.
题型:0112 期中题难度:| 查看答案
短语搭配。1. There are more and more people ______ ______ ______ (支持; 赞同) staying at home over short
2. Many people thought he would go abroad after ______ ______ (毕业) from the university.
3. ______ ______ (既然) you have your own decision, we have nothing to say.
4. Hard work ______ _____ (导致) success and failure often lies in laziness.
5. Books ______ ______ (占用) two thirds of the professor"s room.
6. _____ _____ (理论上) the proposal sounds perfect while _____ ______ (实际上) it may cause a lot
    of unexpected problems.
题型:0104 月考题难度:| 查看答案
单词拼写。1 He said c_____ that he would earn much more money to support his family.
2. After four hours" ride, we reached our d_____ at last.
3. Between these two reference books, I will choose the l_____ one because it"s more practical.
4. Since you are weak in English, you should extend your (词汇) _____ first.
5. Mary"s p_____ of the word "bag" seems quite strange.
6. Each color on the chart _____ (代表, 象征) a different department.
7. He i_____ all the "No Smoking" signs and lit up a cigarette.
8. When she finished drawing, she stepped back to admire the _____ (总体的, 全面的) effect.
9. There are all kinds of _____ (治疗, 疗法) available for this condition.
10. We watched them leave and then drove off in the _____ (相反的) direction.
题型:0110 期末题难度:| 查看答案


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