A. The presidium(主席团)Our job includes the formation of an overall work plan and

A. The presidium(主席团)Our job includes the formation of an overall work plan and

A. The presidium(主席团)
Our job includes the formation of an overall work plan and organization of activities; preparation for a communication platform between students and teachers; and co-ordination(协调) for the departments. We will try our best to serve all in our school.
B. Department of Culture and Propagation(宣传)
We design posters for all big events and activities on campus; we announce plans and activities; we distribute notices from the school and Students’ Union.
C. Department of Art and Sports
Our job is to arrange arts and sports activities and competitions. We are devoted to the encouragement of all in our school to show their talents, as well as to enjoy rich school lives.
D. Department of School Life Management
Our department aims to solve the problems that appeared in our students’ school life. We listen to opinions and suggestions about the school services and equipment. We report these suggestions to the school.
E. Department of Associations(社团;协会)
We are the organizers of the students’ associations. Our job is to manage activities of the students’ associations. We provide a rich and challenging after-school program for all of the students.
F. Department of External Relations
We are the connection between our school and our brother schools. We are the window to show our students’ talents. We demonstrate our advantages and characteristics through promotion and activities. Our target is to spread our reputation all over the country and overseas.
小题1:Simon has got many pen friends and net friends home and abroad. He loves this school and wishes that he could do something to have more people know about it, those excellent teachers and students, the activities, and its glorious achievements.
小题2:As an excellent basketball player, Jonathan plays an active part in all of the school’s activities. He thinks sport can help people keep healthy and everybody should take part. He wishes to arrange some activities that everybody could join in.
小题3:Frank showed his ability of organization when he was still a very young boy. As a student, he wishes he could do something to improve the relationship between the teaching staff and the students. And, as a matter of fact, he has that ability.
小题4:Jennifer is a kind and helpful girl who is always willing to offer a helping hand to whoever needs it. As a student, she knows that many of her schoolmates need help and care. She wishes that she could do something for them.
小题5:Flora’s majoring in fine arts and has a part-time job in an advertisement company. She once successfully designed a few movie posters and got much appreciation from the manager of the company. Now she wants to do something for Students’ Union.


小题1:Simon 有许多国内外的朋友,他喜欢这个学校,希望做一些事情来宣传学校,老师同学还有他们的活动及已经取得的成就;选项F Department of External Relations能够联系许多兄弟学校,向国内外传播自己的荣誉,正好符合Simon的要求,故选F。
小题2:Jonathan 是著名的篮球运动员,他积极参与学校的各种活动,他希望组织安排活动能让每个人参与;选项C Department of Art and Sports ,来组织学校艺术体育活动和比赛,能让所有的人展示他们的天赋,这正符合Jonathan 的要求,故选C。
小题3:Frank 是一名学生,有组织才能,他希望能做一些事情提高教职员工和学生的关系;选项A The presidium(主席团),做一些工作计划和活动,能提供一个平台让老师和学生交流,这正符合Frank的想法,故选A。
小题4:Jennifer 是一名学生,她乐于助人,她想做某些事情来帮助更多的需要帮助的人;选项D Department of School Life Management,来帮助学生生活中出现的问题,并且征求关于一些服务的意见,并及时把这些意见报告给学校,这正符合Jennifer的要求,故选D。
小题5:Flora 学的是美术专业,在一家广告公司做过兼职,他成功地为一部电影设计了广告,并得到公司经理的赞赏,他希望为学生会做一些事情;选项B Department of Culture and Propagation(宣传),为校园的大的活动做一些海报宣传,为学校和学生会分发通知,这正符合Flora的要求,故选B。
点评:信息匹配题要做到准确的匹配,一般需要找到两者的信息共性就可以匹配了。要注意一下两点。第一,要注意信息共性的多样性。关注多个信息的共性才能准确无误地进行信息匹配。第二,避免陷入误判信息共性的陷阱。 有些信息匹配题有使用某一信息共性来增加题目的难度和区分度。因为有些考生容易陷进只见树木不见森林的陷阱,从而导致以为找到了信息共性导致了错误的
This afternoon I was having a PE lesson while I fell down and hurt my foot. I was in greatly pain at that moment, but I tried to act as if nothing has happened until the class was over. Though I had difficulty walk back to my classroom, I still didn’t tell anyone but even refused the offer of help of my classmates. As result, the hurt in my foot became bad. Now I know I am wrong. We can tell others our need for help and accept his help. Some day we can help others in return for. In this way, we can get along to each other happily and peacefully.
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Yang Li, a five-year-old girl living next door to me, very clever. Because she is not old enough to go to the school, she often asks me to teach herself to read, write and draw. She studies hardly and soon she learns a lot. One evening last month I was doing my English homeworks when she came to my house. She asked me how I learned English. “You would find English a bridge for so much knowledge,” I said. She then wanted to learn English, either. She has learned many English words so far but her parents are very grateful to me.
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You’d better go there by train. The train ticket is _____ the airplane ticket.
A.as cheap three times asB.as three times cheap as
C.three times cheaper thanD.three times as cheaper as

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Liu Kai is my classmate. He is a good student and always ready to help the others. One day on his way school, he saw a little girl crosses the road. A car was coming towards to her quickly and the girl was so frightened to move. The car near hit her. Just then Liu Kai rushed up to her and caught her on the arm. The little girl was saved. She tells him where she lived, but he took her home. When Liu Kai hurried into the classroom, the teacher has already begun his lessons. He told the teacher why he was late. He was then praised for which he had done.
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Nick is a 28-year-old Australian man, which life is very difficult because he born without arms or legs.  Some people used to make fun of him and said he looked like a monster. Doing normal things seemed impossibly to him. However, Nick never gave up, and after many failures, he finally learn to swim, fish and even surf. Most surprising, he completed university and earned the two degrees. Now he is the CEO of two company.
When asking about the secret of his success, Nick’s answer is:  Attitude is altitude. To him, nothing is impossible if you has enough determination to overcome difficulties. He thinks a positive attitude is the key of success.
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