Complete the passage with the proper words in the box. Each word can only be use

Complete the passage with the proper words in the box. Each word can only be use

Complete the passage with the proper words in the box. Each word can only be used once. One word is not needed.
A. understanding     B. industry       C. range      D. improve     E. adopted
F. pronounce          G. flooding       H. valued     I. operating       J. tend      
The speeches of US President Barack Obama have become the favorite way for Japanese to study the English language. Japanese publishers have been ___小题1:___ the market with over a dozen language-learning titles. Companies are trying to enter a foreign-language teaching ___小题2:____ which was ____小题3:___ at $8.6 billion in 2008 by some research institutes.
Why is there such a huge Japanese market for recordings and books of Obama"s speeches? Japanese say that listening to Obama speak is a good way to ____小题4:__ their English-speaking skills.  
Most Japanese, including those studying English, would have difficulty __小题5:_ a speech given by a native English speaker. But “Obama"s English is easy to understand because he can ____小题6:___ words clearly and speaks at a relatively slow speed,” said Professor Tadaharu Nikaido, a communication specialist. “Movies ____小题7:__ to be the most difficult for Japanese, especially when actors mumble (咕哝) their words.” Obama sets his ____小题8:___ of vocabulary wide enough to accommodate (迎合) all levels of English speakers, Nikaido added, and at the lower end, it sometimes comes within the range of non-native speakers" comprehension.
The Obama speech phenomenon has given way to more books and magazines that focus on how Obama"s communication skills might be ___小题9:___ in Japan for business and political purposes. At least half a dozen books and magazine covers of this kind have appeared in the past several months in Japan.



A. Importance of Learning from Failure
B. Quality Shared by Most Innovators
C. Edison’s Innovation
D. Edison’s Comment on Failure
E. Contributions Made by Innovators
F. Successful Innovators      
Even Intelligent People Can Fail
The unusual things about the innovators (创新者) who succeeded in making our modern world is how often they failed. Turn on a light, take a photograph, watch TV, search the web, jet across the Pacific Ocean, talk on a cell-phone. The innovators who left us these things had to find the way to success through a maze (错综复杂) of wrong turns.
We have just celebrated the 125th anniversary of American innovator Thomas Edison’s success in heating a thin line to white, hot heat for 14 hours in his lab in New Jersey, US. He did that on October 22, 1879, and followed up a month later by keeping a thread of common cardboard alight (点亮着的) in an airless space for 45 hours. Three years later he went on to light up half a square mile of downtown Manhattan, even though only one of the six power plants in his design worked when he turned it on, on September 4, 1882.
“Many of life’s failures,” Edison said, “are because that people did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Before that magical moment in October 1879, Edison had worked out no fewer than 3,000 theories about electric light. But in only two cases did his experiments work.
No one likes failure, but the smart innovators learn from it. Mark Gumz, the head of a camera maker, attributes some of the company’s successes in technology to understanding failure. His popular phrase is:“You only fail when you quit.”
Over two centuries, the most common quality of the innovators has been persistence (坚忍不拔). That is another way of saying they had the emotional ability to keep on with what they were doing. Walt Disney, the founder of Disneyland, was so penniless after a series of financial failures that he was left shoeless in his office because he could not afford the $1.50 to get his shoes from the repair shop. Pioneering car maker Henry Ford failed with one company and was forced out of another before he developed the Model T Car.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Hello. It’s one of the first words we learn as babies, yet it’s one of the last words we think to use as adults today. That’s unfortunate, because saying hello is more than just saying hello——it is recognition of another’s worth. How might the world change——how might we change——if we mastered this word? To find out, I spent one month saying hello to every person I met. Here’s what I’ve learned.
   It can boost (促进) productivity. In one of the few studies ever done on this subject, Allan All day, an assistant professor of special education at Oklahoma State University, had middle school teachers greet their students individually each morning. This exchange of greetings raised the kids’ productivity. School went from impersonal to personal, and that resulted in more class participation and better grades.
   Environments influence friendliness. One study found that people in the city were less likely to shake hands with a stranger than those in the countryside. My experience was similar. Whatever the reason, my urban hellos were answered far less often than my rural ones. Similarly, people in vacation spots were far friendlier than those hurrying work downtown.
   It’s a form of universal health insurance. It’s impossible to say hello without smiling. And smiling has been shown to lower blood pressure, relieve stress and boost happiness. Apparently, a smile creates a similar effect in the recipient (接受者).
So maybe we can make the world a better place by____________.  After a month of doing it, I feel lighter and I have a better sense of well-being.
小题1: What does the author say about the adults’ saying hello today?
小题2: Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?
  Teachers and students got friendlier so that the students became more active in learning and scored higher in tests.
小题3:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words. (within 5 words)
小题4:What are the three effects of smiling on health according to the text. (within 8 words)
Smiling can ___________________________________________________________
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R=" Reporter    " L =" Mr." Li
R:Thanks for your coming to talk about your experience.
L:Not at all. I’m happy to be here.
R:Could you tell me what you were doing when the (76) d___ __ happened?   小题1:       
L:Well, I didn’t know (77) e_____ when it happened. I was fast asleep at      小题2:       
that time.
R:How did you feel at first?
L:I was (78) f ____, and then I cried, racing outside. Unfortunately, I       小题3:      
couldn’t run out of my house.
R:And what happened?
L:I was (79) b      among the ruins.                                                  小题4:        
R:How long were you (80) t ___there?                                小题5:        
L:I think it was long time before I was (81) r    .                      小题6:        
R:But you were lucky enough to be dug (82) o    by the soldiers soon.      小题7:        
L:I didn’t know how to express my (83) g      .                          小题8:       
R:And I heard you burst into (84) t   after being saved.                          小题9:        
L:Yes. I was very sad when I saw millions of houses disappeared and many
children (85)1____ their parents.                                                        小题10:      
R:OK. Thank you.I hope we will talk again. Goodbye.
L:It is my pleasure. Bye.
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The need for love is deeply rooted in the human psyche(灵魂). __小题1:__ Separateness, according to psychologists, means to be cut off, helpless and alone in the world. It is the source of all anxiety.
_小题2:____ It can be selfish and possessive, or unselfish and giving. Abraham Maslow distinguishes between two kinds of love: B-love or “being love” means love for another person: unselfish love not dependent upon your own needs. D-love or “deficiency-love” is a selfish possessive love which is based upon someone else’s ability to satisfy your needs.
D-love is conditional. It depends upon whether personal needs continue to be met…But B-love is unconditional. _小题3:__ Furthermore, as it depends upon who you are, it is possible only when you allow yourself to be known to the other person.
The psychologist Erich Fromm also distinguished between two types of love._ 小题4:_ Symbiotic union is an immature love based upon the satisfaction of needs and is similar to Maslow’s concept of D-love.
Mature love, on the other hand, is a relationship that allows individuals to retain(保持) their independence, their identity, and their integrity. In mature love people can overcome their sense of separateness yet continue to be themselves. The mature lover would say , “I love you because I need you,” but the mature one: “_小题5:_”
A.There are two types of love.
B.I need you because I love you.
C.Love is a way of overcoming the feeling
D.Every one of us needs love.
E. It depends not upon what you do, but who you are.
F. They are immature love, called by him symbiotic union(共同体), and mature love.
G. These two types are quite different from each other.
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As we all know, games play a very important role in the growth of children. Children should grow along with playing games; for, 小题1:        playing games, they can not only acquire knowledge, but also cultivate their abilities to get along with others.
However, most children are 小题2:         (face) with a completely different situation. Most parents fear that games will prevent children from increasing new knowledge and 小题3:          the children will fail in the future examinations. So, instead of 小题4:        (let) the children themselves find and learn naturally from their surroundings, they force their children to take part in 小题5:         (variety) kinds of classes, learning English, playing 小题6:         piano or practising drawing, etc. What’s more, some parents put小题7:         the children’s toys which are very useful in developing children’s imagination and practical abilities.
小题8:        is a piece of good advice to those parents: 小题9:         you want to expect your child to be able to accomplish something, you must first of all develop his ability to adapt to the new surroundings. That cram education can lead to nothing 小题10:        a failure in the children’s growth.
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