(2014·陕西宝鸡质量检测二)Evidence came up________special speech sounds can be recognized

(2014·陕西宝鸡质量检测二)Evidence came up________special speech sounds can be recognized

(2014·陕西宝鸡质量检测二)Evidence came up________special speech sounds can be recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.
A.what B.which
C.that D.whose

答案: C
(2014·福建部分一级达标学校联考)—When did you get home last night?
—It was almost midnight________we arrived home.

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(2014·贵州师大附中质检)It was half a year________my good friend returned to his hometown.
C.that D.when

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(2013·安徽重点中学3月联考)—Would you mind me opening the window,sir?
—________.I am feeling a bit chilly.
A.By all meansB.Not in the least
C.I’m afraid notD.I’d rather you didn’t

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It can be hard to encourage families of preschoolers to turn off the TV,but there are plenty of high­quality shows that promote learning and positive relationships rather than violence,researchers noted.
“Although clearly kids watch too much,what’s more worrying is that they watch poor quality shows,” said Dr Christakis,the lead researcher on the new study from the University of Washington in Seattle.His former survey of parents of three­to five­year­old children showed the kids often watched violent cartoons and movies that are “totally inappropriate”.
For their study,he and his colleagues randomly divide 565 preschoolers into two groups.In one group,parents recorded notes about kids’ normal TV viewing,without receiving any guidelines to reduce or change those habits.In the other group,researchers made visits and calls and sent monthly newsletters encouraging parents to replace violent TV with educational programming.After six and 12 months,parents reported their kid’s angry,aggressive or anxious behaviors on a questionnaire.At both time points,children in the TV intervention (干预) program had slightly fewer problems than those in the comparison group.Boys in low­income families seemed to benefit most from the change in programming,the researchers found.
“The point is,this is something that is as effective as other things we do to try to guide behavior in children,and it’s fairly simple,” Christakis said.
Another study published in Pediatrics found the more TV kids and teens watched,the more likely they were to have a crime or other problems in society.Children may imitate violence they see—or more time in front of the TV could simply mean less communication with peers and families,and worse performance in school.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends kids watch no more than one to two hours of high­quality programming each day.Researchers agreed parents should be mindful of what exactly their young kids are watching on TV as well.“It’s  not just about turning the TV off,it’s about changing the channel,” Christakis said.
小题1:What is the positive effect of high­quality TV shows on kids?
A.Good learning results and relationships.
B.Being affected by violence.
C.Spending less time on TV programming.
D.Encouraging them to turn on the TV.
小题2:For Christakis,what is more concerning?
A.Kids watching too much TV.
B.TV shows being of poor quality.
C.Kids watching too many cartoons.
D.Parents receiving no guidelines.
小题3:We can learn from the survey mentioned in Para.3 that________.
A.Children don’t like being disturbed while watching TV
B.Preschoolers seems to like newsletters more than TV
C.Poor children prefer to watch educational programming
D.Kids watching high­quality programs have fewer problems
小题4:Christakis thought the effect of educational programming on children’s behaviour was________.
C.obvious  D.great
小题5:According to the researchers,________.
A.getting preschoolers away from TV is difficult
B.shows on TV in America are full of violence
C.parents should communicate more with their kids
D.parents should keep an eye on what kids watch on TV

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(2014·四川巴蜀名校联考)—I’m worrying about the coming examination.I’m afraid I cannot pass it.
—________!I’m sure you’ll make it.
A.Go ahead     B.Good luck
C.No problemD.Don’t lose heart

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