In the north people sometimes tie straw ropes (草绳) round the trees in winter to
In the north people sometimes tie straw ropes (草绳) round the trees in winter to ______ them from the cold.A.stop | B.prevent | | D.protect |
D |
词义辨析。 A.停止,阻止;B. 预防,防止;C. 救援,节省;D. 保护,警戒。句意:在北方冬季人们有时在树的四周系上草绳老保护他们应对严寒。故选D. |
I bought a new house and the kitchen is _______ with all the necessary modern facilities.A.equipped | B.installed | C.fixed | D.placed |
The microphone _______ them to keep in touch; in other words, it made it possible for them to contact each other.A.enriched | B.enabled | C.endured | D.engaged |
---Many species are now in danger of dying out. ----True.Measures should be______to protect them right now.A.taken | B.made | C.acted | D.carried |
Not able to______city life, Granny decided to go back to the village and live in peace there.A.lead to | B.devote to | C.agree to | D.adapt to |
He enjoyed great success in the business, but his health _____as a result of years of hard work.A.broke down | B.broke out | C.broke off | D.broke away |
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- 芸芸众生的日常生活是历史的重要内容,从中可见社会变迁的轨迹。阅读下列材料,结合所学知识回答问题。材料:2005年底,美国
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- VI:书面表达(满分30分)随着科技的发展,智能型机器人因其功能完善,价格不贵等优势,越来越受到人们的青睐,在人们生活中
- 近代中国不断遭到西方列强的侵略,被迫签订了一系列不平等条约。据此回答。(1)对中国造成危害最大的是哪三个不平等条约? _
- 已知数列,,,成等差数列,,,,,成等比数列,则的值为___________________
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- 阅读理解。 Mr. Peter Johnson, aged twenty-three, battled for h